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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/25/2006 : 06:06:04

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 12/29/2006 : 20:37:22
Originally posted by Sludge

'fraid Salopian's brilliant St. Valentines Day Massacre review went over some heads, but it got my vote. Further reading here.

Thanks also. I thought it wasn't too bad, but not that good!
Salopian Posted - 12/29/2006 : 20:34:18
Originally posted by Yukon

Loved Salopian's St. Valentine's Day Massacre, The (1967)
"Capone survives this V.D."
People who know their gangster history know how clever your review is.

Why, thank you.
Sludge Posted - 12/28/2006 : 04:53:25
- sorry Morkeleb, I'd already covered those
- Demonic, I had all but one, now 5/5
- 'fraid Salopian's brilliant St. Valentines Day Massacre review went over some heads, but it got my vote. Further reading here.
redPen Posted - 12/28/2006 : 01:35:08
Happy NeVV Year!!!!!
Josh the cat Posted - 12/27/2006 : 23:41:57
VR&VA - see you in the morning.

Josh the cat
chazbo Posted - 12/27/2006 : 23:39:07

Yukon Posted - 12/27/2006 : 21:42:34
V&V, including RedPen
Koli Posted - 12/27/2006 : 18:50:27
Originally posted by Yukon

Hope you like these better than the lump of coal I got in my stocking this morning.

At least it'll come in handy on New Year's Day (well, if you have the same tradition as we have: the first person to enter through the front door of the house each year is supposed to be a tall dark-haired man carrying a lump of coal). Come to think of it, isn't that a surreal tradition? Bunuel would love it.
Koli Posted - 12/27/2006 : 18:47:12
Done & dusted.

Gentleman Ghost got a clean sweep from me (after he dropped his Mampers alias; sorry Mampers).
randall Posted - 12/27/2006 : 17:32:14
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/27/2006 : 16:53:52
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/27/2006 : 16:51:02

aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/27/2006 : 16:51:00
Originally posted by M0rkeleb


Plus, both my Christmas wishes came true! I have a review in the top 300, and a second 30-vote review! Thanks to whomever, etc.

Check again, now you have a third 30-vote review!
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/27/2006 : 16:48:15
Originally posted by turrell

Ho ho hope you like these reviews - their all fresh from the MERP oven down on FWFR lane...

Thanks to the MERPs for a bunch of approvals!!

Oh no, your Vincent review is great but I have the same review pending for the last 40 days or so, though not for the same film (though the same character). Needless to say, I've voted for this and am keeping my fingers crossed for my pending review.
lemmycaution Posted - 12/27/2006 : 16:28:16

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