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 MIHAI Round the 2th

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/11/2007 : 07:41:23
As promised, folks: Here it is!

My own humble offerings for this Jack Clayton classic, based on John Braine's novel. It starred Lawrence Harvey as Joe Lampton, the cad having a fling with the boss's daughter [Heather Sears] and French bombshell Simone Signoret as the archetypal older woman.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
redPen Posted - 04/17/2007 : 23:59:12
"The Usual" MIHAI
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/17/2007 : 23:37:29
Originally posted by Koli

Done & dusted.

My scores (new votes in brackets):
Holmes meets his end. 15 (4)
Holmes's old footage shown. 12 (6)
Holmes's story- long one. 7 (3)
Holmes accused of crime. 3 (2)
So long, John. 39 (5)

So my best is 6 new votes, but it ain't quite good enough.

Looks like it's Baftababe again this time. Nice one.

I'm content with the idea of our starting a new one each week in the same way as FYCTH: someone with the inclination would start us off and the rest of us would pile in.

That suits me fine, Koli ... I'm unlikely ever to get up early enough if it's the same 6AM UK time as the FYC. So anyone's more than welcome to start a new round tomorrow!

Koli Posted - 04/17/2007 : 21:10:01
Done & dusted.

My scores (new votes in brackets):
Holmes meets his end. 15 (4)
Holmes's old footage shown. 12 (6)
Holmes's story- long one. 7 (3)
Holmes accused of crime. 3 (2)
So long, John. 39 (5)

So my best is 6 new votes, but it ain't quite good enough.

Looks like it's Baftababe again this time. Nice one.

I'm content with the idea of our starting a new one each week in the same way as FYCTH: someone with the inclination would start us off and the rest of us would pile in.
Yukon Posted - 04/17/2007 : 17:16:16
V&V. I only got an extra four votes so I'm not in the running for most improved.

Instead of having the person with the most votes start the next round, why not make it MIHAI a weekly feature, starting every Wednesday (or Thursday, or whenever)?
chazbo Posted - 04/17/2007 : 03:37:08

Not in the running for most votes.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/17/2007 : 00:11:24

I got three 6s, a 5 and a 3.

I suppose the 3 was from the Russian judge?!

demonic Posted - 04/16/2007 : 23:33:03
6 for 3...burials...
Beanmimo Posted - 04/16/2007 : 13:53:22

voted for ewe too.
lemmycaution Posted - 04/16/2007 : 13:51:02
Brevity soul of film managed threefour.
Salopian Posted - 04/16/2007 : 13:06:24
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/16/2007 : 12:23:16
I've got 7 for Room at the Top: Signoret lights Joe's Lampton.

BTW -- post your ride from here if you haven't already done so, and I'll tot 'em up for Wednesday as we agreed.

Ali Posted - 04/16/2007 : 11:39:48

I got 5 votes for Live Long and Perspire. That's my highest.
Beanmimo Posted - 04/16/2007 : 11:31:50

Gotcha all

my highest is

Land Of The Dead 2005 Dead Reckoning, Zombie Time. 4 new votes.
lemmycaution Posted - 04/13/2007 : 20:49:18
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/13/2007 : 20:10:37
Veni, Vedi, Votei.

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