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 FYCTH - #204

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MM0rkeleb Posted - 06/12/2006 : 06:12:49

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bife Posted - 06/16/2006 : 03:15:55
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Email from bife dated 14th of June.

Am in Beijing and
struggling with the internet - not sure I can log in to vote on fwto,
fwpt, haiku or fyc ....

Can you drop a note of apology in the relevant threads for me?

Will hopefully be back on line sometime tomorrow, if anybody wants to
wait until then ....

Sorry gang - missed out on voting this round on all but that first few entries

Will top up votes for all of you over the next couple of days in recompense, already hit a few last night
Falken Posted - 06/15/2006 : 05:15:23
Originally posted by Sludge

So I'm voting along and must say, OH COME ON... Only 6 votes for Rockgolf's "Review: Rejected? Don't understand!"

Shared with the titles of about 10% of new forum topics, this one's completely brilliant in my opinion.

Stepping off pedestal.

Voted to here.

That was my favourite one from this round...


chazbo Posted - 06/15/2006 : 05:09:23
V&Ved. Special nod to zulu - great reviews.

thefoxboy Posted - 06/15/2006 : 04:06:46
62 votes dished out to 26 players (not including I).
Yukon Posted - 06/15/2006 : 03:35:03
V&V, I even got Lindsey K
demonic Posted - 06/15/2006 : 03:24:55
Originally posted by Yukon

V & V

Demonic, I loved your "Keanu in Neo-classical role." for Much Ado About Nothing. It deserves a lot more than 4 votes.

It's done a little bit better since, but very glad you liked!

My toast of the round is dhannah a stellar 5/5 and a laugh out loud for Diary of a Nudist. Excellent.

Vee, Vee.
Sludge Posted - 06/15/2006 : 01:59:12
So I'm voting along and must say, OH COME ON... Only 6 votes for Rockgolf's "Review: Rejected? Don't understand!"

Shared with the titles of about 10% of new forum topics, this one's completely brilliant in my opinion.

Stepping off pedestal.

Voted to here.

Sludge Posted - 06/15/2006 : 01:51:57
Originally posted by Josh the cat

Originally posted by turrell

Originally posted by Josh the cat

Just completed 78 year 7's got 79 year 8's and 43 year 10's reports to do
Holidays: we don't break for about 3.5 weeks (but then we get 8 weeks off )
and WAC is still suffering from colic but he is doing really well!

He is now 11 weeks old and nearly 1 stone in weight, he's got a lovely smile and is 90% of the time a really chilled out baby

Josh the cat

I assumed we spoke the same language - but I no have my doubts. How big a stone is he? Like a Flintstone size? I am concerned.

Just found a web based converter and apparently 1 stone is = to 6.3503 Kilograms

I think Oliver may have snorted that much.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/15/2006 : 00:36:48
Finished the rounds for another half-week.
Lindsey K Posted - 06/15/2006 : 00:33:46
Ignore the last post, go here

Lindsey K Posted - 06/15/2006 : 00:31:31

Josh the cat Posted - 06/14/2006 : 22:31:45
The site seems to be slow tonight so it's taken me ages to votes but I've VR&VA

Josh the cat
Josh the cat Posted - 06/14/2006 : 22:12:32
Originally posted by turrell

Originally posted by Josh the cat

Just completed 78 year 7's got 79 year 8's and 43 year 10's reports to do
Holidays: we don't break for about 3.5 weeks (but then we get 8 weeks off )
and WAC is still suffering from colic but he is doing really well!

He is now 11 weeks old and nearly 1 stone in weight, he's got a lovely smile and is 90% of the time a really chilled out baby

Josh the cat

I assumed we spoke the same language - but I no have my doubts. How big a stone is he? Like a Flintstone size? I am concerned.

Just found a web based converter and apparently 1 stone is = to 6.3503 Kilograms
Koli Posted - 06/14/2006 : 22:07:27
Originally posted by Willy Weasel

Originally posted by Koli

Never been FYCed before.

During the Falklands War the British navy released clouds of metal foil called chaff to try to confuse (heat-seeking?) Exocet missiles into missing their ships. So the challenge for the Argentine air force was...

I didn't volunteer, but I did vote.

Thanks, mate. Appreciated.

Done & dusted.

Yukon Posted - 06/14/2006 : 20:23:02
V & V

Demonic, I loved your "Keanu in Neo-classical role." for Much Ado About Nothing. It deserves a lot more than 4 votes.

But Morkeleb's "Lopez's fitness protection program" for Enough gets my gold medal for best review this round. It deserved the slew of votes it got.

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