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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MM0rkeleb Posted - 01/15/2007 : 06:00:30

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday at 6:00 a.m. or Thursday at ???? FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thefoxboy Posted - 01/18/2007 : 04:48:18
redPen Posted - 01/18/2007 : 02:46:29
Yeah, I did actually check the "Public Enemy" page before deleting, and I decided to dump it after reading the full-page homage to citrus!

Thanks for the help and the input, everyone!
Sludge Posted - 01/18/2007 : 01:53:10
Airbolt Posted - 01/17/2007 : 23:25:23
Originally posted by Beanmimo

Originally posted by AIRBOLT


some excellent ones :
Morkeleb - Invasion of Body Snatchers
Foxboy - Cinema Paradiso
Chazbo - Inconvenient Truth

you forgot to include all of mine I see

Check out my post in " Basement " Thread!

Josh the cat Posted - 01/17/2007 : 23:01:29
VR&VA see you in the morning.

Josh the cat
randall Posted - 01/17/2007 : 21:29:50
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by redPen

Thanks for the note, Randall. Error being erased as we type. . . .

Don't do that: I Reported the review and asked benj to move it to the right movie -- with your votes.

No, please don't.

One thing that the review page of "Public Enemy" doesn't need is another review about grapefruit. Rovark's "Gangster grapefruits mouthy moll" is probably the closest to RedPen's review, and that's pretty close, isn't it?

Too late, for two reasons.
1. I Reported the review long before I posted that message.
2. If the review's deleted, benj can't do anything and the matter is moot.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 01/17/2007 : 21:00:34
Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by redPen

Thanks for the note, Randall. Error being erased as we type. . . .

Don't do that: I Reported the review and asked benj to move it to the right movie -- with your votes.

No, please don't.

One thing that the review page of "Public Enemy" doesn't need is another review about grapefruit. Rovark's "Gangster grapefruits mouthy moll" is probably the closest to RedPen's review, and that's pretty close, isn't it?

randall Posted - 01/17/2007 : 19:52:28
Originally posted by redPen

Thanks for the note, Randall. Error being erased as we type. . . .

Don't do that: I Reported the review and asked benj to move it to the right movie -- with your votes.
lemmycaution Posted - 01/17/2007 : 19:01:31
Originally posted by Randall


Whippy shoots, he scores! Cagney turns fruity in THE PUBLIC ENEMY, not WHITE HEAT.

One of my favourite reviews, you dirty rat.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/17/2007 : 18:41:57
Viper Vichysoise
Salopian Posted - 01/17/2007 : 18:41:14
Originally posted by turrell

Originally posted by Salopian

Thanks. I should have put 'ejaculation' in inverted commas, though; I don't know why I didn't.

So another British - American difference - you guys say 'inverted commas', yet they are not inverted really (invert: To turn inside out or upside down) they are merely elevated. We just call them apostrophes or quotation marks (as ' is just a quotation mark inside another quotation ").

We call them quotation marks and apostrophes too, but they are neither of those in that position. They could just about be considered quotation marks since I was citing a word in my review, but it is not quite the same as quoting something. They are definitely not apostrophes in any country - apostrophes do not come in pairs and indicate omitted letters.

'Invert' can mean to 'put in the opposite position', which is an accurate description of the situation here, i.e. the vertically opposite end of the line of text.
demonic Posted - 01/17/2007 : 18:36:26
All done.
turrell Posted - 01/17/2007 : 18:35:10
Originally posted by Salopian

Thanks. I should have put 'ejaculation' in inverted commas, though; I don't know why I didn't.

So another British - American difference - you guys say 'inverted commas', yet they are not inverted really (invert: To turn inside out or upside down) they are merely elevated. We just call them apostrophes or quotation marks (as ' is just a quotation mark inside another quotation ").
redPen Posted - 01/17/2007 : 18:17:56
Thanks for the note, Randall. Error being erased as we type. . . .
randall Posted - 01/17/2007 : 16:09:46

Whippy shoots, he scores! Cagney turns fruity in THE PUBLIC ENEMY, not WHITE HEAT.

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