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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Markandlain Posted - 06/08/2006 : 04:18:49
Sean would say (if he was typing this)


Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/12/2006 : 08:45:23
I did vote that round, I really did. Honest.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/12/2006 : 07:18:22
Originally posted by Markandlain


Yeah, what they said.

Markandlain Posted - 06/12/2006 : 06:46:52
Falken Posted - 06/12/2006 : 04:50:13
V&Ved with nothing particularly interesting to say...

Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/12/2006 : 00:30:21
Josh the cat Posted - 06/11/2006 : 22:25:26
chazbo Posted - 06/11/2006 : 20:16:07
Originally posted by demonic

Chazbo, Koli and Yukon: my favourite reviews of the round!


Cheers, demonic. Liked your "The Satanic Reverses."

V&V to here.

randall Posted - 06/11/2006 : 20:15:31
Koli Posted - 06/11/2006 : 19:40:43
Originally posted by demonic

Chazbo, Koli and Yukon: my favourite reviews of the round!


Thanks for the nod, demonic.

Done and dusted to here.
demonic Posted - 06/11/2006 : 19:06:40
Chazbo, Koli and Yukon: my favourite reviews of the round!

ChocolateLady Posted - 06/11/2006 : 06:13:50
Voted early and often!

(Yeah, old joke. Next time I'll just write "Chicago" and you'll all understand.)
MM0rkeleb Posted - 06/11/2006 : 00:02:04
Sludge Posted - 06/10/2006 : 23:28:50
va voom
Sean Posted - 06/10/2006 : 07:07:57
Originally posted by Koli

Wazonkey's The Vagina Monologues review has deservedly vaulted into top spot. Inspired.
Agree 100%. A ripper.

I also liked Wheelz's Pinocchio review. Nicely bad taste. Poor Pinocchio...

And lemmy got 5/5... I was fonda those reviews...
Sean Posted - 06/10/2006 : 07:02:40
Originally posted by Yukon

V and V to here.

Did anyone else have a problem linking to my pages? (I have now edited and fixed it to be safe) Choco Lady had a problem last week but both times when I checked the link, it worked fine.

Is it my computer screwing up or her's?

Neither. You use a different domain. The rest of this post is a generic one I use whenever anyone has this issue.

all take you to the same place. But, in order to vote, one needs to be logged into the site. Most of us use the first domain. If someone supplies a link to one of the other domains and we click on it, then we're taken to their page but won't be logged in so we can't vote.

The solution is to always use the first domain above ( ) when supplying links. That is best achieved by logging into that domain, and replacing all your fwfr bookmarks with pages on that domain, and using it forever after.

Try clicking on some of those links above, you'll see that you aren't logged into most of them, so won't be able to submit reviews or cast votes etc.

BTW, I never have a problem as I only use the links in the left-hand column, and hold 'shift' down when clicking so it opens a new window.

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