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 FYCTH # 201

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Koli Posted - 06/01/2006 : 06:20:17

Sean says:

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bife Posted - 06/05/2006 : 06:09:15
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Almost forgot - I've veed and veed. Bife had some goodies.

Thanks Whippy - dearth of newbies this time around, so I went back to some of my older, higher scoring reviews, so they should be better than the usual dross I throw out at you guys
thefoxboy Posted - 06/05/2006 : 04:39:05
lemmycaution Posted - 06/05/2006 : 04:11:25
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by Yukon

Check these babies out!

One explanation:
Brief History of Time is a documentary about Stephen Hawking.

Encounters is missing an n, and your wonderful Tiger Woods review bears a striking (pun intended) resemblance to one by the Whippa, n'est pas?

But I forgive you...


Almost forgot - I've veed and veed. Bife had some goodies.

The Tiger Woods review is so close that I threw a vote your way.

Thanks for pointing out "encounter" spelling mistake.
Question, if I correct it a re-submit it, does that mean I lose all the votes?

VV to here.

You don't lose the votes.
Yukon Posted - 06/05/2006 : 03:54:35
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by Yukon

Check these babies out!

One explanation:
Brief History of Time is a documentary about Stephen Hawking.

Encounters is missing an n, and your wonderful Tiger Woods review bears a striking (pun intended) resemblance to one by the Whippa, n'est pas?

But I forgive you...


Almost forgot - I've veed and veed. Bife had some goodies.

The Tiger Woods review is so close that I threw a vote your way.

Thanks for pointing out "encounter" spelling mistake.
Question, if I correct it a re-submit it, does that mean I lose all the votes?

VV to here.
Sean Posted - 06/05/2006 : 01:14:11
Originally posted by Koli

Strangely enough, I've struggled to find plot details for Nurses of the 407th. But I see that it features an actor by the name of Herschel Savage (actually this is just one of about a dozen names he's used over the years). 'What's so special about that?', you may wonder. What's special to me is that he and I were born on precisely the same day in 1955. Other spooky parallels include the fact that he's acted in 482 films, the titles of which mostly read like a list of entries to the Four Word Porn Title contest.
Got anything you wanna share with us, Herschel Koli?

Actually it was 682 movies, so assuming his acting career began when he was 18 then he stars in 21 movies per year, or one every 17 days! Impressive stamina.

Having said that, the titles of some of his most recent movies make me cringe... how about his 11th most recent?

His wife is also an 'actress', I'd guess they met on set...
- Puff.. pant... groan... moan... arrrggghhh!
- "Would you join me for a drink after work?"
- Slap!!!

demonic Posted - 06/05/2006 : 00:56:26
BiggerBoat, Whippersnapper, Sludge and Yukon: great work!

All done.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/05/2006 : 00:00:26
Originally posted by Yukon

Check these babies out!

One explanation:
Brief History of Time is a documentary about Stephen Hawking.

Encounters is missing an n, and your wonderful Tiger Woods review bears a striking (pun intended) resemblance to one by the Whippa, n'est pas?

But I forgive you...


Almost forgot - I've veed and veed. Bife had some goodies.

Josh the cat Posted - 06/04/2006 : 22:07:21
Originally posted by lemmycaution


lemmycaution Posted - 06/04/2006 : 21:44:44
Koli Posted - 06/04/2006 : 19:23:17
Originally posted by Se�n

Sean's in again with some more naughty newbies.

Strangely enough, I've struggled to find plot details for Nurses of the 407th. But I see that it features an actor by the name of Herschel Savage (actually this is just one of about a dozen names he's used over the years). 'What's so special about that?', you may wonder. What's special to me is that he and I were born on precisely the same day in 1955. Other spooky parallels include the fact that he's acted in 482 films, the titles of which mostly read like a list of entries to the Four Word Porn Title contest.

Just thought I'd share that with you, seeing as how Herschel and I share so much.

(Just kidding. The real parallel is that neither of us acts in films. He just 'performs'. )

PS Done & dusted.
Beanmimo Posted - 06/04/2006 : 14:41:53

Viewed and voted
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/04/2006 : 13:29:00
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/04/2006 : 12:34:00
Originally posted by Randall



randall Posted - 06/04/2006 : 11:29:36
Warzonkey Posted - 06/04/2006 : 09:17:13
Voted up to here.

Thanks Se�n, you've set me straight there. I was thinking you always had to post 5 that had never been posted before, ever.

I'll look out for FYCTH # 202 soon.


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