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 Se�n's FYCTH - #681

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/20/2011 : 09:21:48
Originally posted by Se�n

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt
Sean Says: When the moon is in the seventh house ... does that mean the other six houses were sold or rented?

- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GHcool Posted - 01/24/2011 : 05:29:21
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by GHcool

Yes, it is a play on Jewish rye (bread). I guess "Jew wry" is ok.

It only came into my mind because I wasn't sure what you were punning on till I thought about the fact that rye bread is the kind of horrible thing that they eat in Eastern Europe and wondered whether Jewish people had adopted it: I'd never heard of Jewish rye as a phrase before. I'd stick with the bagels if I were you. I'll try to think of another film, but thanks to Woody Allen et al it may be rather 'generic', which wouldn't be a problem with this film if the MERPs followed precedent, not that they do of course.

When's your birthday, Salopian? I'll have this shipped to you.
Salopian Posted - 01/24/2011 : 02:34:48
Originally posted by randall

Hmmm. I wouldn't think so. It would only be a slight visual "play" [and barely recognizable at that, what with that errant extra 'w']. Most memorable puns tend to work phonetically, and anyone trying to pronounce the "word"/s aloud -- since it makes no sense visually, that would be the only recourse -- would be forced by you to get it/them wrong, since you specifically stipulate that you are "playing" on the word "Jewry."

I think the phonetic ones can be particularly good exactly because they are (slightly) unobvious at first glance, but certainly there are also many successful ones which only work on a visual basis even with extraneous letters, e.g. these. However, the case here just is too 'generic' (GHcool's is too, but he was lucky and I've happily voted for it), so if I use it I think it would be better in the form "... Jew-wry...", where the other words could also make a meaningful (though possibly irrelevant phrase with Jewry, or "JeWRY"; but now that I've said that I feel more inclined to use "do-wry" for Pride and Prejudice or something.

I also may as well shamelessly plug this underrated rye/wry pun.
demonic Posted - 01/24/2011 : 02:02:42
lemmycaution Posted - 01/23/2011 : 23:45:38
clay Posted - 01/23/2011 : 22:33:19
view is to ed as vote is to ed.
ci�nas Posted - 01/23/2011 : 22:33:16

Thanks, Salopian.

Larry Posted - 01/23/2011 : 22:13:01
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/23/2011 : 22:11:37

[matt] Posted - 01/23/2011 : 21:15:09

randall Posted - 01/23/2011 : 20:16:45
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by GHcool

Andrew Garfield co-stars in The Social Network. "Garfield and Friends" was a cartoon from my childhood starring the famous cat.


I take it that another of them is a pun on Jewish rye (bread)? So is it O.K. if I submit "Jew wry" as a play on Jewry?

Hmmm. I wouldn't think so. It would only be a slight visual "play" [and barely recognizable at that, what with that errant extra 'w']. Most memorable puns tend to work phonetically, and anyone trying to pronounce the "word"/s aloud -- since it makes no sense visually, that would be the only recourse -- would be forced by you to get it/them wrong, since you specifically stipulate that you are "playing" on the word "Jewry."

Salopian Posted - 01/23/2011 : 15:29:53
Originally posted by GHcool

Yes, it is a play on Jewish rye (bread). I guess "Jew wry" is ok.

It only came into my mind because I wasn't sure what you were punning on till I thought about the fact that rye bread is the kind of horrible thing that they eat in Eastern Europe and wondered whether Jewish people had adopted it: I'd never heard of Jewish rye as a phrase before. I'd stick with the bagels if I were you. I'll try to think of another film, but thanks to Woody Allen et al it may be rather 'generic', which wouldn't be a problem with this film if the MERPs followed precedent, not that they do of course.
Salopian Posted - 01/23/2011 : 15:18:37
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Brilliant review, that one! It also works if you think about "set" as being "to place" in conjunction with the family name.

Well, it would need to not have the apostrophe then. Without the apostrophe it could also mean ready, and with or without it it could mean group/collection (of people, as well as songs); it's the word with the most meanings in English, so there are probably some other interpretations too. A small problem is that referring to them as Trapps is like referring to Robert De Niro as Niro, but to be honest I didn't think about that when I voted for it. (And anyway I prefer that to pretending that vonTrapp is one word, as people so often do with DeNiro here.)
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/23/2011 : 12:41:01
Originally posted by demonic

Swinging 60s reviews

A "set" in the context I'd like you to consider is a collection of songs in performance.

Brilliant review, that one! It also works if you think about "set" as being "to place" in conjunction with the family name.
GHcool Posted - 01/23/2011 : 01:39:18
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by GHcool

Andrew Garfield co-stars in The Social Network. "Garfield and Friends" was a cartoon from my childhood starring the famous cat.


I take it that another of them is a pun on Jewish rye (bread)? So is it O.K. if I submit "Jew wry" as a play on Jewry?

Yes, it is a play on Jewish rye (bread). I guess "Jew wry" is ok.
Salopian Posted - 01/22/2011 : 15:08:56
Originally posted by lamhasuas



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