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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/01/2010 : 09:43:22
TA:MOU = Themed Anniversary: Moving On Up


Each Tuesday a theme will be decided based on the Anniversary of some significant event. All you have to do is trawl your reviews for any that relate to that event and post them here with a link.

You can post as many as you wish, so long as either the film or your review clearly relates to the theme. You can only post during the week of the current TA:MOU.

You don't have to say you voted unless you really want to - but you are expected to visit all the links posted. As a courtesy to the majority of fwfrs, you may only post a link that uses the domain name.

From this week each TA:MOU # will be removed when a new one takes its place. This is to deter re-visiting of expired threads.

Yours truly
Da Management

in 1922
The Royal Ulster Constabulary was founded. Since then filmmakers of all convictions have been exercised by the complexity of Northern Ireland and the Republic.

So, whatever your p.o.v. share your reviews of relevant films. Here's an imdb starting point.
We promise not to put your name on a list

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 07/27/2010 : 03:25:58
Originally posted by demonic

Originally posted by Cracovian
I was confused by "Since then filmmakers of all convictions have been exercised by the complexity of Northern Ireland and the Republic" (and the link).

Then I think you are easily confused given BB's historical starting point was the founding of the R.U.C. The complexity of Northern Ireland doesn't quite suggest a troublesome labrador however you dress it up.

Well, the theme has frequently been only very loosely connected to the calendar event.

Obviously I was only justifying my films for fun, after I included them due to the unclear parameters, but I meant quite seriously that assuming that "the complexity of Northern Ireland" refers exclusively to the Troubles is rather condescending, since people's lives there have always involved a lot more than that. I was also quite serious about the caricatured Hollywood representation of Ireland unquestionably increasing American funding of the I.R.A.
lemmycaution Posted - 06/05/2010 : 15:16:14

Making a RUCkus.








For best results, vote after a couple of pints of Guinness.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/02/2010 : 13:47:00
Originally posted by demonic

I think it might be worth not including the generally useless IMDB keywords link in future Baffy - part of the interest for me is researching the potentially relevant films online, and there have been plenty of sources for every topic so far.

On this one for example:

Wiki list
Conflict Archive

Good idea, demon! And thanks mucho for those helpful links.

I think I originally included the imdb because some folks seemed to be scared off having to do a bit of cyber-legwork, and that seemed the easiest jumping off point.

But perhaps this game was always going to be a bit of an acquired taste. Lemmy, I notice, that well-known vote whore from whom I take my inspiration, always seems to populate his list. Like you, I'm in awe

demonic Posted - 06/02/2010 : 13:10:41
Originally posted by Cracovian
I was confused by "Since then filmmakers of all convictions have been exercised by the complexity of Northern Ireland and the Republic" (and the link).

Then I think you are easily confused given BB's historical starting point was the founding of the R.U.C. The complexity of Northern Ireland doesn't quite suggest a troublesome labrador however you dress it up.

And B.B. claims to not be into rules, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind even if they weren't.

In that case perhaps you could include a dozen films about the British Empire in general - surely that's a link? Or perhaps films with Irish actors? Maybe actors who have been to Ireland on their holidays?

I think it might be worth not including the generally useless IMDB keywords link in future Baffy - part of the interest for me is researching the potentially relevant films online, and there have been plenty of sources for every topic so far.

On this one for example:

Wiki list
Conflict Archive
demonic Posted - 06/02/2010 : 12:53:39
Bloody Sunday

The Crying Game


In the Name of the Father
Salopian Posted - 06/02/2010 : 12:14:29
Originally posted by demonic

I think this round is about the NI troubles, not just films set in Ireland SalCrac. I think you might be hard pressed to find an IRA connection to Marley and Me - although admittedly a bit of knee-capping would have improved that film no end.

I was confused by "Since then filmmakers of all convictions have been exercised by the complexity of Northern Ireland and the Republic" (and the link). The complexity of the Republic of Ireland has relatively little overlap with the Troubles. Besides, the twee attitude towards Ireland shown by American filmmakers can readily be related to the unfortunate American funding of the I.R.A., so it turns out that all my films are relevant to the Troubles after all. And B.B. claims to not be into rules, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind even if they weren't.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/02/2010 : 11:57:48
Originally posted by demonic

I think this round is about the NI troubles, not just films set in Ireland SalCrac. I think you might be hard pressed to find an IRA connection to Marley and Me - although admittedly a bit of knee-capping would have improved that film no end.

You're a man of distinction

demonic Posted - 06/02/2010 : 11:50:33
I think this round is about the NI troubles, not just films set in Ireland SalCrac. I think you might be hard pressed to find an IRA connection to Marley and Me - although admittedly a bit of knee-capping would have improved that film no end.
Salopian Posted - 06/01/2010 : 13:06:19
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Here's an imdb starting point.

I see that derry-northern-ireland and londonderry-northern-ireland each have one entry.
Salopian Posted - 06/01/2010 : 13:05:17
Fifty Dead Men Walking


Leap Year

Marley & Me

My Left Foot I have reported one of these.

P.S. I Love You

Waking Ned Features a spoiler.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/01/2010 : 10:17:49
Poppies are green and orange. Oranges have green leaves. Perhaps there are lessons in nature for us all.

The Wind That Shakes The Barley

The Playboys


Bloody Sunday

Michael Collins

Patriot Games

The Devil's Own

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