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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Koli Posted - 05/25/2006 : 06:01:06

Sean says: Next FYCTH is a milestone. We should all go round to Sean's house. Failing that, we should send him some votes.

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Paddy C Posted - 05/29/2006 : 09:06:32
Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by Paddy C

Originally posted by Koli

Done & dusted.

Public holiday in Blighty tomorrow - wah-hey! - so I'll be around in the forenoon. Don't know whether it's one of the widespread ones or peculiar to GB.

Nice, enjoy the day off Koli! We've a bank holiday here tomorrow week , but gotta work tomorrow . Viewed, voted, and officially started countdown to world cup: June 9th I'll be heading for deutschland, can't wait!

That's terrific, Paddy. Have you got yourself tickets for any of the matches?

Yep, we were lucky enough to get a few, five first round games, and one second round. The second rounder could be Portugal v. Holland unless there are major surprises! The first round games are:
France v. Switzerland
Portugal v. Mexico
USA v. Czech Republic
Sweden v. Trinidad
Argentina v. Serbia (especially looking forward to this one, should be a real bruiser of a game!)
Koli Posted - 05/29/2006 : 07:26:09
Originally posted by Paddy C

Originally posted by Koli

Done & dusted.

Public holiday in Blighty tomorrow - wah-hey! - so I'll be around in the forenoon. Don't know whether it's one of the widespread ones or peculiar to GB.

Nice, enjoy the day off Koli! We've a bank holiday here tomorrow week , but gotta work tomorrow . Viewed, voted, and officially started countdown to world cup: June 9th I'll be heading for deutschland, can't wait!

That's terrific, Paddy. Have you got yourself tickets for any of the matches?
Falken Posted - 05/29/2006 : 06:56:10

I guess we're going to let Sean have the honour of dropping the Bicentennial FYCTH on us?

Paddy C Posted - 05/28/2006 : 21:35:32
Originally posted by Koli

Done & dusted.

Public holiday in Blighty tomorrow - wah-hey! - so I'll be around in the forenoon. Don't know whether it's one of the widespread ones or peculiar to GB.

Nice, enjoy the day off Koli! We've a bank holiday here tomorrow week , but gotta work tomorrow . Viewed, voted, and officially started countdown to world cup: June 9th I'll be heading for deutschland, can't wait!
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/28/2006 : 20:51:58
Originally posted by Koli

Done & dusted.

Public holiday in Blighty tomorrow - wah-hey! - so I'll be around in the forenoon. Don't know whether it's one of the widespread ones or peculiar to GB.

You have a holiday in the UK tomorrow? If so, interesting coincidence, since in the US its Memorial Day weekend there, including Monday.

So... Just me and the Aussies working tomorrow, then?

(No problem for me, however. Despite my working Sundays and having Friday's off, this week is a short one - religious holiday starts Thursday evening, so I have a half day then.)

Koli Posted - 05/28/2006 : 20:09:58
Done & dusted.

Public holiday in Blighty tomorrow - wah-hey! - so I'll be around in the forenoon. Don't know whether it's one of the widespread ones or peculiar to GB.
Yukon Posted - 05/28/2006 : 20:00:51
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by demonic

Guess I got my answer... not a good FWFR!


Hey, we all have good weeks and bad ones.

(Recently, all my weeks have been pretty sorry ones. The "good" reviews can't seem to muster more than 7-8 votes, and the rest are lucky to get one or two. This week, at least I got no less than 4 votes. No matter - its all in the fun of the game, innit?)

Review voting can be strange. Sometimes I post one I think will easily get 20 votes and it gets 5. Other times I throw one into my 5 pack thinking it doesn't have a chance and it takes off.

And some FYC rounds can be dead-- such as this one. There are fewer people this round. (We're only on page 4 right now instead of page 6)so iyt affects the totals. Maybe its the summer weather (Excluding all you Aussies who are getting ready for winter).
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/28/2006 : 18:04:29
Originally posted by demonic

Guess I got my answer... not a good FWFR!


Hey, we all have good weeks and bad ones.

(Recently, all my weeks have been pretty sorry ones. The "good" reviews can't seem to muster more than 7-8 votes, and the rest are lucky to get one or two. This week, at least I got no less than 4 votes. No matter - its all in the fun of the game, innit?)
demonic Posted - 05/28/2006 : 16:29:21
Guess I got my answer... not a good FWFR!

randall Posted - 05/28/2006 : 10:49:50
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/28/2006 : 07:54:33
Been there, done these.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/28/2006 : 07:27:29
vericose veins
Sludge Posted - 05/28/2006 : 07:03:03
V'd with Vendetta
Conan The Westy Posted - 05/26/2006 : 20:56:50
demonic Posted - 05/26/2006 : 16:52:16
Originally posted by lemmycaution

The New World is about the love story between John Smith and Pocahontas, but being a Michael Cimino film (Terence Malick, shurely--ed) it is extraordinarily slow. (Good though.)

Ah, yes, well I thought that... but I wrote.... ahhh you knew what I meant....

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