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 Sean's FYCTH - #716

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
randall Posted - 05/23/2011 : 09:41:42
Originally posted by Sean
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says:
- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 05/26/2011 : 20:10:49
Originally posted by Larry

Originally posted by lemmycaution

I know it already had a few votes but I was hoping for more response to my Waikiki Wedding (featuring Martha Raye) review especially since I posted it on Bob Dylan's birthday.

I voted for it... thought it was quite clever!

So you were the one! Thanks.
Larry Posted - 05/26/2011 : 18:01:15
Originally posted by lemmycaution

I know it already had a few votes but I was hoping for more response to my Waikiki Wedding (featuring Martha Raye) review especially since I posted it on Bob Dylan's birthday.

I voted for it... thought it was quite clever!
lemmycaution Posted - 05/26/2011 : 15:37:50
I know it already had a few votes but I was hoping for more response to my Waikiki Wedding (featuring Martha Raye) review especially since I posted it on Bob Dylan's birthday.
demonic Posted - 05/26/2011 : 10:55:20
You're quite right to point that out Sludge- I'd missed that wordplay. Great review.
Sludge Posted - 05/26/2011 : 07:36:02

Wonder if I should have explained the last zombie baseball item. The areas where players wait to go up to bat, usually below the field level, is called the dugout. On rare occasions when teams brawl, this is sometimes called "clearing the dugout."

Zombies. Dug out.
clay Posted - 05/26/2011 : 06:36:07
Larry Posted - 05/26/2011 : 02:23:33
Originally posted by demonic

VV. With 4/5s for Baffy (the "Son of Hitler" review is brilliant) and Larry ("My Little Seamstress" - likewise).

Is it in poor taste to say my "My Little Seamstress" review was the favorite of mine? Anyway, thanks, Demonic!
[matt] Posted - 05/26/2011 : 02:06:54

Didn't have time to enter again but V&V anyway.
Salopian Posted - 05/26/2011 : 01:07:19
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

At last, someone has understood that any of us can begin the FYCTH threads.

If you look back through the older threads (e.g. via my Index) you can readily see that a wide variety of people used to start this round. Strangely enough, since the totalitarian new 'rules' were pushed through to stop people daring to do such shock-horror things as to use the original, clear name, not so many people have felt like starting them.
Salopian Posted - 05/26/2011 : 00:59:01
Originally posted by RockGo11f

Just the one. When I thought of it I was certain somebody must already have come up with it.

There are three there, none of which seems especially new. I've already voted for two and don't get the other.
Salopian Posted - 05/26/2011 : 00:53:07
Originally posted by Sludge

Four contributions to Rabid Kazook's favorite zombie baseball film, and one about the sign language chimpanzee.

Thanks for the alert re: the latter film, although I'm sad that a film is being made about him rather than the much greater Washoe.
demonic Posted - 05/25/2011 : 23:45:39
VV. With 4/5s for Baffy (the "Son of Hitler" review is brilliant) and Larry ("My Little Seamstress" - likewise).
randall Posted - 05/25/2011 : 23:36:23
V&V. Back to you, Baffy!
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/25/2011 : 22:02:13
Originally posted by Larry

Viewted - BaftaBabe's were my favourites this time.

That's nice!


lemmycaution Posted - 05/25/2011 : 21:58:06

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