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 FYCTH #252

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/27/2006 : 06:00:37

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 11/30/2006 : 01:09:39
All done. Airbolt changed his reviews for the next round early again...
Josh the cat Posted - 11/29/2006 : 22:40:51
VR&VA see you in the mornin'

Josh the cat
Whippersnapper. Posted - 11/29/2006 : 20:56:18
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Why are we here?

Cannot believe your "Monks wear Jaffa orange" has only three votes.

Go figure.

V&Ved. See ya tomorrow, inshallah.

randall Posted - 11/29/2006 : 19:50:42

Hey, I didn't start this Tony Curtis stuff: livie did, by providing some faddah for a teensy correction...
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/29/2006 : 10:23:43
veedily veedily veedily veedily
life is but a dream

ChocolateLady Posted - 11/29/2006 : 10:17:49
Well, FYC with or without the TH, I've voted for everyone this round. Getting ready for tomorrow's round.
Beanmimo Posted - 11/29/2006 : 09:18:58
I remember when this was a fycth

V and V

p.s. I'm sure that Tony Curtis quote was from "The Black Shield of Falworth" anyway.
Salopian Posted - 11/29/2006 : 09:16:24
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Why are we here?

Cannot believe your "Monks wear Jaffa orange" has only three votes.
LadyMeerkat Posted - 11/29/2006 : 09:11:06
ChocolateLady Posted - 11/29/2006 : 06:15:10
Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by wildhartlivie

Originally posted by Randall

Here's Randall's List #252.

livie, you do realize that Tony Curtis's supposed "castle of my faddah" line comes from SON OF ALI BABA, not SPARTACUS. And Curtis claims his diction was just fine.

I probably knew that at one time, but I try to avoid Tony Curtis whenever I can.

You really avoided him in THE BOSTON STRANGLER? THE GREAT IMPOSTOR? SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS? SOME LIKE IT HOT? You might want to reconsider...

He's even in ROSEMARY'S BABY, in a most unusual featured speaking part. Anybody know how? No Internet cheating!

I thought his Houdini was great and his Boston Strangler was amazing - although both movies weren't all that wonderful, Curtis shined.

And if you like good comedy, although Some Like it Hot is his best, you'd also not want to avoid him in Operation Petticoat or The Great Race where he actually makes fun of himself. How many superstar heart-throbs today would do that at the height of their careers? That's what is great about Curtis, he doesn't take himself too seriously and knows exactly what his strengths and weaknesses are.

And damn, he was gorgeous when he was younger!
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/29/2006 : 06:02:51
Originally posted by Yukon

V&V to here

Loved Aahaa's Buddha Holly Story.

Thanks Yukon, I thought that my review for the film "Stunning Cattle" wd get more votes than Buddha Holly Story. It is very difficult to predict what reviews would get votes and what would not - that keeps the fun alive.

btw, vv'ed to here. will be back.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 11/29/2006 : 04:24:00
TC : I wish I was back in the Castle of my Fadduh!

w22dheartlivie Posted - 11/29/2006 : 03:27:48
You really avoided him in THE BOSTON STRANGLER? THE GREAT IMPOSTOR? SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS? SOME LIKE IT HOT? You might want to reconsider...

Actually, when I wrote that, The Boston Strangler did cross my mind. He was quite good and the film was eerie and a bit scary. But the films you mentioned represent a range of about 9 years out of over 50 years in films, and there were some real stinkers in there... Lobster Man from Mars... The Last Tycoon... The Manitou. Mostly, I avoid the Curtis that's been around the last 20 years or so. He comes off too pompous and full of himself these days for my taste.
Airbolt Posted - 11/28/2006 : 22:16:11
Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by wildhartlivie

Originally posted by Randall

Here's Randall's List #252.

livie, you do realize that Tony Curtis's supposed "castle of my faddah" line comes from SON OF ALI BABA, not SPARTACUS. And Curtis claims his diction was just fine.

I probably knew that at one time, but I try to avoid Tony Curtis whenever I can. However, he couldn't shake that distinctive accent in anything, even if he thinks his diction is fine. It still serves as the best example of how he speaks. For my friend from New Jersey, it's more like "Wahkin the dawg by the wah-tah for a cuppa caw-fee."

I knew about the not-SPARTACUS title all along, but I found Curtis's comment on a website which I was using to make sure I was giving you the straight dope. Memory fades in middle age.

No question that Curtis has a Tri-State Area accent when he speaks normally. Just like Bob Hoskins' pronounced Brit accent; did it sneak in to ROGER RABBIT? Nah. When you're acting, you can douse it; in fact, you make a special effort to do so. Any number of people, including our beloved AC, can improvise a phony American accent with the snap of a finger, and Gwyneth Paltrow did a credible job of sending it back. Were the "castle of my faddah" wags simply taking a dig at the real-world Tony?

Hmmmm. So now, I want to see SON OF ALI BABA to judge for myself. Of course, it's next to impossible in this day and age. But in my many years on earth, I have always found it illuminating to look askance at "the conventional wisdom," because trust me: there are so many things we know...that just ain't so.

Just imagine if the accents ( and attitude ) had slipped during the cut scene where Posh Londoner Laurence Olivier is making a pass at Tri-State Tony

LO : Ah , there you are Tonius ( sorry ! ) - Bit more of the Hot Water , Old Fruit!

TC : Hey , Who ya callin a fruit?

LO : Oh , You are a Card ! I say , with all that hot water things a getting a little ...steamy

TC : Aint Dat Da Truth!

LO : You know , Tonius..when i stroll through the market, I notice that my tastes are sometimes for pomegranites and other times I like a Jaffa !

TC : Again wid Da Fruits !

LO : I have a long felt want

TC : I wish I was back in the Castle of my Fadduh!

randall Posted - 11/28/2006 : 20:17:09
Originally posted by lemmycaution

I fondly remember TRAPEZE (although it was 50 years ago that I saw it) but I bet that he wishes he could make THIS disappear.

Except for his luscious assistant...and wasn't this the picture on which they hooked up and eventually produced a luscious daughter?

None of which makes this cinematic hairball worth seeing, mind you...

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