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"Four ever European"

The European Union

Posted - 10/26/2009 :  14:22:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To commemorate our first decade, post up to 10 x 10 reviews, ten from each year (from 26th October one year to 25th October the next), and I'll check them out. Explanations welcome. They can be from you or other people. Hopefully others will also take a look at them but no obligation.

"Long mired in film"


Posted - 10/26/2009 :  16:21:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'll be doing this in six stages, one for each of my years at FWFR.

Ten from 03/04�my first year.

Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the Black Pearl.
This was the first pirate film in years not to flop.

Sergeant York
I felt that a sharp-shooting WWII southerner and The National Rifle Association were a good match.

French Lieutenant�s Woman, The
This appealed to me because it is such a mouthful and it covers the dual character theme.

Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The
Was I making some kind of social/political reference here?

Bank Dick, The
Almost everyone (Mae West excepted) who played a scene with W.C. Fields was a stooge. Here it is Shemp Howard, a Stooge in his own right.

Titicut Follies
My first two word review.

Seven little Foys
I guess if he had seven kids he was potent.

Diary of a Country Priest
I love how this review simply conveys the austerity of Bresson�s film.

Ghost and Mr. Chicken, The
My first one word review and still my top vote getter.

Blazing Saddles
Since Harvey Korman�s character name is a play on Hedy Lamarr, I decided to evoke her most (in)famous film.



Catch Me If You Can
I manage to get all three of DiCaprio�s �professions� in one review.

Zee and Co.
I�ve always liked to write reviews that could be tabloid headlines.

At the Max
I thought this worked well for a film in Imax with the Stones.

Gabriel Over the White House
I just like the use of circle and oval here.

Woodstock �94
An aged man is but a paltry thing,
A tattered coat upon a stick, unless
Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
For every tatter in its mortal dress

Stuck On You.
It seemed logical at the time.

What else can you say about a giant moth?

Many reviews have played on Danny DeVito�s shortness. This was an early one.

There�s No Business Like Show Business
What can I say? Ethel Merman sings Irving Berlin.



Rules of the Game
One of my few classy reviews.

Unholy Three (1930)
In the silent version, Chaney also played a ventriloquist named Echo. At least in this version we can hear him.

King of Kings (1961)
This nicely evokes an earlier Nick Ray film.

Big Bang, The.
You can�t get back any farther.

Penis Dementia, The Quest for the Perfect Penis.
Surely quixotic.

Fastest Gun Alive, The.
There�s always room for another �Ford� groaner.

History of the Motor Car.
I�m just glad I thought of this first.

Rapture, The (1991)
Okay, I confess.I was dying to use �eschatological� in a review.

Poseidon (2006)
Wolfgang Petersen really should have thought twice about remaking The Poseidon Adventure.

Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here.
Make of this what you will.



Swing Kids

The idea of Nazis and zoot suits appealed to me.

Film Geek

Homage to my default FWFR description.

The Projectionist.

This strange movie casts Rodney Dangerfield as a cinema manager who encourages his staff to add salt to the popcorn when soft drink sales are down.

Michael Jackson and the Boy He Paid Off.

Turnabout is fair play.

Groupie Girl

A reference to a J.D. Salinger story seemed appropriate, given the title of this film.

Million Dollar Mystery

A good four word review for a film that rips off Stanley Kramer�s It�s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.

Green Fire

Why not? It is set on a coffee plantation.

Weighing Mutton

I usually avoid word-within-word reviews but I weighed in with this one.

[b]Living It Up

This Martin & Lewis film was a mediocre remake of Nothing Sacred.The first review is the one I'm highlighting.

[b]Friday the 13th

Thought I�d be luckier with this.

Edited by - lemmycaution on 02/23/2010 20:39:23
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"Four ever European"

The European Union

Posted - 02/26/2010 :  21:13:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are the oldest ten extant reviews on F.W.F.R.

