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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/02/2010 : 09:35:08
TA:MOU = Themed Anniversary: Moving On Up


Each Tuesday a theme will be decided based on the Anniversary of some world event. All you have to do is trawl your reviews for any that relate to that event and post them here with a link. You can post as many as you wish, so long as either the film or your review clearly relates to the theme.

You don't have to say you voted unless you really want to - but you are expected to visit all the links posted.

Yours truly
Da Management

in 1933 the film King Kong opened at New York's Radio City Music Hall. It remains the touchstone for all films about the terrorizing of a town by a big scary monster.

How many such films have you dared to review for fwfr? Are they tame enough to post here so we can all hide behind the sofa?!!!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 03/10/2010 : 23:12:10
Originally posted by demonic

I'm not planning on visiting all the previous rounds retrospectively.

Well, it's not actually retrospectively, and I mean that in all seriousness. It's not like the F.Y.C.T.H. -- there's nothing in the rules or dictated by the process that indicates that one round expires when the next starts. It's like with my Thirteenth Best thread -- I'll have visited everyone in that even though (a) it started over a year ago and (b) Fourteenth Best has already started too.
demonic Posted - 03/10/2010 : 22:42:18
That's more than I thought you'd get - I'm not sure about the others but I'm not planning on visiting all the previous rounds retrospectively. Happy to see you in future rounds though.
Salopian Posted - 03/10/2010 : 02:47:35
Originally posted by demonic

I think I picked up about ten votes last night from TAMOU stock

Well, you did better than me anyway. I got about nine votes in total.
Pope George Ringo Posted - 03/07/2010 : 04:20:39
Originally posted by demonic

I remember that one - with William Petersen. Should have been good. Wasn't...
You've pretty much nailed it with your first review Ringo, but I'll add a cheeky one now. [and with startling alacrity... here it is...!]

BTW: this film doesn't really count for this round - 'cos the squid never rampages through a city.... more's the pity....

Good one..., been there voted that

demonic Posted - 03/07/2010 : 02:24:22
I remember that one - with William Petersen. Should have been good. Wasn't...
You've pretty much nailed it with your first review Ringo, but I'll add a cheeky one now. [and with startling alacrity... here it is...!]

BTW: this film doesn't really count for this round - 'cos the squid never rampages through a city.... more's the pity....
Pope George Ringo Posted - 03/07/2010 : 01:59:49
I seem to be the only one to review this version of this film

Salopian Posted - 03/04/2010 : 17:04:59
Originally posted by demonic

And I didn't know it was you who pushed me over the 20K. You should have been more explicit than "someone".

I thought that you would read between the lines that I knew it was a bunch of votes, which only the voter and votee could know about without monitoring your total continually, something even I wouldn't do.
demonic Posted - 03/04/2010 : 16:17:34
More votes?

No, that's fair enough - I think I picked up about ten votes last night from TAMOU stock, but most of them have been through the FYC. I've gotten into the habit lately of writing new ones for these rounds as my movie watching has declined recently with the job I'm currently working on taking up my free time. And I didn't know it was you who pushed me over the 20K. You should have been more explicit than "someone". Thanks.
Salopian Posted - 03/04/2010 : 04:31:58
Originally posted by demonic

And you have visited the links? Tonight or previously?

I guess you mean tonight as you wouldn't vote on links for a game you weren't playing I assume.

No, I would, but I didn't in this case.
And if that's the case then I can only feel sorely neglected.

I am surprised you say that because it feels like I have given you lots and lots of votes in this session. However, I definitely also noticed many that I had already voted on, so perhaps my perceived heavy voting of you was from a small pool. Bear in mind that I always carefully go through all the reviews after I watch a film and that I have seen a large proportion of recent films (which are more likely to get reviewed than films from any other period). Also bear in mind that most if not all of the reviews you've posted in these rounds have probably been through the F.Y.C.T.H.

Plus I bumped you up to 20,000, didn't I? What more do you want?!
demonic Posted - 03/04/2010 : 02:05:46
Your vote is appreciated.

And you have visited the links? Tonight or previously? I guess you mean tonight as you wouldn't vote on links for a game you weren't playing I assume. And if that's the case then I can only feel sorely neglected.
Salopian Posted - 03/04/2010 : 01:37:44
Originally posted by demonic

There's seemingly no escape from the monster of pedants.

There was nothing pedantic about my post. (You could though argue that that was pedantic. )
May I point out my review, although it may have been seen before elsewhere, is the only one that has a specific explainable reference point given the inclusion of one Jessica Lange in the cast. Oh, yes... she was in Cape Fear.

Thanks for the explanation: I'll vote for yours now. However, it was still quite right of me to post the links as everyone who'd vote for yours should still vote for the oldest one (as its lower relevance is balanced by its originality). I posted the other one in case by some long shot the undisputed King Kong of Duplication would see and delete it.
I'm curious to know now you've entered every round of TA:MOU if you're going to visit every link?

Well, I'm not "going to" because I already have of course, except for the round that I'm in the middle of entering (and the several rounds that I haven't entered at all).
Falken Posted - 03/04/2010 : 01:11:09
Damn! I wish I had a review of Sex and the City to enter...
demonic Posted - 03/04/2010 : 01:04:21
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by demonic

King Kong (70s) *new*

"Ape fear"

"Peter Jackson's Ape Fear"

There's seemingly no escape from the monster of pedants.

May I point out my review, although it may have been seen before elsewhere, is the only one that has a specific explainable reference point given the inclusion of one Jessica Lange in the cast. Oh, yes... she was in Cape Fear.

I'm curious to know now you've entered every round of TA:MOU if you're going to visit every link?
Salopian Posted - 03/03/2010 : 17:59:19
One of these is the oldest h(e)art pun I'm aware of amongst the many of the site. I don't remember a town featuring prominently, though.

Salopian Posted - 03/03/2010 : 17:40:12
Originally posted by demonic

King Kong (70s) *new*

"Ape fear"

"Peter Jackson's Ape Fear"

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