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 Se�n's FYCTH - #671

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/16/2010 : 08:40:42
Originally posted by Se�n

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt
Sean Says: Dear Santa ...
- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ci�nas Posted - 01/02/2011 : 12:22:45
I was away & missed voting on this round, but now I'm not away any more & have given all participants 5 votes.

Thanks dem, BTW.

Salopian Posted - 12/20/2010 : 23:37:23
I'm an editor and so I never mind improved versions of others' reviews: my top-voted review is openly such a case. I just like to ensure that the stepping stones are acknowledged too.
[matt] Posted - 12/20/2010 : 23:32:10

Oh right, well it was so similar to your older review (which also had more votes), I thought I might as well just delete it. But I suppose I could've kept it... Nevermind!
Salopian Posted - 12/20/2010 : 14:45:58
Originally posted by [matt]

Originally posted by Cracovian

Nice variation on this review. (I actually mean that; I just haven't quite decided to vote for it yet.)

Ah, I must have somehow missed that one (even though I do look through all a film's reviews before submitting). Deleted mine now.

You shouldn't have! That why's I specified that I genuinely liked it: I wouldn't do that if I thought a review should go. Mine used the general idea first but yours was a better version of it.
[matt] Posted - 12/20/2010 : 03:42:50
Originally posted by Cracovian

Nice variation on this review. (I actually mean that; I just haven't quite decided to vote for it yet.)

Ah, I must have somehow missed that one (even though I do look through all a film's reviews before submitting). Deleted mine now.


4/5 for demonic again, and my favourite review of the round was also that one by GHcool.
Salopian Posted - 12/19/2010 : 22:47:28
In Chromophobia, a character experiences disconnection and desolation, much like the island she is named after.

Eric O'Neill is played by Ryan Phillippe in Breach.

The father is dying in The Brothers Solomon; Will Arnett and Will Forte play the title characters.

Spoiler for Capitivity (much more opaquely in the rightmost review): The kidnappers uproot Jennifer Tree from her life; one of them then acts as a plant, pretending to be another kidnap victim.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/19/2010 : 22:41:39

lemmycaution Posted - 12/19/2010 : 20:12:50
demonic Posted - 12/19/2010 : 18:59:00
VV. I particularly enjoyed lamhasuas' round, but my favourite review was GHcool's Nativity. Excellent!
clay Posted - 12/19/2010 : 18:38:39
vuvved with luv.
randall Posted - 12/19/2010 : 18:27:32
Larry Posted - 12/19/2010 : 17:17:05

demonic Posted - 12/17/2010 : 02:07:10
En fran�ais

"The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" is entirely sung through and for a large percentage concerns the main character's broken heart.
"White Material" follows the fall in fortunes of the Vial family in a civil war ridden part of post-colonial Africa.
Emmanuelle Beart plays the wife of an insanely jealous husband in "Hell" - the documentary "Inferno" is about Clouzot's own failed attempt to make the same film from his own screenplay.
GHcool Posted - 12/16/2010 : 22:37:55
I'm in

In The Nativity Story, Mary is played by Keisha Castle-Hughes, an indigenous New Zealander.
lemmycaution Posted - 12/16/2010 : 22:37:53
Lemmy in for #671.

On this date in 1773 was held the Boston Tea Party.

Tea, Teas, Coffee.

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