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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 09/25/2006 : 06:35:05

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
zulu Posted - 10/09/2006 : 08:49:49
forgot to say v+v
bife Posted - 10/07/2006 : 09:37:27
Originally posted by demonic

I didn't give it that much thought when I voted for it. But I will say I didn't take the "natural born" so literally other than as a figure of speech meaning very good at something. It's a good review.

I didn't mean to single foxy's review out - I really thought I was missing something - but I really don't know why this would be considered a good review if there is nothing more to it than a chiller/killer pun.

Cheese_Ed coined 'Chiller' for this movie (pun on thriller)

Sean adapted it to Serial Chiller for this movie (pun on killer)

What does 'Natural born chiller' add? It used the same pun, but doesn't mean anything; a fridge is not natural born, nor is it a natural killer.

And it isn't as if we don't all know the 'chiller' and 'serial chiller' reviews - they have been discussed many times in the fourum. Maybe newer reviewers wont know them, but most older reviewers will

Shall I add 'Demonic chiller', 'Copycat chiller', 'Unfeeling chiller' and 'Cold-hearted chiller' and pick up 15 votes each too?

I didn't mean to single out an individual review to have this discussion - foxy this isn't a swipe at you - but this is my pet peeve on fwfr - copycat reviews that sound great but use somebody else's hard work and inspiration, and don't add anything novel themselves. My beef is not with this particular review, but with how endemic this practice has become on the site.
demonic Posted - 09/28/2006 : 13:02:56
I didn't give it that much thought when I voted for it. But I will say I didn't take the "natural born" so literally other than as a figure of speech meaning very good at something. It's a good review.

bife Posted - 09/28/2006 : 10:05:44
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by bife

Originally posted by thefoxboy

5 newies from my head to you.

Am I missing something on 'Natural born chiller'?

I understand the killer\chiller pun, which sean first used with his 'Serial chiller', but how is a fridge 'natural born'? It has 14 votes, so I am guessing it is me that is missing something

Has anyone here actually seen this? I assume if you accept the premise (per IMDd summary) that a fridge takes revenge on some teens for beating it up you can assume that it has some kind of 'life' and hence some kind of birth.

Purely speculation, having admittedly not seen the film, but I would have thought a killer fridge to be about as naturally born as a a killer car ('Christine') or a killer robot ('Terminator'). Meaning - not very naturally born.

But then, if that were the whole truth, it wouldn't have so many votes. The votes can't just be for the 'chiller' pun, Cheese Ed invented it as a pun on 'Thriller' and sean adapted it as a pun on 'killer', both those reviews are well known, well discussed and well voted, it seemed to me there must be another angle to foxy's review that I missed for it to pick up that many votes
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/28/2006 : 06:39:35
Originally posted by Sludge

Some nice stuff this round.


I was terribly pleased to see that one of my "Are We There Yet" reviews ended up with 14 votes! Thanks, guys!

(And I'm glad to see that my "rocky road" joke finally was appreciated.)
Sludge Posted - 09/28/2006 : 03:38:55
Some nice stuff this round.

Cheese_Ed Posted - 09/28/2006 : 03:08:00
Originally posted by demonic

VandV - a splendid 4/5 for Whipper this round....

and can I point out that redPen's review for "Hunt for Red October" is a duplicate of my existing one. Great minds think alike, but still...

p.s. Cheese-Ed's "Interview with a Vampire" review is superb!

cheers for that 'nic.

Can't believe how many votes it's gotten this week.

VVinged earlier
demonic Posted - 09/28/2006 : 01:21:36
VandV - a splendid 4/5 for Whipper this round....

and can I point out that redPen's review for "Hunt for Red October" is a duplicate of my existing one. Great minds think alike, but still...

p.s. Cheese-Ed's "Interview with a Vampire" review is superb!
lemmycaution Posted - 09/28/2006 : 00:10:30
Originally posted by bife

Originally posted by thefoxboy

5 newies from my head to you.

Am I missing something on 'Natural born chiller'?

I understand the killer\chiller pun, which sean first used with his 'Serial chiller', but how is a fridge 'natural born'? It has 14 votes, so I am guessing it is me that is missing something

Has anyone here actually seen this? I assume if you accept the premise (per IMDd summary) that a fridge takes revenge on some teens for beating it up you can assume that it has some kind of 'life' and hence some kind of birth.
Warzonkey Posted - 09/27/2006 : 23:35:19
In a bad mood but voted. I suppose I'd better find something for tomorrow.
Josh the cat Posted - 09/27/2006 : 23:15:35
Originally posted by Salopian

Five moderately new reviews and none for Josh the cat

Fair enough I assume that I therefore don't have to vote!

Voting at the moment

randall Posted - 09/27/2006 : 21:05:38
Originally posted by bife

Originally posted by thefoxboy

5 newies from my head to you.

Am I missing something on 'Natural born chiller'?

I understand the killer\chiller pun, which sean first used with his 'Serial chiller', but how is a fridge 'natural born'? It has 14 votes, so I am guessing it is me that is missing something

That one got by me too.
bife Posted - 09/27/2006 : 20:59:54
Originally posted by thefoxboy

5 newies from my head to you.

Am I missing something on 'Natural born chiller'?

I understand the killer\chiller pun, which sean first used with his 'Serial chiller', but how is a fridge 'natural born'? It has 14 votes, so I am guessing it is me that is missing something
randall Posted - 09/27/2006 : 19:06:49
VV. I have no problem with the FYCTH start time. Everybody knows there's going to be more than the one page.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/27/2006 : 14:30:03
Valuable Volleyballs.

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