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 Sean's FYC 187

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Josh the cat Posted - 04/13/2006 : 06:10:45

Sean says:
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thefoxboy Posted - 04/17/2006 : 06:58:31
Falken Posted - 04/17/2006 : 05:18:27
Vee and Veed.

silly Posted - 04/17/2006 : 05:11:10
V for Vendetta
Conan The Westy Posted - 04/17/2006 : 00:57:07
Thanks Randall, I'm taking SiliConan as a tribute and a fairly accurate summation (though a poorly spelled one) of my personality.
Pope George Ringo Posted - 04/17/2006 : 00:32:10
Happy Easter from the Pope

Koli Posted - 04/16/2006 : 20:54:38
Tour completed. Numerous votes cast.

Time for more hot crossed buns.
Beanmimo Posted - 04/16/2006 : 18:26:14
voluptuous and volatile
MM0rkeleb Posted - 04/16/2006 : 16:35:24
Vroom Vroom.
SoS Posted - 04/16/2006 : 15:39:38
Various vegetables.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/16/2006 : 14:31:00

Passover is the festival when the Jews rose up and the bread didn't.

CL, the woman are enslaved in the kitchen during Pesach as a reminder of our time in Egypt. Think of it as a re-enactment ritual.

randall Posted - 04/16/2006 : 13:34:52
Sean Posted - 04/16/2006 : 13:20:12
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

(Passover: an 8 day holiday where the food is horrid and we end up being slaves to the kitchen. That's the way to celebrate our exodus from slavery? Sheesh!)
You poor thing. We have a cute Easter Bunny who comes hopping along and gives us lots of chocolate. And for us atheists we don't even have to bother going to church either.
ChocolateLady Posted - 04/16/2006 : 11:14:02
Originally posted by Yukon

VV from my brother-in-law's computer in Montreal.

Hapy Easter everyone -- except Chocolate Lady.

Choco Lady, Why weren't you in? I hit your FYC anyways. Happy passover.

Thanks Yukon, but... I was going to come in with those tomorrow. Can I still put them in tomorrow, please?

(Passover: an 8 day holiday where the food is horrid and we end up being slaves to the kitchen. That's the way to celebrate our exodus from slavery? Sheesh!)
Yukon Posted - 04/16/2006 : 02:54:01
VV from my brother-in-law's computer in Montreal.

Hapy Easter everyone -- except Chocolate Lady.

Choco Lady, Why weren't you in? I hit your FYC anyways. Happy passover.

Lindsey K Posted - 04/15/2006 : 18:53:41
Vacuous Vixen.

By the way, I forget who wrote it but the 'Saving Private Ryan' - Red sea. Parts. - Brilliant!

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