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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Yukon Posted - 04/20/2006 : 06:35:24

Sean says:
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 04/24/2006 : 20:17:10
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by Randall
I don't post or read review explanations, simply because accepted reviews have to live here on the site without them. [I've broken that rule only once.] If I don't "get it," I don't vote. So some of you may have lost votes over my lack of erudition...

Randall, I used to feel the same way but I've change my stance.
Many times I see a FYC review posted for a movie from the 1930s that I've never heard of. It seems like there is a funny pun and can't help but think "I wish the person left an explanation."
Personally, my movie knowledge extends from the 1970s and up. If it was filmed in 1969 or earlier, I likely haven't heard of it unless it's a classic.

So that's my stance -- explanations for movies from the 1960s and earlier. A person's Titanic or Star Wars review should never need an explanation.

Oh, I don't mind others posting explanations; by all means, have at it. I just don't read them myself. In general, an explanation might be able to help you squeeze in a few more votes in this thread, or maybe jog a MERP's memory, but once the review's on the site, you can't count on that help ever again.

The only review I've ever explained in FYCTH was this one. I pointed out that in all "her" movie and TV appearances, "Lassie" has always been portrayed by a male dog. I felt the need to explain because benj declined the review at first! And I kinda regretted it afterwards [the reviews should stand by themselves, blah de blah], but I guess those four words would have been sheer nonsense if you didn't know the movie trivia fact.

EDIT: By the way, in case anybody takes offense at this sexist doggie fact, here's why all the dogs portraying Lassie have been male, from a fan website:

A female collie was hired to play the lead in Lassie Come Home, but when an opportunity came to film "Lassie" negotiating some rapids, the female reportedly would have nothing to do with the rushing water. Rudd Weatherwax's collie "Pal" was substituted, and not only stole the stunt but won the role. Weatherwax continued to use male collies in the role for a good reason: both sexes shed in the summer (when most movies and television shows traditionally film most of their episodes), but since the male has a thicker coat, he wouldn't look so scrawny during filming. Also, fans tend to think of Lassie as a "big heroic dog." Female collies are usually 10-15 pounds lighter than their male counterparts, therefore a male dog playing Lassie would look more impressive. Female collies were not ignored because they are any less intelligent; in fact, some of Lassie's stunt doubles have been females.
Yukon Posted - 04/24/2006 : 19:21:08
Originally posted by Randall
I don't post or read review explanations, simply because accepted reviews have to live here on the site without them. [I've broken that rule only once.] If I don't "get it," I don't vote. So some of you may have lost votes over my lack of erudition...

Randall, I used to feel the same way but I've change my stance.
Many times I see a FYC review posted for a movie from the 1930s that I've never heard of. It seems like there is a funny pun and can't help but think "I wish the person left an explanation."
Personally, my movie knowledge extends from the 1970s and up. If it was filmed in 1969 or earlier, I likely haven't heard of it unless it's a classic.

So that's my stance -- explanations for movies from the 1960s and earlier. A person's Titanic or Star Wars review should never need an explanation.

Tori Posted - 04/24/2006 : 15:36:45
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Tori

Salopian, maybe people would be more apt to make considerations for you if you didn't act like a petulant three year old when your 'requests' aren't met immediately. I use the term requests lightly because you don't request, you demand. I'm going to make a demand now- I demand that you do not treat my personal friend Josh with rudeness or attitude. He means a great deal to me and he is trying to meet your requests, so leave the attitude at the door and try being grateful that anyone cares enough to listen when you stomp your foot, scream, throw a tantrum and 'request' something...

Don't be so melodramatic. It was a request, and all I said to Josh when he turned it down was "Thanks for nothing", which was perfectly apt. One has to wonder why he thinks that one needs to be on the first page; each of us can only know whether one person has been through all of the pages or not; I know that I always have.

I am not being melodramatic. Most everyone here knows that I am fairly quiet and I don't like confrontation but I think you were exceptionally rude and that you have a tendency for these sorts of things and all I can imagine is that you threw a fit once, it got you your way and from then on that was your way of going about things. Well, if someone had said no or pointed out how rude you are, perhaps you would have learned some manners. I'm happy to help.
Salopian Posted - 04/24/2006 : 13:56:06
O.K., in case you want to know, here's what I would have written below the rules of the current round:

"I'll additionally carefully go through your top/bottom (please specify your preference) 26n reviews unvoted by me, where n equals the number of references within your F.Y.C. to the number 26, April, 1976 or Shropshire, plus the number of votes I give you this round."

