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T O P I C    R E V I E W
thefoxboy Posted - 04/27/2006 : 06:42:09

Sean says:
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bife Posted - 05/01/2006 : 15:33:46
Originally posted by Falken

[b]BTW, I thought it was hilarious that between two of my considerations:

Chasing Liberty - 'First Daughter' in Europe.
First Daughter - 'Chasing Liberty' at college.

First Daughter received 1 more vote!

You mean like this benj set?


Hmmmmm. Seem to have gotten myself all confused. I was sure they were on vastly differing vote totals not so long ago.

benj - did you do something to them, or have I just lost the plot?
Koli Posted - 05/01/2006 : 14:34:26
Originally posted by sbudgie

Oh, I'm sure one single person COULD do it all. But he'd have to be on steriods.

Falken Posted - 05/01/2006 : 06:47:36

BTW, I thought it was hilarious that between two of my considerations:

Chasing Liberty - 'First Daughter' in Europe.
First Daughter - 'Chasing Liberty' at college.

First Daughter received 1 more vote!


Sludge Posted - 05/01/2006 : 06:44:04
Verminal Velocity
thefoxboy Posted - 05/01/2006 : 00:31:17
turrell Posted - 04/30/2006 : 16:58:22
veni vidi votici
Paddy C Posted - 04/30/2006 : 15:41:36
Voted and viewed (not necessarily in that order.)
bife Posted - 04/30/2006 : 13:08:48
Conan The Westy Posted - 04/30/2006 : 08:50:58
Josh the cat Posted - 04/29/2006 : 22:08:33
V&V'd to here, full house for Bife Conan & AC.

Josh the cat
tortoise Posted - 04/29/2006 : 21:28:27
Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

Originally posted by Koli
Shouldn't asteriods and steriods be asteroids and steroids? Just a thought.

I asked that the spelling be corrected in the appropriate thread. But Benj is just one man and can't do everything at once.

Nonsense. No single person could do all this. Benj is in fact an acronym. The best known of the foursome is Benjamin Clew, familiar to Canadian radio listeners.

Oh, I'm sure one single person COULD do it all. But he'd have to be on steriods.
Koli Posted - 04/29/2006 : 18:57:31
Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

Originally posted by Koli
Shouldn't asteriods and steriods be asteroids and steroids? Just a thought.

I asked that the spelling be corrected in the appropriate thread. But Benj is just one man and can't do everything at once.

Nonsense. No single person could do all this. Benj is in fact an acronym. The best known of the foursome is Benjamin Clew, familiar to Canadian radio listeners.
tortoise Posted - 04/29/2006 : 17:28:23
Vaguely Validated.
Yukon Posted - 04/28/2006 : 19:31:51
Lemmy, I loved your "Warn Beatty" Deliverance review so much that I already voted for it months ago.
MM0rkeleb Posted - 04/28/2006 : 16:38:26
Voracious Venezuelans.

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