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 Sean's FYCTH - #714

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/16/2011 : 09:37:17
Originally posted by Sean
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: After my extensively accented detective work, I decided to consult PenguinBorg. What you see here, ladies & gents, is the South Pole consensus.

- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
[matt] Posted - 05/19/2011 : 17:53:45

Forgot to say V&V last night.

demonic got 5/5. Favourite of the round was GHcool's "Man's beast friend."
lemmycaution Posted - 05/19/2011 : 03:00:34
Originally posted by demonic

Some good reviews this round shamefully undervoted. And a big 5/5 for Lemmy.

Kudos is always appreciated.
clay Posted - 05/19/2011 : 02:40:15

demonic Posted - 05/19/2011 : 01:51:40
Some good reviews this round shamefully undervoted. And a big 5/5 for Lemmy.
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/19/2011 : 01:07:40
Originally posted by Larry

Viewted - liked BaftaBabes best.

Well, thank you kindly, kind sir!


lemmycaution Posted - 05/19/2011 : 01:00:40
Larry Posted - 05/18/2011 : 18:12:00

Viewted - liked BaftaBabes best.
Salopian Posted - 05/18/2011 : 18:02:40
Spoiler for Outlaw in the rightmost review.
GHcool Posted - 05/17/2011 : 19:34:22
I'm in

Orson Welles (of F for Fake fame) stars in David and Goliath as King Saul.
[matt] Posted - 05/17/2011 : 02:14:17

One new one.

Mild spoiler for Insidiousa comatose young boy turns out to have spiritually left his body and ventured to a realm called The Further. His dad must try to save him.

Sludge Posted - 05/16/2011 : 17:00:15
Back for more.

I don't usually go for full explanations, but I expect not many have seen all of these. A very very mild spoiler for Hereafter. The FWFR works anyway, and you don't have to be psychic to see it coming.

Buffalo Bill
"A cynical Buffalo Bill hires Sitting Bull to exploit him and his add credibility to the distorted view of history presented in his Wild West Show."*

If this looks familiar, in previous rounds I did "chrome magnum" for Robocop and "Chrome man the barbarian" for this. Still, I think it stands on its own for the gov'ner.

Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream
I'm glad Randall FYC'd this. Same explanation as his - Hank Aaron broke one of the longest standing records in baseball history held by John Goodman.**

Greatest Movie Ever Sold
Haven't seen it yet, but I saw Mr. Spurlock on a late night show and it looked like POM was the platinum sponsor.

* If anyone knows more about the history of this film, I'm curious... at 123 minutes it is long, but short for Robert Altman. A trivia note says it won an award which Altman refused to accept to protest the edits imposed by Dino de Laurentis. I presume it would have been much longer without them. Is there a director's cut?

** I was unable to find this on Netflix. They have eliminated the online "suggest a title" option. You have to phone these in and they are happy to take new requests that way. I bet if a doze of us call in, they'll get it. I'm going to create a separate post for that.

demonic Posted - 05/16/2011 : 16:43:59
Comic book movies

Warren Beatty's performance as Dick Tracy is (appropriately?) two-dimensional.
John Travolta plays villain Howard Saint in "The Punisher".
Hank Azaria's "superhero" flings silverware in "Mystery Men"
clay Posted - 05/16/2011 : 15:41:56
Over, under, sideways, down. Backwards, four words, square and round.
lemmycaution Posted - 05/16/2011 : 13:35:59
Lemmy in for #714.

Cinema incunabula.
Larry Posted - 05/16/2011 : 12:43:58

Zero Hour stars Dana Andrews and Sterling Hayden.

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