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 Sean's FYCTH - #282

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/12/2007 : 06:51:43

Sean says: If you copy this incorrectly, you won't know that there's a bit that's supposed to be coloured beige! Aha! Gotcha!

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 03/15/2007 : 14:36:53
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Dammit, after I had just finished collecting votes for it.

Don't worry - the votes will survive the edit.
MisterBadIdea Posted - 03/15/2007 : 14:26:53
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Hey, if I add a question mark to a review, does that shove it back into the waiting queue?

Not sure. If you change some punctuation, like periods and commas, it doesn't get resubmitted, but I'm not sure about question marks. However, my advice would always be to make your reviews as good as they can be, so if you think the review is better with a question mark then just add it and if necessary wait for it to return improved.

The answer, in case anyone was wondering, turned out to be "yes."

Dammit, after I had just finished collecting votes for it.

Salopian Posted - 03/15/2007 : 14:02:57
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

I was really impressed by Salop's Sliding Doors review "Life goes down Tube". Sheer genius.

There may be a passing resemblance to my "Relationship goes down Tube" review for that film, but still... But I'm wittering again...

Sorry - I had not seen that review. Mine is better, but I agree that it is too similar and that Benj should reject it. Please use the 'Report' button on it.
Salopian Posted - 03/15/2007 : 14:00:00
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Why ask me? Salop is the expert around here on anything linguistic. I know because he says so.

I opted not to give an answer purely because I certainly am not an expert on this matter and think one should turn to a Scottish source for a definitive response. Things I mention are not correct because I say them; I say them because they are correct - as far as I can ascertain. Unlike you usually do, I provide evidence for these points of view. Also unlike you, I refrain from commenting at length on areas that I do not have evidence for.
Salopian Posted - 03/15/2007 : 13:56:27
Originally posted by Ali

Funny, because I cannot find any idiotic responses or jibes from Whipper

I would say that the things you listed were definitely jibes. However, I was more focusing on his saying "this is just another case of a jumped-up anal retentive dictating to other people". Before this, I had only said that only Americans use Scotch to refer to people. This is just a fact! I had not dictated a single thing to anyone. I just mentioned it very innocuously in passing. His responses were idiotic in that (i) he made a personal attack on me when I had not done anything, and misrepresented what I had said, (ii) he talked about Scotch not being a noun as though this had any bearing on anything at hand and (iii) after I had (indirectly) provided a certain link, he added it into his earlier post to seem like I was not making sense. (My original passing remark was completely in accordance with that link, by the way.) After he began his personal attack, there was no reason for me to treat him with kid gloves in return.

Please note that I am not the only person against whom Whippersnapper has undertaken high-and-mighty tirades. See the way he spoke to Shiv here. I am certainly not going to take instruction from him as to how to write in the Fourum.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/15/2007 : 03:47:52
Oh, yeah. V&V
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/15/2007 : 03:09:17
Hhmmm, you do know about the real history of the kilt, right?

This is the history of the kilt as it applies to my life. Ten years ago, I was living with and engaged to a bodacious hunk whose one paternal grandfather was a Scottish immigrant (the other was Cherokee). Now, being the old hippie that I am, I was going to get married in a floor length gypsy skirt (purples and golds and greens), an off the shoulder gypsy blouse, barefoot and flowers in my hair. It was going to be an outdoor wedding, on a small island in the midst of a local pond. My outfit cost about $120.

This was before the internet was the enterprise it is now. He decided he couldn't get married without an authentic Davidson tartan kilt. We would have to special order this outfit, which was a formal dress kilt (about 8 yards of fabric), kilt shirt, a Sgian Dubh, a clan badge kilt pin, a leather Sporran, ghillie brogues, and bonnet. All told, over 500 pounds in 1997 ($1000 USD). We did get the kilt. For some reason or another, we never did get officially married, just one of those "I marry thee, I marry thee, I marry thee" things in the yard. It did save on the divorce, one of those "I divorce thee, I divorce thee, I divorce thee" things, also in the yard.

To make a long story short, I know all about kilts. Too much. I often wonder if he used that same kilt for his next marriage...
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/15/2007 : 02:26:07
Originally posted by Shiv

Originally posted by redPen

Mom was here all weekend seein' the grandboys, and she got on her way this morning, so I'm here with all-new stuff!

In "Snatch," Brad ("Fight Club") Pitt plays another bare-knuckle brawler, but this one was an Irish gypsy.

Very good impression of Brad's accent there

Exceptionally good. Now if redPen only had long hair and a six-pack, I'd fall in love....

In regards to Wikipedia: I'm not at all convinced it is a good authority as the final word in anything, considering it is a user created-user monitored website that is in constant revision and dispute. Page upon page of it is in continual debate depending on the politics, nationality and religion of the various contributors. Kind of like the IMDB.
Airbolt Posted - 03/14/2007 : 23:48:54
Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/14/2007 : 23:02:08
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Hey, if I add a question mark to a review, does that shove it back into the waiting queue?

Not sure. If you change some punctuation, like periods and commas, it doesn't get resubmitted, but I'm not sure about question marks. However, my advice would always be to make your reviews as good as they can be, so if you think the review is better with a question mark then just add it and if necessary wait for it to return improved.

I've V&Ved.

I was really impressed by Salop's Sliding Doors review "Life goes down Tube". Sheer genius.

There may be a passing resemblance to my "Relationship goes down Tube" review for that film, but still... But I'm wittering again...

MisterBadIdea Posted - 03/14/2007 : 22:43:46
Hey, if I add a question mark to a review, does that shove it back into the waiting queue?
Josh the cat Posted - 03/14/2007 : 22:38:12
Apologies to redPen for the crap that has been displayed here by fwfrers that should know better!

As far as I know the term as used in the uk is Scots-Irish but you use what is common to you.

I will not be revisiting this thread so if anybody responds to this post I won't know.

VR&VA, it is the attitudes displayed here that make users old and new think about not joining in to start with or not coming back.

Josh the cat
demonic Posted - 03/14/2007 : 22:35:12
All done.

Sludge is my hero of the round - "Staging Bull" for "Wag the Dog" is total genius and deserved more votes!

Regarding the current battles on the forum can we end tonight with this final thought...

Take care of yourselves.... and each other. ()
lemmycaution Posted - 03/14/2007 : 20:49:17
My God, finally V&V. I'm going to go and open a bottle of Scotch.

I may be late next round but i will get there eventually.
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/14/2007 : 16:45:13
oh yes i did

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