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"Kitty Lover"

United States

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  02:27:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm sure this question has been asked and answered before in the forums, but I've been through and didn't see it specifically. So being a newbie, please bear with me. I've written and submitted several reviews so far, most of which have been accepted. The question is about the ones that are declined. Most of my declines have no reason with them. I understand if it would say "too generic" or "don't understand" as I can work with that to revise/learn. But how do I learn to write better reviews if there is no reason for the decline? Probably some of them just suck, but I'm not sure all of them do. Any help?

"Co-editor of FWFR book"

Kingston, Canada

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  02:33:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A good way to learn why something didn't get approved is to post it here and ask for advice for other FWFRers..

It's something I still do occasionally if I'm stumped.

Don't be afraid to post your reviews. We were all newbies once and realize there is a learning curve to this website.
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"Kitty Lover"

United States

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  02:37:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One that stumped me was for Running Man. I wrote "The survey says: Schwarzenegger!!" which is a reference to Richard Dawson's Family Feud signature saying. It was declined but "Schwarzenegger wins Amazing Race" was accepted.

Edited by - w22dheartlivie on 09/08/2006 02:38:26
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"Co-editor of FWFR book"

Kingston, Canada

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  02:52:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by wildhartlivie

One that stumped me was for Running Man. I wrote "The survey says: Schwarzenegger!!" which is a reference to Richard Dawson's Family Feud signature saying. It was declined but "Schwarzenegger wins Amazing Race" was accepted.

That's a great one! I love it! Maybe a MERP would get picky and say that the movie has nothing to do with surveys, but I think it's a clever revew that made me laugh.

I have a theory on why some good reviews get declined. This is an international website. Maybe the person reading your review is from Thailand, Australia, etc... and has never seen an episode of the 'Feud.
I've written many reviews thinking, "If the person who reads this isn't from North America, they'll never understand it..."

A good thing to do in the future is to include an explanation when submitting a review. I do it with almost every review, and my percentage of reviews being approved increased greatly.

I'm off now to check out your page and send you some votes. Don't be discouraged Wild, you're already getting the hang of this site.
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"Kitty Lover"

United States

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  02:54:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks!! I DID resubmit it with the explanation, but it was declined the second time. Ah well, thanks for the votes!!
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

New Zealand

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  05:55:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by wildhartlivie

One that stumped me was for Running Man. I wrote "The survey says: Schwarzenegger!!" which is a reference to Richard Dawson's Family Feud signature saying. It was declined but "Schwarzenegger wins Amazing Race" was accepted.

I have a theory on why some good reviews get declined. This is an international website. Maybe the person reading your review is from Thailand, Australia, etc... and has never seen an episode of the 'Feud.
I've written many reviews thinking, "If the person who reads this isn't from North America, they'll never understand it..."
This perhaps applies to this one. I've seen the movie, but don't get the review even after the comments here. Must have missed something.
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"Kitty Lover"

United States

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  06:47:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by wildhartlivie

One that stumped me was for Running Man. I wrote "The survey says: Schwarzenegger!!" which is a reference to Richard Dawson's Family Feud signature saying. It was declined but "Schwarzenegger wins Amazing Race" was accepted.

I have a theory on why some good reviews get declined. This is an international website. Maybe the person reading your review is from Thailand, Australia, etc... and has never seen an episode of the 'Feud.
I've written many reviews thinking, "If the person who reads this isn't from North America, they'll never understand it..."
This perhaps applies to this one. I've seen the movie, but don't get the review even after the comments here. Must have missed something.

I suppose it is regional. Dawson, who hosts the Running Man game, hosted a game show called Family Feud, wherein participants answered survey questions posed to the audience. When asking for the survey response, Dawson would famously say "The survey says!!!!!" His character in Running Man basically WAS the same persona as the one who hosted the real game show. That was the reference I was making. It's truly a North American thing, I guess. I never know what's shown elsewhere, though I know many things are.
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"Kitty Lover"

United States

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  06:56:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Yukon
I have a theory on why some good reviews get declined. This is an international website. Maybe the person reading your review is from Thailand, Australia, etc... and has never seen an episode of the 'Feud.
I've written many reviews thinking, "If the person who reads this isn't from North America, they'll never understand it..."

I suppose the same theory must apply to the one I wrote for 2001 - A Space Odyssey: Chock Full O' Stars (As in the coffee shop and brand Chock Full O' Nuts). Although that one isn't quite as good!

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"Winners never quit ... fwfr ... "


Posted - 09/08/2006 :  08:12:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by wildhartlivie

I suppose it is regional. Dawson, who hosts the Running Man game, hosted a game show called Family Feud, wherein participants answered survey questions posed to the audience. When asking for the survey response, Dawson would famously say "The survey says!!!!!" His character in Running Man basically WAS the same persona as the one who hosted the real game show. That was the reference I was making. It's truly a North American thing, I guess. I never know what's shown elsewhere, though I know many things are.

Having heard that longish explanation, I would agree that it probably is a valid review. But I would never have figured it out before the explanation Now if only you can find a way to get that down to 100 letters

Welcome to the fourum wild, hope you find it as welcoming a place as I did back in my newbie days
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"Kitty Lover"

United States

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  11:30:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the welcome & comment. I stumbled onto this site a couple weeks ago while looking up a rather obscure actor through google and was hooked. Then this past week, it turns up in an Associated Press story and the site crashes!!!! I was almost ahead of the pack. All in all, it appealed to my sense of irony.

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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

East Yorkshire, England.

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  11:42:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by wildhartlivie

I suppose it is regional. Dawson, who hosts the Running Man game, hosted a game show called Family Feud, wherein participants answered survey questions posed to the audience. When asking for the survey response, Dawson would famously say "The survey says!!!!!" His character in Running Man basically WAS the same persona as the one who hosted the real game show. That was the reference I was making. It's truly a North American thing, I guess. I never know what's shown elsewhere, though I know many things are.

Hiya and welcome to the fourum. Yes one way of learning is to post declined reviews to the fourum, it is a straegy I have used about 3 times in about 2 years as it does get annoying if it is used all the time.

Another strategy is to become friends with a member of the community and have an agreement with them that you help each other out with declines etc.

Adding a reason for every decline by the MERPs would I imagine add a whole heap of time to the process maybe that is why sometimes reasons are skipped.

Josh the cat
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