Benj's first ten reviews from the year

Rovark's first ten reviews

noncentz's first three reviews
All my reviews from the year

Grace and Virginia (a.k.a. Poto and Cabengo) had their own incomprehensible twin language.
The raven helps them emotionally and financially.
She is chucked out into the community, which makes her very unsettled.
I think this was supposed to be a Tomb Raider reference.
He exchanges his unconventional van for a motorbike.
He's not tied to the apron strings or intimidated by the baddie.
Relations everywhere!
Nice weather for ducks.
Unreliably intact one = anagram of INTACT I.
Bharat means India. Barratt Homes are typical built as part of larger developments, with a show house open to potential buyers.

The psammead gives lessons in maturity, amongst other things.
A young Polish man awakens feelings in Dame Judi.
These are two damn good traditional-style tributes to long-standing F.W.F.R.ers, and I've always hoped that they would do better. It's not easy working these sort of usernames in, y'know!
I intended this with the second word modifying the first to pleasing effect, like battle royal, but it also works with the first modifying the second.
He was voiced by Ahmed Best.
Lots of people wear mules.
Geography combined with nudity made me think of this measure.
The college's actions towards Scullion's home leads to revolt.
They work as hands.

A rabbit is a lagomorph. One of their early creations was called Morph.
I thought this could do a bit better.
And this. Read the last 'word' as one.
This seems to be the oldest film sequel.
The twins are played by Brett and Shane Kinsman.
This is my favourite of my reviews for this film, but it has the fewest votes. Endorphins are technically opioids, but are often described as natural opiates.
I like the contrast with the title in giving an accurate summary of this geographically and nutritionally devastated country.
This has been a slow burner so I think the bonus alliteration may have overshadowed the main point of the review.
A true general point, as well as describing the pairing between the actress's and (inexplicable choice of) character's names.
Their opposing goals and interests &c. meant that they wanted to be separated.

The teacher gropes the boys' genitals. In class, he uses feeling a parcel and passing it on as an analogy for disseminating knowledge.
Another underappreciated tribute to a great, plus a little bonus pun.
Boxers often 'dance' around in order to avoid being a target. In this, Stallone literally dances in a circle of people.
It's futuristic and shiny.
One of my favourite reviews. Apart from going from being in boat to being in the sea, Eric Dane's character also has a personality shift as he realises how weak-minded he has been. The phrase comes from The Tempest but is frequently used to describe Hamlet's transformation.
I love cryptic crossword-style reviews. Tory leader = T; chick = hatcher.
He's an outlaw who commits various 'sins'.
Jesus is played by Brian Deacon.
Polari is a British slang formerly used by gay men.
There is a big age gap between Tabu and Amitabh Bachchan's characters, so her father et al are not happy about the relationship.

I've always loved how much is summed up in the last word of Beowulf, and wondered which of these stars was the keenest for fame.
In the U.K., a first is the highest class of bachelor's degree.
A girl is to wait for her boyfriend at the Eid moon. A guy bares his arse, which is I think a Bollywood first.
Ethics aren't his strong point.
Nor Steve Jobs's.
The story revolves around people killing themselves by jumping in front of underground trains.
The Chinese immigrants are treated shockingly by white people ('ghosts').
The ducks are out for revenge.
He's a celebrity weapons maker and becomes unwell.
He works on the game Halo 3 and later tries to become a better person.

I was pleased with this zeugma and have always been disappointed by its lack of success. They sneak off, and they steal the film.
Some residents of the rural town welcomed him; some weren't so keen.
There are various race issues in and around Chess Records.
I'm alluding to the Brideshead Revisited character.
A bookcase concealed the entrance to the Secret Annexe. Writers often seem to be shy and elusive.
The family was toughened up by a life on the road/surfing instead of going to school.
Buildings often have gable ends.
People often migrate between the U.K. and Australia.
This is about how people have been too idiotic to save the environment.
They fall in love at Waterloo Station.
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"Four ever European"

The European Union

Posted - 02/26/2010 :  21:15:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry for posting some bad links before. Please revisit!
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