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 Monty's I had an Idea: Round 2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Yukon Posted - 06/02/2006 : 14:07:00
Monty said last Friday....

"I thought of a new fun way to give and get votes. Every person gets to choose just one film that they have reviews for (Hint: Choose one you have a lot of reviews for). Post a link. Everyone goes through your reviews for that one movie and votes on your reviews for that one movie.
After we've done that, we choose a new movie each.
Want to play? It's like putting the five reviews at the top for consideration, but based around a movie."

Let's start fresh with a new round. I viewed and voted the last round as well so I'm up to date.

Here are my six reviews for Brokeback Mountain.

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 08/03/2010 : 15:25:06
Iron Man 2 In case anyone is wondering why I have entered these rounds now, it has just always bugged me to see Did not enter against them in my list. I don't mind if no one visits my films (although they may as well if they notice that they are in rounds that they entered): I'll still visit all the links.
Yukon Posted - 06/06/2006 : 22:14:59
V V to here as well
Montgomery Posted - 06/06/2006 : 16:04:01
Well, then, voted on all to this point now.

EM :)
TitanPa Posted - 06/05/2006 : 17:41:39
Im in the second round. Wanted to see if this would work and would pass the first round. lol.

My reviews for North Country
Montgomery Posted - 06/05/2006 : 16:39:47
Voted on all pages to this point.

EM :)
GHcool Posted - 06/04/2006 : 03:56:14
Troy voting for these reviews.
Sean Posted - 06/04/2006 : 02:01:33
I've got 10 reviews for this movie.

VV for everyone above.
lemmycaution Posted - 06/03/2006 : 22:30:11
Here are five for "Chamber":
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/03/2006 : 08:52:26
Well, the only other film I have several reviews of is The 10 Commandments. Highly appropriate since the Jewish holiday where we read these in synagogue was yesterday.

(And I've voted for everyone else here, so far.)
bife Posted - 06/03/2006 : 02:06:55
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 - 16 of the best
thefoxboy Posted - 06/03/2006 : 01:54:01
Here are some you may or may not have voted on already.

VV'ed all the links above.
Yukon Posted - 06/03/2006 : 01:21:12

Right under the movie title at the top of the page is Order By. Click on reviewer name.

This is were people should go:
Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/02/2006 : 22:06:59

I'm pitching this one at TFB and Sean's level...
Montgomery Posted - 06/02/2006 : 21:18:24
I'm game again. Here are my reviews for The Breakfast Club.

Don't know how to get the page to just have my reviews on it.

EM :)

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