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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rabid kazook Posted - 08/23/2010 : 05:43:02

FLOOR Yor Considerations - Treasurey HUNTINGS

Sean Delegates: I'm NOt as SExy as I was some YEARS ago (OR whispering some reviews in YAR ear)
- Put any 5 (FEYV) reviews you like in your F.Y.C. LISTOS
- Do not use RAV(evs)ES from the previous ROUONDABOT - you must change them every round (YEY).
- Post here to DAYCARE that you've done TET. Sooner is better than IN SOME TIME.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all SKEPICS.
- The next round starts on MondayZ orz ThursdayZ at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
- The originator of the nUxt rOund will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean (not as sexy as he was back in th3 day)'s FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greAYter than the # of the current round. The originator of the next rOnd will copy this post verbatim (YEY) and it will appear as the opening postZINGS of the next rOnd, the only things that may be changed are sexiness/fonts/colours and smileys/sexiness (which may be removed altogether if desired) and the inviso/NEY comment after "Sean Says:". (how sexy he WAS BACK in the day)
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
clay Posted - 08/26/2010 : 03:21:10
[matt] Posted - 08/26/2010 : 01:47:31

demonic Posted - 08/25/2010 : 22:56:51
Seen 'em.
Larry Posted - 08/25/2010 : 22:43:14
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/25/2010 : 22:03:20
vv here


vv there

lemmycaution Posted - 08/25/2010 : 19:48:49
Yep. Here and at #638. Couldn't forget Rockfsh.
randall Posted - 08/25/2010 : 17:20:32
V&V. Also went back to #638 for Rocky. Nice catch, Sensei.
demonic Posted - 08/24/2010 : 20:56:18
And here's Hustleboy007's link from the duplicate thread just in case it gets missed. It is his final one after all...

And with this, I'm gone. Thanks to everyone who made this site fun and, one of these days, I'll be back with more reviews.

Until then, be awesome to each other, as always.

P.S.: I love you guys.

demonic Posted - 08/24/2010 : 20:52:23
My five..., four new and one old to complete the set.

NB: The first Final Destination starred Devon Sawa.
rabid kazook Posted - 08/23/2010 : 23:09:37
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Greetings to the adorable RK..

Greets back at you, marvelerly B.

[matt] Posted - 08/23/2010 : 22:28:49


A British word meaning 'really ugly'.

"Sylvester Stallone looks so botoxed in The Expendables, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, he's fucking minging."

EDIT: I have already spotted the irony that I've uploaded this avatar the same week that my FYC link defines 'minging'.

ci�nas Posted - 08/23/2010 : 22:10:34

hankering, gross, mystical, nude

Leaves of Grass: Edward Norton plays identical twins.

Shrink: Kevin Spacey plays a celeb psychologist who is permanently stoned.

Peacock: Cillian Murphy plays a man with a female alter ego believed by the townspeople of Peacock, NE to be his wife.

TitanPa Posted - 08/23/2010 : 16:58:44
A review by any other name is still a review
BiggerBoat Posted - 08/23/2010 : 16:52:10
Say "Candyman" five times.

Alternatively, click 'vote' on all of these.

lemmycaution Posted - 08/23/2010 : 16:22:46

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