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 F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 23: football

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 06/24/2010 : 13:38:48
The challenge this time is to post reviews relating to association football. I have chosen this theme to commemorate both England and the United States making it into the last sixteen of the World Cup (albeit the wrong way round!), and because 23 is connected with David Beckham. Reviews can either be for films about football or otherwise refer to it.

Post a specific link to each review using whatever domain you like and give clear spoiler warnings where appropriate. You may post existing reviews, but are particularly encouraged to write new ones fitting the requirement.

Please do not post just to say that you have viewed and/or voted (which can be taken on trust). If you still really want to mention it (or you just want to for its own sake), you are very welcome to highlight specific reviews � that's a lot more interesting for everyone.

Like all challenges, this will be completely open-ended, due to the variable speed of approvals and the fact that inspiration does not come at will. Good luck!

Other challenges:
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 1: alliteration
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 2: puns on film titles
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 3: turn a phrase
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 4: The Man Who Knew Infinity
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 5: uniqueness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 6: lengthiness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 7: matching reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 8: find the hidden message
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 9: going for a song
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 10: responses
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 11: rhyme
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 12: anagrams
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 13: four-letter film reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 14: weddings
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 15: zeugma
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 16: Bushwhacking/Baracking
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 17: F.W.F.R. and Benj
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 18: connected reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 19: title play
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 20: oldest reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 21: birthdays
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 22: backronyms

If anyone has any other ideas for challenges, please let me know. I've got a few pending, but it's always good to have new ideas.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bife Posted - 06/27/2010 : 01:38:21
Originally posted by Chris C

Fever Pitch

One of my favourite reviews (albeit that as an arsenal fan, i may be a tad biased)
Chris C Posted - 06/26/2010 : 14:51:18
Escape to Victory

Fever Pitch

Green Street

Gregory's Girl

Playboy: Girls Of World Soccer

Shaolin Soccer

The Worst Jewish Football Team In The World

Those Glory Glory Days

When Saturday Comes

Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait

Just so as you know, there are at least two accolades relating to the Beautiful Game

Arsenal Captain created by bife, and Gol gol gol gol goooool! created by Paddy C
[matt] Posted - 06/26/2010 : 11:26:32

History Of Football: The Beautiful Game

Playboy: Girls Of World Soccer

Green Street
Salopian Posted - 06/26/2010 : 10:14:53

Bend It Like Beckham

Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal

Linha de Passe

Pele Forever

Sixty Six

The Worst Jewish Football Team in the World

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