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 Sean's FYCTH #182

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Josh the cat Posted - 03/27/2006 : 08:19:15

Sean says:
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sludge Posted - 03/31/2006 : 15:51:42
Originally posted by silly

I submitted "bend over, clover" for Most Fertile Man in Ireland and it was rejected as "factually inaccurate"

...probably by one of you blokes

Maybe try it as:
bend over, (c)lover
silly Posted - 03/31/2006 : 15:20:07
I submitted "bend over, clover" for Most Fertile Man in Ireland and it was rejected as "factually inaccurate"

...probably by one of you blokes
Salopian Posted - 03/30/2006 : 09:57:27
There's a significant difference between the New York review and the Ireland one. Like other disallowed Naked reviews, I assume that that film contains no actual nudity. Ireland is not a misleading word in the title of the other film; the film is actually in Ireland. Thus, the review is actually equivalent to the numerous reviews that interchange breeds of dog, makes of car etc. Sometimes, these are not even referred to in the title, so they are, I would say, worse (in the sense being discussed here) than the "Dublin" review. (I particularly flinch at the endless ones that refer to apes as monkeys and rabbits as hares, as well as at a particularly offensive example I've mentioned in the past).

With regards a film called The Most Fertile Man in the Universe, if it were actually about a very fertile man I think one certainly could refer to Andromeda in reviews like "More fertile than Andromedans". (Please forgive the fact that I cannot come up with a more entertaining example... "More numerous than moonies", perhaps.)

However, the review may possibly be changed by presenting the other side of the pun � "Reason why population's doublin'." It might be labelled 'too generic', but I'd give it a go.
Yukon Posted - 03/30/2006 : 04:41:49
Sean Posted - 03/30/2006 : 00:03:38
Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

I know how you feel. My review of "The Most Fertile Man in Ireland", which from the reviews is exactly what you'd think, was rejected as not factually accurate either. The review: "Reason why population's Dublin"

That sounds like a good review, but IMDb suggests the whole movie takes place in Belfast. Perhaps that was why?

Or does he travel around to service the lasses?

I recognize that Belfast is in the North, but he's not called The Most Fertile Man in Ulster, so I think Dublin is "fair use". So might "Cork popping", as far as that goes.
This kind of review has come up for discussion before, and I think comes under the category of "movie-title play". Eg, it's correct if one assumes that the movie title describes the movie, but in this case it appears not to (correct me if I'm wrong, never seen the movie.) E.g., if that exact same movie happened to be entitled The Most Fertile Man in the Universe then reviews making reference to Andromeda / Alpha Centauri etc aren't acceptable as they have nothing to do with the plot.

To turn that around the other way; if the movie was renamed The Most Fertile Man in Belfast would your review make any sense? I'd say not. Which makes it a review of the movie title, not the movie. Dublin and Cork aren't even in the same country as the movie.

I don't have a strong view on that review, I'm just trying to come up with a reason for it's being declined. And I'd guess that this is the reason, simply because it has often been the reason in the past. E.g., remember the "Nude York" review that was initially posted then subsequently declined for Naked in New York (twice from different reviewers if I remember rightly), it was a "title-play" and had little to do with the movie.
randall Posted - 03/29/2006 : 23:19:32
Cheese_Ed Posted - 03/29/2006 : 19:52:01
Verticle Vibrator!
Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/29/2006 : 19:32:40
Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

I know how you feel. My review of "The Most Fertile Man in Ireland", which from the reviews is exactly what you'd think, was rejected as not factually accurate either. The review: "Reason why population's Dublin"

That sounds like a good review, but IMDb suggests the whole movie takes place in Belfast. Perhaps that was why?

Or does he travel around to service the lasses?

I recognize that Belfast is in the North, but he's not called The Most Fertile Man in Ulster, so I think Dublin is "fair use". So might "Cork popping", as far as that goes.

Your review should have made it RG, but at least it inspired me:

It's only got one vote right now, so you have the opportunity to be responsible for that figure... Dublin.
MM0rkeleb Posted - 03/29/2006 : 18:29:07
VV'd to here.

silly Posted - 03/29/2006 : 15:45:33
VV'd for VendettaVendetta.

Also, I like the Dublin review. Like my opinion matters
lemmycaution Posted - 03/29/2006 : 15:26:07
RockGolf Posted - 03/29/2006 : 15:00:31
Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

I know how you feel. My review of "The Most Fertile Man in Ireland", which from the reviews is exactly what you'd think, was rejected as not factually accurate either. The review: "Reason why population's Dublin"

That sounds like a good review, but IMDb suggests the whole movie takes place in Belfast. Perhaps that was why?

Or does he travel around to service the lasses?

I recognize that Belfast is in the North, but he's not called The Most Fertile Man in Ulster, so I think Dublin is "fair use". So might "Cork popping", as far as that goes.
benj clews Posted - 03/29/2006 : 14:59:58
Christ, this is hard work- didn't realise how many people are in this now!
Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/29/2006 : 13:48:58
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

And... its a clean sweep for the bossman!

Did anyone else notice a slimy trail across their computer screen immediately after CL's post?

And V & Ved.
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/29/2006 : 12:57:32
And... its a clean sweep for the bossman!

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