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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/22/2010 : 07:43:14
TA:MOU = Themed Anniversary: Moving On Up


Each Tuesday a theme will be decided based on the Anniversary of some significant event. All you have to do is trawl your reviews for any that relate to that event and post them here with a link.

You can post as many as you wish, so long as either the film or your review clearly relates to the theme. You can only post during the week of the current TA:MOU.

You don't have to say you voted unless you really want to - but you are expected to visit all the links posted. As a courtesy to the majority of fwfrs, you may only post a link that uses the domain name.

From this week each TA:MOU # will be removed when a new one takes its place. This is to deter re-visiting of expired threads.

Yours truly
Da Management

in 1969 the oil you heard most about was Patchouli.

But it was also the day the mighty Cuyahoga River caught fire.

The Cuyahoga - Iroquois for crooked river - remarkably flows south from western Ohio, traveling over half its length before turning north to empty into Lake Erie.

But the river had long been abused as a dumping ground for the debris and waste oil produced by dredging, virtually wiping out all animal and most plant life. It was this build-up of pollution that caused a succession of river fires for over a century before the devastating fire in 1969.

With the eyes of the world currently focussed on the Gulf of Mexico's oil spill, water pollution is not only newsworthy, it has been the driver of film drama.

So, whether you have reviewed relevant films for their body count or because you're eco-aware, share your take on those that prove oil and water just don't mix!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 06/28/2010 : 11:39:55
Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster

The Host

An Inconvenient Truth (I don't remember this covering water pollution but am including it after B.B.'s lead.)
demonic Posted - 06/26/2010 : 21:44:17
Oil pass on this round too.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/25/2010 : 17:40:39
These have been hatching since Tuesday and are ready to take over the world

The Host
An Inconvenient Truth
Godzilla Vs. Hedora
Coal Rush

Salopian Posted - 06/25/2010 : 01:44:05
You could expand it to water pollution in general, to include things like The Host, although admittedly lemmy hasn't reviewed that either.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/24/2010 : 18:41:37
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Oil have to pass this round. Just don't think That I have any that qualify.

I know what you mean! I've got the trusty Al Gore thing, but am waiting for some kind MERPs to pass a few newbies. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink

lemmycaution Posted - 06/24/2010 : 18:27:53
Oil have to pass this round. Just don't think That I have any that qualify.

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