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 Se�n's FYCTH - #659

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/04/2010 : 07:49:40
Originally posted by Se�n

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt
Sean Says: When you're smiling, the whold world ... couldn't care less :(
- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
- The initiator of the next round will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean's FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greater than the number of the current round. The initiator of the next round will copy this post verbatim and it will appear as the opening post of the next round, the only things that may be changed are fonts/colours and smileys (which may be removed altogether if desired) and the inviso comment after "Sean Says:".

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BiggerBoat Posted - 11/08/2010 : 01:11:42

Thanks for the kind words folks.

demonic Posted - 11/08/2010 : 00:37:24
Thanks [matt], and welcome back too.
[matt] Posted - 11/07/2010 : 22:56:44

I'm also back... from 2 days at Disneyland!

Hence why I couldn't enter this round. V+V anyway.

Originally posted by demonXIc

Great stuff from Bigger Boat this round. Bravi.

Agreed, and also from yourself.

demonic Posted - 11/07/2010 : 21:47:13
Originally posted by Cracovian
It's weird that that has been allowed to stay. Benj deleted a lot of made-for-television Shakespeare adaptations a while back. Unlike some people around here, I recognise that T.V. films are films and so should stay on the site, but if some are removed then I don't understand why others in the same category aren't. The only (weak) basis for bias against some could be that there wasn't enough information on the I.M.D.B. for reviewing, but any Shakespeare adaptation with a cast list can extremely easily be reviewed.

I can't comment on what made-for-TV Shakespeare's may have been previously deleted as I haven't noticed or missed them, but it's easy to see that all of the BBC produced ones (basically the gold standard for Shakespeare on film during the 70s and 80s) are still on the system, and should be. There are a large number of Shakespeare adaptations that don't deserve to be though - for example numerous home made versions never released in any format that proliferate on IMDB as they are added by their creators to enhance their own credits. Like you I have no issue with made for TV, but I've got a big problem with made for showreel.
demonic Posted - 11/07/2010 : 21:35:28
Veed. Great stuff from Bigger Boat this round. Bravi.
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/07/2010 : 21:15:22

clay Posted - 11/07/2010 : 20:59:53
randall Posted - 11/07/2010 : 15:51:47
Originally posted by demonXIc

True tales... well, true-ish.

Funny, they don't look true-ish!


Sensei, thank you for pointing me to centz's great accolade.
lemmycaution Posted - 11/07/2010 : 15:05:25
Larry Posted - 11/07/2010 : 12:06:45

ChocolateLady Posted - 11/07/2010 : 09:35:16
Originally posted by Bi11erBoat

Monsieur Hulot's in for this one.

5/5 from me!
Salopian Posted - 11/06/2010 : 17:52:37
Originally posted by demonXIc

Ron Cook plays Richard in the BBC "Richard III"

It's weird that that has been allowed to stay. Benj deleted a lot of made-for-television Shakespeare adaptations a while back. Unlike some people around here, I recognise that T.V. films are films and so should stay on the site, but if some are removed then I don't understand why others in the same category aren't. The only (weak) basis for bias against some could be that there wasn't enough information on the I.M.D.B. for reviewing, but any Shakespeare adaptation with a cast list can extremely easily be reviewed.
Salopian Posted - 11/06/2010 : 17:19:48
Originally posted by 11Babe

Someone named this French donkey Balthazar. Ain't Eddie Murphy jealous! Uhm ... non!

There's more disporting than sport on that beach.

Excellent ones.
lemmycaution Posted - 11/05/2010 : 21:24:17
Welcome back! Glad to see the numbers increasing.
clay Posted - 11/05/2010 : 17:21:04
Originally posted by Choco11ateLady

I'm Back!


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