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 F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 2: puns on film titles

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 05/02/2007 : 12:47:24
For this challenge, the theme is puns on film titles. I have chosen this theme as it is a different category to last time (i.e. not based on word form) and because there is a wide spectrum of relevance between the film being reviewed and the film being punned.

People are welcome to post their existing reviews, but particularly encouraged to submit new ones. They are also encouraged to post only those they consider their best, not just all the ones they have. People can submit anything that they consider to be a pun on a film title: a concensus of approval is not required.

All challenges will be completely open-ended, due to the (admittedly decreasing) delay in approvals and the fact that inspiration does not come at will. Good luck!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 03/04/2010 : 22:10:18
This version assumes the mother's guilt.

Just approved.
Falken Posted - 02/20/2010 : 23:49:06
Pet Sematary


Big Fish


Vampire in Brooklyn

hustleboy007 Posted - 04/05/2009 : 04:18:10
This is funny, since most of my best-voted reviews are puns on film titles!

Freaky Friday
Kill Bill
Witness for the Prosecution
Army of Darkness
A Chorus Line
Better Off Dead
Fred Claus
Death Takes a Holiday
Enter The Dragon (which is kind of a cheat, since 98% of the reviews for this film are puns on titles.)
Driving Miss Daisy


Drillbit Taylor
Pope George Ringo Posted - 04/03/2009 : 16:35:20
Here's one that got approved today:

lemmycaution Posted - 03/30/2009 : 16:16:40
A recent one.

The punned title lends itself well.
Salopian Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:56:59
Originally posted by [matt]

Damn how do I edit a post?

By clicking the pencil-and-paper symbol at the top.
Salopian Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:56:12
Originally posted by [matt]

Maybe because I was viewing them sorted by review votes not chronological order?

That'd be it. When sorting by chronological order, click the button twice as the first time is antichronological order, and you may get more reviews added.
Salopian Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:54:48
Originally posted by [matt]

I'm really really sorry. I'll try and make it more clear.

No, it was totally my own stupid fault. You were perfectly clear.
[matt] Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:52:51

Damn how do I edit a post?

Also why do my review links keep changing? I just checked my Teeth review link and that one is wrong as well as one in another thread. I've been changing the Rows= to 1 and the Dir= to the number of the review. Maybe because I was viewing them sorted by review votes not chronological order?
[matt] Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:48:34

Oh.. well.. GOTCHA!! That doesn't even happen anyway! It's an ironic review!

I'm really really sorry. I'll try and make it more clear.
Salopian Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:00:03
Originally posted by [matt]

[*Major spoiler for the last Harry Potter book/movie.*]

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. Your warning was clear but for some reason I still didn't notice it. Haven't read the last one yet.
[matt] Posted - 07/10/2008 : 17:41:32

2 newly approved puns I'm especially smug with.

[*Major spoiler for the last Harry Potter book/movie.*]

[Not quite so suitable for kids..]
[matt] Posted - 07/08/2008 : 02:40:22

thefoxboy Posted - 07/07/2008 : 23:49:54
Originally posted by [matt]

My best film puns so far:

Two for Teeth
The Rescuers
And a pretty elaborate one for Juno!

Nice work [matt]


[matt] Posted - 07/07/2008 : 21:10:51

My best film puns so far:

Two for Teeth
The Rescuers
And a pretty elaborate one for Juno!

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