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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/06/2010 : 09:28:57
TA:MOU = Themed Anniversary: Moving On Up


Each Tuesday a theme will be decided based on the Anniversary of some significant event. All you have to do is trawl your reviews for any that relate to that event and post them here with a link.

You can post as many as you wish, so long as either the film or your review clearly relates to the theme. You can only post during the week of the current TA:MOU.

You don't have to say you voted unless you really want to - but you are expected to visit all the links posted. As a courtesy to the majority of fwfrs, you may only post a link that uses the domain name.

From this week each TA:MOU # will be removed when a new one takes its place. This is to deter re-visiting of expired threads.

Yours truly
Da Management

in 1793 the troubled period known as The Reign of Terror began. In a slight change to our normal programming, please present any review which suggests terror. Dunno about you, but I'm terrorfied!

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 04/13/2010 : 15:30:45
Originally posted by demonic

It's odd you've got the two indentical woodpecker reviews in your set Salopian. I think I undestand how that happened, but shouldn't you really delete one of them?

I reported it years ago.

Just to confirm how it happened... After the first one was unsuccessful, I submitted the non-article version. That was approved, but I preferred the full one so I resubmitted it and that was approved too.
demonic Posted - 04/13/2010 : 15:24:07
It's odd you've got the two indentical woodpecker reviews in your set Salopian. I think I undestand how that happened, but shouldn't you really delete one of them?
Salopian Posted - 04/13/2010 : 12:50:22
Yup, birds flapping around seems to really get to a lot of people's psyche in a strangely fundamental way, and he tapped into that really well.

Edit: Just looked it up after that. Never knew it was a story by Daphne du Maurier!
ChocolateLady Posted - 04/13/2010 : 12:11:28
Originally posted by Salopian

The Birds

Excellent choice. To this day, it is the most terrifying movie I've ever seen.
Salopian Posted - 04/09/2010 : 20:42:21
Originally posted by TitanPa

But how do yousingle one review out of a group of your reviews?

It's best to use true chronological (i.e. not antichronological) order and then amend from there. See full details here.
Salopian Posted - 04/09/2010 : 20:38:37
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

you may only post a link that uses the domain name.

Are you going to change the rules in the middle of every round now?
demonic Posted - 04/07/2010 : 01:29:51
Hi TitanPA... to isolate one review you need to alter the address of the page you're looking at in the address bar. For example if you have two reviews for a film and want to just show the second one you could alter the end of the address from start=1 to start=2. It can be a bit of trial and error and will alter according to the order you have the reviews displayed, but chronological or votes ordering should be the most useful. If that doesn't make any sense PM me an example of what you'd like and I'll show you a way to do it.
TitanPa Posted - 04/07/2010 : 01:13:28
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by TitanPa

Been awhile since I ventured in this area. THought I might as well. One always needs votes. But it has been too long. I cant remember how to single out a review to post? Hopefully I'll get it and be back.

Welcome back, TPa! Actually, since the Great Benj made it easy-peasy ... it's, well, uhm, easy-peasy to isolate your reviews. Just i.d. the film/s you want to feature on the week's theme, then there's a drop-down menu contained in a little beige lozange at the top of the page, which says "my reviews only." Click that and voila! your reviews will appear as if by magic. Then all you have to do is copy the url which will now appear and go back to the TA:MOU page and paste it. Do as many as you want.

Can't wait to see yours!

PS - How's TitanBaby?

I know all that. But how do yousingle one review out of a group of your reviews? BTW...TitanBaby is starting her terrible 2's a bit early :P Other than that...shes great
demonic Posted - 04/07/2010 : 00:06:42
I don't have any reviews with terror in the title, which is terrible.

Instead... some new horror film reviews:

Black Christmas

Silent Hill

Hallowe'en (remake)


and a selection of favourite scary films:

An American Werewolf in London

Angel Heart

Evil Dead II

The Exorcist

The Haunting

Jacob's Ladder


A Nightmare on Elm Street


The Ring

The Shining

A Tale of Two Sisters


The Thing
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/06/2010 : 22:11:31
Originally posted by TitanPa

Been awhile since I ventured in this area. THought I might as well. One always needs votes. But it has been too long. I cant remember how to single out a review to post? Hopefully I'll get it and be back.

Welcome back, TPa! Actually, since the Great Benj made it easy-peasy ... it's, well, uhm, easy-peasy to isolate your reviews. Just i.d. the film/s you want to feature on the week's theme, then there's a drop-down menu contained in a little beige lozange at the top of the page, which says "my reviews only." Click that and voila! your reviews will appear as if by magic. Then all you have to do is copy the url which will now appear and go back to the TA:MOU page and paste it. Do as many as you want.

Can't wait to see yours!

PS - How's TitanBaby?

TitanPa Posted - 04/06/2010 : 20:18:53
Been awhile since I ventured in this area. THought I might as well. One always needs votes. But it has been too long. I cant remember how to single out a review to post? Hopefully I'll get it and be back.
Salopian Posted - 04/06/2010 : 18:47:06
The Birds
lemmycaution Posted - 04/06/2010 : 16:19:12
Terror times seven.

Blind Terror (1971)

Children of thr Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998)

Circus of Terror--AKA Berserk (1967)

Planet Terror (2007)

Terror of Tiny Town (1938)

The Terror (1963)

Tower of Terror (1997)

As you can see, I took the topic literally this time.

BaftaBaby Posted - 04/06/2010 : 09:56:38
personally, I haven't plumped for horror - but you can do as you like, you pervert!

Serial Mom

Hotel Rwanda

A Nightmare on Elm Street


Cobra Woman

Shutter Island

The Birds

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