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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Beanmimo Posted - 04/18/2007 : 09:21:25
For those of you with multiple reviews for one movie try your luck and post them here!!

If you don't have multiples just post one you think deserves an airing.

Next round starts next wednesday at 9am FMT

Infernally Departed

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 08/03/2010 : 15:24:47
Live Nude Shakespeare In case anyone is wondering why I have entered these rounds now, it has just always bugged me to see Did not enter against them in my list. I don't mind if no one visits my films (although they may as well if they notice that they are in rounds that they entered): I'll still visit all the links.
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/25/2007 : 22:31:29
Originally posted by chazbo

Sorry, have been busy these last few days - I did get to everyone's reviews.

Was hoping my "full corpse, meal" review for Rope would climb up to ten votes, but, alas, 'twas not to be.

BaftaBabe, I once again enjoyed your cheesy reviews.

Aw, shucks! Thanks, Chaz!
BTW -- I climbed your Rope. More peeps should, too!! It's good!

chazbo Posted - 04/25/2007 : 22:28:16
Sorry, have been busy these last few days - I did get to everyone's reviews.

Was hoping my "full corpse, meal" review for Rope would climb up to ten votes, but, alas, 'twas not to be.

BaftaBabe, I once again enjoyed your cheesy reviews.

demonic Posted - 04/25/2007 : 18:57:59
Yeah, it is the least funny -but it's clever how the editing shows Brody's delight at Quint being graphically chewed on...
Montgomery Posted - 04/25/2007 : 16:30:17
Glen, Gary, Glen and Ross was funny.

I also liked the one about the 10 Commandments and Must Love Jaws, although that one is the least funny of the three.

EM :)
Beanmimo Posted - 04/25/2007 : 13:36:40
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Uhm ... were we supposed to declare our votes? Sorry if I missed it ... but just for the record my highest score was a tied 3 for Brie Still My Heart and Tilsit we meet again.

Thanks for the votes, folks!

Oh sorry I thought we had abandoned that last round and just went for the wed to wed starting at 9am gmt.
lemmycaution Posted - 04/25/2007 : 13:20:27
Those '-umentary' reviews, you either love 'em or hate 'em. My 'Reichumentary' for Triumph of the Will got five votes.

Thanks all. Will see if I can come up with something presentable for Round 4.
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/25/2007 : 10:20:26
Uhm ... were we supposed to declare our votes? Sorry if I missed it ... but just for the record my highest score was a tied 3 for Brie Still My Heart and Tilsit we meet again.

Thanks for the votes, folks!

demonic Posted - 04/25/2007 : 00:48:24
Originally posted by Montgomery
I'll check out that link. Is it Glengarry guys swearing?

Kind of... but not for the reasons that David Mamet originally intended.
Montgomery Posted - 04/24/2007 : 15:33:36
Originally posted by rabid kazook

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Must be a glitch, RK ... it works ok for me.

Somebody is trying to prevent me from ruling the world.. I knew it.

Well you could go to the page the old fashioned way (i.e., my way for most things) -- look up Breakfast Club in search.

Then scroll, because I'm too behind the times to know how to do the cool link to just my reviews.

EM :)
Montgomery Posted - 04/24/2007 : 15:32:30
Originally posted by demonic

Originally posted by Montgomery

[quote]Originally posted by demonic
I voted for just the other two to even it out for you. Sorry, I didn't vote before, because, I don't understand them.

I feel your pain about keeping reviews in the right order, though.

I did three for Glengarry Glen Ross, I entered them as "First prize: Car." "Second prize: Steakknives." And for the last one "Third prize really sucks." But, they got approved out of order, so now they don't make sense and Benj said he couldn't reorder them.

Reminds you about what is important for comedy -- . . . . . . . timing!

Thanks Monty - I've returned the favour with your Glengarry reviews! They're all on a level now so at least searching through by vote, or name of film they should at least appear together...

Have you seen this genius edit job on You Tube? Anyone who doesn't like bad language best not click it.

Regarding my three it's in reference to something Derek says during an interview about the band:

"We're very lucky in the band in that we have two visionaries, David and Nigel, they're like poets, like Shelley and Byron. They're two distinct types of visionaries, it's like fire and ice, basically.
I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like... lukewarm water."

Oh yeh. Now I remember that bit. It's been awhile since I've seen Tap. I should have remembered that, though, since I have seen it several times.

Thanks for the votes.
I'll check out that link. Is it Glengarry guys swearing?

EM :)
rabid kazook Posted - 04/23/2007 : 22:23:07
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Must be a glitch, RK ... it works ok for me.

Somebody is trying to prevent me from ruling the world.. I knew it.
demonic Posted - 04/23/2007 : 22:10:26
Originally posted by Montgomery

[quote]Originally posted by demonic
I voted for just the other two to even it out for you. Sorry, I didn't vote before, because, I don't understand them.

I feel your pain about keeping reviews in the right order, though.

I did three for Glengarry Glen Ross, I entered them as "First prize: Car." "Second prize: Steakknives." And for the last one "Third prize really sucks." But, they got approved out of order, so now they don't make sense and Benj said he couldn't reorder them.

Reminds you about what is important for comedy -- . . . . . . . timing!

Thanks Monty - I've returned the favour with your Glengarry reviews! They're all on a level now so at least searching through by vote, or name of film they should at least appear together...

Have you seen this genius edit job on You Tube? Anyone who doesn't like bad language best not click it.

Regarding my three it's in reference to something Derek says during an interview about the band:

"We're very lucky in the band in that we have two visionaries, David and Nigel, they're like poets, like Shelley and Byron. They're two distinct types of visionaries, it's like fire and ice, basically.
I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like... lukewarm water."
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/23/2007 : 21:58:08
Originally posted by rabid kazook

Originally posted by Montgomery

Originally posted by rabid kazook

Montgomery, I think you have a bug on your first page.?

What do you mean?

EM :)

When opening it gives me HTTP 500 Internal server error. Can somebody else also check the link, to see if it's not just me?

Must be a glitch, RK ... it works ok for me.

rabid kazook Posted - 04/23/2007 : 21:26:28
Originally posted by Montgomery

Originally posted by rabid kazook

Montgomery, I think you have a bug on your first page.?

What do you mean?

EM :)

When opening it gives me HTTP 500 Internal server error. Can somebody else also check the link, to see if it's not just me?

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