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 Sean's FYCTH - #586

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/22/2010 : 10:11:40
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: What the white rabbit said!

- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
- The initiator of the next round will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean's FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greater than the number of the current round. The initiator of the next round will copy this post verbatim and it will appear as the opening post of the next round, the only things that may be changed are fonts/colours and smileys (which may be removed altogether if desired) and the inviso comment after "Sean Says:".

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rabid kazook Posted - 04/12/2010 : 13:43:10
Salopian, you have the obvious case of "too much time on your hands" flu.
So if you're determined to spend this time on the webby-web why don't go out exploring other hidden treats out there.
For example, I know you're an avid movie viewer, then how about trying other movie forums; there's a diversity out there. You want serious movie critique; you want semi serious critique while still discovering an immense lot; want to really socialize about everything and still be in the 'movie world'; want to do creative stuff in the midst of movie talk... You can find all these out there.
Same goes for book forums, bicycling forums, whatever your poison is. Balancing FWFR and other forums can do you no harm, it's like balancing around a couple of girlfriends.


demonic Posted - 04/11/2010 : 20:44:40
Um... but is there not something a little disconnected about answering an argument from a thread six weeks ago? What do you do all day... re-read the fourum? It's bizarre.

As BaftaBabe pointed out she probably won't answer you, so I just wanted to ask a few things. In reference to your post I don't know/don't care about most of it, and some of your points are downright strange, including the fact you believe strongly enough to say that you have a excellent empathy and interpersonal skills (who would even state that apart from the deeply unempathetic) and your very high opinion of your reviews which may or may not be justified, but certainly reads like arrogance personified.

But I'd specifically be interested to know which members of the community you're referring to when you mention people having been driven away from the fourum by the antics of others, and in those instances how you would know that it wasn't your antics that were the contributing factor. It's seems especially unfortunate that those who liked you the most aren't around to defend you from your detractors and only the critics and silent observers remain.
Salopian Posted - 04/11/2010 : 03:20:30
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

As to nicknames - we all use 'em. Get over it!

Nope, no one should insist on using a name for someone that that person has specifically asked them not to. That amounts to bullying and no less. I don't object to nicknames in general (e.g. Sal or even when P.K.M.N. tiresomely calls me Sheep Boy). I just object to Sally, because in Britain at least it can only be a female name, and I have made that clear numerous times. Using a wrong-gender name is a well-established way of demeaning someone.
Why he'd want to continue participating on a site with which he's so continually unhappy

I love the site. I simply dislike the inane things that some people on the Fourum bandy around. Those are very separate things. Please don't project a false opinion onto me so that you can make yourself feel better by then arguing against it.
If only he could conquer his socio-pathology people would warm to him.

Ah, but they do. In real life far more than here, I readily admit, but I haven't had any reason to make it otherwise. And the people here who have liked me most are amongst those who have been driven away by certain people I won't name.
some of his reviews are really good.

Some? You're funny.
He must have noticed when, for example, he was attacked in the cinema how concerned we all were.

Sure, but that incident was not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Far worse things have happened in my life since I've been a member here, just as they have for many people, but as I have plenty of good friends to talk to I haven't felt the need to mention them.
He doesn't seem to be able to accept the fundamental unfairness of the world. Not a malicious conspiracy. Just the way it is, dude.

Nope, no one should accept unfairness in the world. That is the perfect way to keep unfairness in the world. Again, don't try to project onto me that I have made any suggestion of there being anything conspiratorial.
I'm guessing he's got some form of asbergers, since he's short on humor and doesn't seem to be able to take on board the nuances of various comments.

You are obviously not very familiar with even mild Asberger's if you think that. I do see what you mean but I have an excellent sense of empathy in fact. (Well, there shouldn't therefore be a "but" in that sentence I suppose!) Ask any of those who have turned to me in times of deep emotional/psychological distress. You should not mistake disagreeing with people and not finding them funny for not understanding their mindset. I just find that mindset (e.g. "homophobia is fine in 'jokes'", amongst many other things) to be backwards and wrong.
I couldn't prove it, but I'm willing to bet he's squirrelling away lists of this and that about us.

Well, let's make a bet and then you can come over and check my computer (which I've only had since August anyway). I love a good gamble, especially when I'm certain I'm backing the correct outcome. Since you for some reason find the workings of computers interesting, you'd no doubt be able to tell if I had deleted all these secret documents you imagine. Or are you saying that I have been filling in notebooks long-hand all these years? You just get funnier and funnier. It's such a weird thing to think that I'm now slightly afraid that that's what you've been doing yourself.

I know that you never see your hypocrisy when you make this sort of rant (e.g. the times you have childishly told me not to have the last word because you want the last word!) but please do try to do so. It's hysterical that you present me as being megalomaniacal in light of your own obsessive control of your Themed Anniversary rounds and similar.
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/27/2010 : 15:56:45
Originally posted by bife

Originally posted by Salopian

and I'm happy with my own conduct

Yes, I know you are.

