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 Monty IHAI round Three

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Beanmimo Posted - 06/09/2006 : 13:36:22
Monty said

"I thought of a new fun way to give and get votes. Every person gets to choose just one film that they have reviews for (Hint: Choose one you have a lot of reviews for). Post a link. Everyone goes through your reviews for that one movie and votes on your reviews for that one movie.
After we've done that, we choose a new movie each.
Want to play? It's like putting the five reviews at the top for consideration, but based around a movie."
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 08/03/2010 : 15:25:03
It's a Wonderful Afterlife In case anyone is wondering why I have entered these rounds now, it has just always bugged me to see Did not enter against them in my list. I don't mind if no one visits my films (although they may as well if they notice that they are in rounds that they entered): I'll still visit all the links.
Montgomery Posted - 06/20/2006 : 17:09:44

Voted to here.

EM :)
Beanmimo Posted - 06/20/2006 : 14:04:30

I'm running late this week (or should i say last week) but got you all

now onto round four.
bife Posted - 06/10/2006 : 07:26:10
Originally posted by thefoxboy

But look what happens if you change the row number to the number of reviews that you have.

Well thankee foxee - I have played with that URL a few times in teh past to find a way of highlighting only a single or defined group of reviews (not necessarily mine), but somehow missed 'rows'

And yes, it all goes off if someone adds or deletes a review that moves the order of the ones you are highlighting
thefoxboy Posted - 06/10/2006 : 05:58:41
Originally posted by bife

Originally posted by Montgomery

Whipper sent me a PM explaining how to do the "show only your reviews on a page" trick.

I believe that's only possible to do if you are at the beginning, or like Whipper, at the end of the alphabet

Easiest way to put your reviews at the top of the page is to sort by username, then change the "start=number" in the url to the number of your first review on the page.

In my case, for Supersize me sorted by Reviewer Name, I have the 15th review down, if I change the 'Start=1' to 'Start=15', my review will appear first.

So I change this

into this

But look what happens if you change the row number to the number of reviews that you have.

But I think the link would change if someone else has a review approved that is before or after you in the alphabet, depending on the way you sort....I think...[16]
bife Posted - 06/10/2006 : 04:41:40
Originally posted by Montgomery

Whipper sent me a PM explaining how to do the "show only your reviews on a page" trick.

I believe that's only possible to do if you are at the beginning, or like Whipper, at the end of the alphabet

Easiest way to put your reviews at the top of the page is to sort by username, then change the "start=number" in the url to the number of your first review on the page.

In my case, for Supersize me sorted by Reviewer Name, I have the 15th review down, if I change the 'Start=1' to 'Start=15', my review will appear first.

So I change this

into this
thefoxboy Posted - 06/09/2006 : 23:32:04
Here's nine for one.
GHcool Posted - 06/09/2006 : 21:09:20
I have a semi-porn one: Naked States.
Montgomery Posted - 06/09/2006 : 20:44:59
Originally posted by Yukon

Like this Monty, Scroll halfway down and your there:


But for mine. You get there just as quickly from the page I sent with the reviews in order of reviewer status, because I'm pretty high in the rankings.

Whipper sent me a PM explaining how to do the "show only your reviews on a page" trick.

EM :)
Yukon Posted - 06/09/2006 : 20:35:31
Like this Monty, Scroll halfway down and your there:

Montgomery Posted - 06/09/2006 : 20:16:45
I'm in again. But I don't have a porn one. How about my Heathers reviews? Want a slushie and a turbo dog with that?

Sorry, Whipper, still haven't mastered the having the page just be my reviews. I'm going to work on that and thanks for the directions. But for now, mine aren't too far from the top of the page.

EM :)

Yukon Posted - 06/09/2006 : 14:12:18
Let's go with porn this week. Here's five reviews from The World's Biggest Gang Bang: The Houston 620.

Beanmimo Posted - 06/09/2006 : 13:42:38

I voted on all your last round entries and instead of adding mine to the end today i just started a new one. Hope that's ok

bife Posted - 06/09/2006 : 13:42:14
Very proud of my Maradona colection, although I admit they may be an acquired taste.

My very favourite was declined but no matter, the rest aren't bad

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