Salopian Posted - 04/24/2006 : 13:51:35
Originally posted by Sludge

Koli, for Kong, I didn't vote for
"Gorilla beau, Ann Darrow."
because I had done
"Beau Ann Darrow"

Trouble is, Koli's makes sense. You could change yours to "Bo! Ann Darrow" instead (cf. the great "Bo! Eminem rap city").

Salopian Posted - 04/24/2006 : 13:49:05
Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

The other way to go, Salopian, to get lots of votes is to wait till late Friday.

I'm not that bothered by lots of votes, and certainly not specifically in this instance.

Salopian Posted - 04/24/2006 : 13:48:07
Originally posted by benj clews

Re: which page you get your FYC entry on, I've always thought there should probably be a summary page made up by the FYC organiser (as with FWTOs) of everyone who's entered and a link to their page.

I always did this in the past, and was going to do so this time.

Salopian Posted - 04/24/2006 : 13:47:21
Originally posted by Tori

Salopian, maybe people would be more apt to make considerations for you if you didn't act like a petulant three year old when your 'requests' aren't met immediately. I use the term requests lightly because you don't request, you demand. I'm going to make a demand now- I demand that you do not treat my personal friend Josh with rudeness or attitude. He means a great deal to me and he is trying to meet your requests, so leave the attitude at the door and try being grateful that anyone cares enough to listen when you stomp your foot, scream, throw a tantrum and 'request' something...

Don't be so melodramatic. It was a request, and all I said to Josh when he turned it down was "Thanks for nothing", which was perfectly apt. One has to wonder why he thinks that one needs to be on the first page; each of us can only know whether one person has been through all of the pages or not; I know that I always have.

BaftaBaby Posted - 04/24/2006 : 11:33:26
Originally posted by Yukon


BaftaBabe sez:
A quintet surely worthy of more than a vote apiece. And two are Incredible!

FYI: Stroheim's Greed features a dentist.

Please take this assurance that I VOTE for everyone here, tho possibly not for every film - but definintely for the ones I like/love/adore

Do you? Then this is the place for you. Go now!

randall Posted - 04/24/2006 : 11:29:35
Originally posted by Se�n

[quote]Yep, it's been done like this in the past, but not for quite a while. It just comes down to whether someone wants to bother doing it or not.

I tend to skim the thread anyway, and just look for links in posts, when I see a link I presume that it is the first post by someone in the thread and that they are therefore an entrant, then I click and vote. I tend to not bother reading review-descriptions in posts though, which is why I don't put them in myself, although I'll read someone's comments on others's reviews though.

Yep, I remember when some kind soul kept the current FYC list, with links, active. Yet you still had to go to the last page in the thread, to make sure there weren't any last-minute entries.

I don't post or read review explanations, simply because accepted reviews have to live here on the site without them. [I've broken that rule only once.] If I don't "get it," I don't vote. So some of you may have lost votes over my lack of erudition...
Conan The Westy Posted - 04/24/2006 : 10:45:34
Originally posted by Sludge
Not too late to vote for it, really. :-)
Done & a few extras.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/24/2006 : 10:42:41
Originally posted by Tori

Salopian, maybe people would be more apt to make considerations for you if you didn't act like a petulant three year old when your 'requests' aren't met immediately. I use the term requests lightly because you don't request, you demand. I'm going to make a demand now- I demand that you do not treat my personal friend Josh with rudeness or attitude. He means a great deal to me and he is trying to meet your requests, so leave the attitude at the door and try being grateful that anyone cares enough to listen when you stomp your foot, scream, throw a tantrum and 'request' something...

Wow! /

Sludge Posted - 04/24/2006 : 05:18:02
Koli, for Kong, I didn't vote for
"Gorilla beau, Ann Darrow."
because I had done
"Beau Ann Darrow"

I am newly appreciative of Foxboy's "Broke Ann Darrow" as well, but it looks like I had the earliest Darrow/arrow pun with

Kong, cupid An(n )Darrow.

Not too late to vote for it, really. :-)
Falken Posted - 04/24/2006 : 05:15:22
^ & ^

Sludge Posted - 04/24/2006 : 05:09:58
Originally posted by Paddy C

Thludge, I liked the life of bwian weview.

... I'll turn the lights off and lock up on my way out.

Thankth! Voted to here.

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