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 FYCTH - #303

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 05/24/2007 : 06:00:18

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
zulu Posted - 05/28/2007 : 09:49:32
I forgot to report my v+v status.
Sean Posted - 05/28/2007 : 05:31:37
v v v
thefoxboy Posted - 05/28/2007 : 01:02:20
Originally posted by wildhartlivie

thefoxcub is getting so cute it's almost criminal!!

randall Posted - 05/28/2007 : 00:28:38
Josh the cat Posted - 05/27/2007 : 22:28:17
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Sludge

I typed in my first FWFRs one morning in May 2004, and didn't return until October.

That's nothing. I didn't come back for over a year and Josh had an even longer absence after submitting a solitary review.

It looks like my absence was about 22 months, but I think there may have been a few reviews that have been deleted that would make my return just a little(a few days only) earlir than is shown.

In the gap I visited occasionally but never submitted, I think I actually submitted a number of reviews on the earlier visit but can't remember them, and to be fair they have probably been declined since!

by the way VR&VA

Josh the cat
w22dheartlivie Posted - 05/27/2007 : 21:23:46
Originally posted by Gentleman Ghost

Originally posted by wildhartlivie


High marks to GHCool's Nude Cigar Smoking review and thefoxcub is getting so cute it's almost criminal!!

(I think Gentleman Ghost has been getting those emails that want you to take the $75 million/$40 million/$17 million/$35 million that someone's father/brother/husband/mother left when they died in a plane crash/died of some disease/died in the WTC/died in some rebellion and can't take care of it personally because the writer is in hiding/written out of the will/can't find the real heirs/is female and can't have it so that he can invest it for them.)

All of the above!

I frequently forward them to any and all email host abuse departments that I can find in the headers. I start by hitting reply to see what email address the reply would go to, then add anything else. It may not make them go away, but it does slow them down a bit when they have to start with a new address.
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/27/2007 : 20:02:19
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/27/2007 : 18:16:56
... but will check in for night-owls

Chris C Posted - 05/27/2007 : 18:02:30

I'll be in late tomorrow.
demonic Posted - 05/27/2007 : 15:54:45
Seen 'em. Kudos to Yukon and GG - really strong rounds, both!
chazbo Posted - 05/27/2007 : 15:48:07
VVed all.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/27/2007 : 14:10:05

Me vved. Go now. Return tomorrow.

Gentleman Ghost Posted - 05/27/2007 : 10:35:40
Originally posted by wildhartlivie


High marks to GHCool's Nude Cigar Smoking review and thefoxcub is getting so cute it's almost criminal!!

(I think Gentleman Ghost has been getting those emails that want you to take the $75 million/$40 million/$17 million/$35 million that someone's father/brother/husband/mother left when they died in a plane crash/died of some disease/died in the WTC/died in some rebellion and can't take care of it personally because the writer is in hiding/written out of the will/can't find the real heirs/is female and can't have it so that he can invest it for them.)

All of the above!
w22dheartlivie Posted - 05/27/2007 : 07:24:32

High marks to GHCool's Nude Cigar Smoking review and thefoxcub is getting so cute it's almost criminal!!

(I think Gentleman Ghost has been getting those emails that want you to take the $75 million/$40 million/$17 million/$35 million that someone's father/brother/husband/mother left when they died in a plane crash/died of some disease/died in the WTC/died in some rebellion and can't take care of it personally because the writer is in hiding/written out of the will/can't find the real heirs/is female and can't have it so that he can invest it for them.)
Tori Posted - 05/27/2007 : 06:29:30
Originally posted by R o � k G o 7 f

In honour of the current thread in film reviews I present ...

My All-Monsturd Edition

of FYC. I'm hoping a few of these will move up in rank.

They're already pretty rank!

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