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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 09/28/2006 : 06:09:30

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Yukon Posted - 10/02/2006 : 21:14:21
Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by demonic

All done - loved Warzonkey's work this round...

Can someone explain Rockgolf's "Madness of King George" review to me though - I know it must be very good to have 40 votes and I'm being slow witted, but it's escaping me.

Me too. (Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't understand a 40-vote review.)

Maybe it's easier to understand in block capitals: III ILL

Koli Posted - 10/02/2006 : 20:30:06
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by demonic

All done - loved Warzonkey's work this round...

Can someone explain Rockgolf's "Madness of King George" review to me though - I know it must be very good to have 40 votes and I'm being slow witted, but it's escaping me.

Me too. (Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't understand a 40-vote review.)

Maybe it's easier to understand in block capitals: III ILL
Yukon Posted - 10/02/2006 : 17:50:08
Originally posted by demonic

All done - loved Warzonkey's work this round...

Can someone explain Rockgolf's "Madness of King George" review to me though - I know it must be very good to have 40 votes and I'm being slow witted, but it's escaping me.

Me too. (Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't understand a 40-vote review.)
Salopian Posted - 10/02/2006 : 12:43:45
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Can someone please explain to me how Sal managed to copy my Osmond's review yet publish it several months before I thought of it?

Yours must somehow be better because, despite my best efforts, mine is still lagging two votes behind yours.
lemmycaution Posted - 10/02/2006 : 03:29:37
Originally posted by demonic

All done - loved Warzonkey's work this round...

Can someone explain Rockgolf's "Madness of King George" review to me though - I know it must be very good to have 40 votes and I'm being slow witted, but it's escaping me.

George the Third is ill.
demonic Posted - 10/02/2006 : 02:45:58
All done - loved Warzonkey's work this round...

Can someone explain Rockgolf's "Madness of King George" review to me though - I know it must be very good to have 40 votes and I'm being slow witted, but it's escaping me.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 10/02/2006 : 00:58:32

Can someone please explain to me how Sal managed to copy my Osmond's review yet publish it several months before I thought of it? It's very confusing.

Josh the cat Posted - 10/01/2006 : 22:40:11

Josh the cat
Warzonkey Posted - 10/01/2006 : 21:45:17
I done my duty.
Koli Posted - 10/01/2006 : 16:30:39
Done & dusted.
randall Posted - 10/01/2006 : 15:18:31
Originally posted by Warzonkey

Five newish additions.

Funny, you don't look newish...

V&V. Sludge: a Dylan fan, mayhap?
w22dheartlivie Posted - 09/30/2006 : 23:32:26
viewed and voted
MM0rkeleb Posted - 09/30/2006 : 21:08:13

chazbo Posted - 09/30/2006 : 18:15:05
Have expressed my right to vote.

BaftaBaby Posted - 09/30/2006 : 15:27:16
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

vv & all that.

Overlooked reviews, imo: -
BaftaBabe's "Eightbelow"
Yukon's "This Film is not yet rated"
GHCool's "Batman returns"
and mine for "The Hulk"

Gosh, Aahaa ... wish I could take credit for Eightbelow, but I can't I believe that was Salopian ... but, maybe you liked another of mine

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