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 Se�n's FYCTH - #687

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/10/2011 : 09:16:35
Originally posted by Se�n

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt
Sean Says: Are you like Ethelred the Unready - or are you Ready To Vote!!!!

- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Canklefish Posted - 02/14/2011 : 05:24:38

lemmycaution Posted - 02/14/2011 : 03:17:31
Originally posted by BiggerBoat


I'm outta here. See you in a few months.


Is it something we said?
[matt] Posted - 02/14/2011 : 01:33:11
Originally posted by demonic

Already voted on all yours [matt] - found a few others instead.

Cheers, demonic!

5/5 for Justin credible and lamhasuas.

randall Posted - 02/14/2011 : 01:21:16
V&V. Bye, BB. Come back soon.
BiggerBoat Posted - 02/13/2011 : 23:40:15

I'm outta here. See you in a few months.

BaftaBaby Posted - 02/13/2011 : 23:32:30

Salopian Posted - 02/13/2011 : 23:13:02
Originally posted by demonic

As for the anonymous accolade I still think Rebecca fits it well - she's named in a way, but purposefully unnamed in a specific way that the other characters are clearly defined - Maxim never calls her by her name even though he obviously knows it. I'd agree not to include Hero and Layer Cake though -they purposefully don't reveal their names in the same way Eastwood does in the Dollars trilogy or "Harmonica" does in OUATITW.

I hadn't thought about that sort of thing before you gave that example, but for me other characters avoiding a name is equivalent to the person hiding it � for this accolade, I just want films where it is only the film-makers who are avoiding it. A couple of times lately, I've watched the credits and only then realised that the name had never been mentioned � that's the sort of thing I'm going for.
Larry Posted - 02/13/2011 : 22:50:39

lemmycaution Posted - 02/13/2011 : 21:42:34
clay Posted - 02/13/2011 : 21:28:55
demonic Posted - 02/13/2011 : 19:49:21
Great rounds for Cankle and Justin.
Already voted on all yours [matt] - found a few others instead.

And thanks for the 5 Salopian and for the Maddy hint - as you say if people aren't making the connection themselves, they probably won't anyway...

As for the anonymous accolade I still think Rebecca fits it well - she's named in a way, but purposefully unnamed in a specific way that the other characters are clearly defined - Maxim never calls her by her name even though he obviously knows it. I'd agree not to include Hero and Layer Cake though -they purposefully don't reveal their names in the same way Eastwood does in the Dollars trilogy or "Harmonica" does in OUATITW.
Salopian Posted - 02/13/2011 : 11:06:47
Originally posted by demonic

The Fictional Five

5/5: I didn't vote for the Rebecca one at first but I've changed my mind.

Judging by the votes, it looks as though some people may not remember the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, as hard as that is to imagine given the extent of the media coverage.
[matt] Posted - 02/13/2011 : 04:25:02
Originally posted by Cracovian

Originally posted by [matt]

a cat with hands.

It can be watched here.

5/5, by the way.

Thanks x 2
Salopian Posted - 02/12/2011 : 19:15:44
Originally posted by demonic

Joan Fontaine's character in "Rebecca" is only ever referred to as "The Second Mrs. de Winter".

Talking of this, it hasn't made it into my accolade, because that's still a name (albeit one only gained in relation to another character) and, more importantly, I'm going to extend the veto on secret names to those being boycotted by other characters (as I assume is the case here; I haven't read it). I've added all the others, although I'm a bit unsure of Hero and Layer Cake: they are given anonymous monikers in the credits that are then used in most descriptions, which then makes it come across as though they are hiding their real names. Please can you/anyone confirm that that is not the case? The films in that accolade should all be of the type where one may easily not notice that the name hasn't been given.
Justin Credible Posted - 02/12/2011 : 11:05:55
Thanks for all the support

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