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T O P I C    R E V I E W
thefoxboy Posted - 03/30/2006 : 06:00:54

Sean says:
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
silly Posted - 04/03/2006 : 03:01:44
I've caught the stragglers...

We saw Ice Age: The Meltdown today; I guess it hasn't been released on the "other side" of the pond as I didn't find it in the fw database. Kinda funny, we thought (the kids and I)
thefoxboy Posted - 04/03/2006 : 02:25:24
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/03/2006 : 01:31:22
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by thefoxboy

5 newbies with 5 votes

Many thanks FoxBoy for the plagiarism of tribute to one of my "Kill Bill Part 1" reviews!

Did you noticed 3 other users had Coma-toes before yours?

Eh, no. But in fact there is only one previous "Coma-toes", the other two apparently missing the joke and being "comatose".

Only the Great Cheese_Ed beat me to "Coma-toes", although even he lacked my succinctness.

Only you linked "Coma-toes" with tomatoes, which earned my undying adulation and vote.

And thats me V&Ved.

thefoxboy Posted - 04/02/2006 : 23:47:10
Originally posted by Conan The Aussie
Thanks folks for pushing me over the 10G mark

I got you to 10G, check page 3.

Visited and Voted

What a great round.
Wow, I got 78 votes on my 5 reviews
Thanks all
ChocolateLady Posted - 04/02/2006 : 12:40:43
Originally posted by Koli
BTW, apparently they film it in real hospitals; now that could brighten up your day while recovering from surgery.

Really! That's pretty cool. I always wondered how the sets seemed so real.

randall Posted - 04/02/2006 : 12:06:04
Koli Posted - 04/02/2006 : 10:40:48
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by Beanmimo

Koli said
Spot a common theme?

Green Wing is back on British telly tonight.

I caught the Green Wing last night and I had forgotten how Zany it is. Sorta like Scrubs dipped in surrealism if you can imagine, but alot more crude...

viewed and voted

Ah, Green Wing. Only the British know how to do "Zany Crude". That's why Coupling died in the US with their version - they dropped most of the crude stuff and tried too hard to make it more zany. I hope we get the new Green Wing here - I loved it. For now, I'll have to suffice with reruns of Coupling on Star World (two episodes every Sunday)!

(And yes, I've voted for everyone so far.)

I didn't think the first episode was as good as the first series, but perhaps I was expecting too much. Caitlin Moran, writing in the Times, said it had gone downhill, and I think she was probably right. But perhaps the series will improve. (I thought the first couple in the latest series of Desperate Housewives were inferior, but then it picked up; I hope the same will happen here.) BTW, apparently they film it in real hospitals; now that could brighten up your day while recovering from surgery.
Sean Posted - 04/02/2006 : 01:53:14
Busy round this time. VVV.
damalc Posted - 04/02/2006 : 00:17:33
damalc Posted - 04/01/2006 : 23:45:25
Originally posted by Yukon


You're late dalmac. But good work, you got five votes from me.
And congrats are soon to be in order. I see you are about to join the top 100 reviewer club as well.

that really means a lot coming from you, Yukon, seeing how you've passed me since i intro'd you about 2 months ago, when you had about six reviews.
i was in the top 100 for a while, then got lazy, and watched folks like yukon, silly, chris c, and chocolate lady pass me by. great work, all.
i imagine i'll be looking at demonic's heels soon.
ChocolateLady Posted - 04/01/2006 : 21:35:57
Originally posted by Beanmimo

Koli said
Spot a common theme?

Green Wing is back on British telly tonight.

I caught the Green Wing last night and I had forgotten how Zany it is. Sorta like Scrubs dipped in surrealism if you can imagine, but alot more crude...

viewed and voted

Ah, Green Wing. Only the British know how to do "Zany Crude". That's why Coupling died in the US with their version - they dropped most of the crude stuff and tried too hard to make it more zany. I hope we get the new Green Wing here - I loved it. For now, I'll have to suffice with reruns of Coupling on Star World (two episodes every Sunday)!

(And yes, I've voted for everyone so far.)
thefoxboy Posted - 04/01/2006 : 20:50:44
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by thefoxboy

5 newbies with 5 votes

Many thanks FoxBoy for the plagiarism of tribute to one of my "Kill Bill Part 1" reviews!

Did you noticed 3 other users had Coma-toes before yours?
Beanmimo Posted - 04/01/2006 : 19:28:28
Koli said
Spot a common theme?

Green Wing is back on British telly tonight.

I caught the Green Wing last night and I had forgotten how Zany it is. Sorta like Scrubs dipped in surrealism if you can imagine, but alot more crude...

viewed and voted
MM0rkeleb Posted - 04/01/2006 : 19:19:29
I just keep VV'ing along.
SoS Posted - 04/01/2006 : 16:17:35
VV'd the latecomers now too.

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