Many regular fourumites do not share your happiness at your own conduct, and wish you would change it.

Not much chance of that though, because you are always right.

I can only agree bife! Though I'm not sure anything you or I or anyone says will penetrate Sally's barriers of comprehension. I do feel sad for him, I really do. It must be so damn painful and far easier to block out the reactions to his transparent ploys and machinations. Or to present verbal pretzels to best reinterpret them. Which includes getting uber-pedantic about precise wordings and interpretations that feed his paranoia.

As to nicknames - we all use 'em. Get over it! As we used to say in da mean streets of Red Hook, Brooklyn - Call me anything, but don't call me late for supper!

I know I've recently broken the promise I made to myself not to be dragged in, but here I am. Which is what I think the object of the excerise is. To make himself the center of attention. Keep the focus on him. Let the 4UM show he arranges his posts so the pages are overwhelmed with his name. A clear indication he exists.

Why he'd want to continue participating on a site with which he's so continually unhappy can only mean that any attention he may solicit, however harsh, is better than being ignored.

As to the imperious tone he regularly adopts, particularly when addressing benj [who is, as I've often said, my HERO], feeds his delusion that he has any power here, and I suspect elsewhere in his life.

I'd love to have a sticky thread just for noobs to learn that his occasional rude and misguided provocations and irrelevancies are not to be taken with any more weight or gravitas than anyone else's. I know I, for one, was fooled for a moment when I first joined the site. Benj is the only arbiter here, the only person who knows what's best for the site, and the only one with the power to adjust and adapt.

Any other 4UM would have long ago banned such a nay-sayer.

All of which is cause for pity not malice. If only he could conquer his socio-pathology people would warm to him. He's not stupid and some of his reviews are really good. He must have noticed when, for example, he was attacked in the cinema how concerned we all were.

He doesn't seem to be able to accept the fundamental unfairness of the world. Not a malicious conspiracy. Just the way it is, dude.

I'm guessing he's got some form of asbergers, since he's short on humor and doesn't seem to be able to take on board the nuances of various comments. Anyone who's been a regular here for several years can pick that up easily.

I couldn't prove it, but I'm willing to bet he's squirrelling away lists of this and that about us. And I don't just mean birthdays. He regards data as weaponry. The fact that he doesn't seem to be able to see that his behavior isn't quite normal speaks volumes.

As the old song goes - more to be pitied than censured.

If, dear readers, this prompts a tirade of any kind, rest assured I won't be engaging in a dialogue. Life's too short.

bife Posted - 02/27/2010 : 14:51:25
Originally posted by Salopian

and I'm happy with my own conduct

Yes, I know you are.

Many regular fourumites do not share your happiness at your own conduct, and wish you would change it.

Not much chance of that though, because you are always right.
Salopian Posted - 02/27/2010 : 14:19:16
Originally posted by bife


Don't call me that.
have you ever considered just how many fwfrers have "taken up against you" over the years; and how it seems to be only you? this is hardly a vitriol-filled site and fwfrers in general do not pick fights with each other ... only with you.

But they were all wrong, and you have every right to repeatedly demonstrate the error of their ways. The site really is much more pleasurable as a result of your constant vigilience against unfairness and inconsistency.

I really don't highlight that many such cases; it's just that certain people get so am-dram whenever I do that it blows it out of all proportion. I've also made far more positive comments in the history of the F.Y.C.T.H. and elsewhere than most people. (Honestly, check back through.) So I'm just more interested in discussing the mechanics and merits of reviews than some.

You're entitled to your opinion that each B.B.'s response here was proportionate, and I'm happy with my own conduct. This is a very small community and people mistake agreement amongst like-minded people ("Pun �ber Alles") as objectivity.
Salopian Posted - 02/27/2010 : 14:09:38
Originally posted by demonic

No, not really.

O.K., I either interpreted it differently at the time or misremembered it then. (I seem to remember thinking that it could be an elaborate plot to trick him for some reason.) Also, I only posted because just before seeing your first post in this thread I'd by coincidence been talking about it to my dad, who saw it a couple of weeks ago. I then checked with him (being surprised by what you included), but admittedly not in detail. But you seem so sure that I'm more than happy to trust you on it.
hustleboy007 Posted - 02/27/2010 : 13:34:16
Originally posted by Beanmimo

My personal faourite this round is the very first one displayed!!

Nice one Hustleboy

(tips hat)

Nice ones this round yourself, Bean.
bife Posted - 02/27/2010 : 13:26:53
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by BiggerBoat

Oh, I see. It's a conspiracy against you. No, fair enough - if 'the man' is keeping you down you've got every right to be critical about any review that you feel isn't acceptable. I just wish you'd pointed that out earlier before we were so harsh about what seemed to me to be a mean and uncalled for slur against a fellow reviewer's work.

If there's anything I can do to try and overturn this malicious campaign against you, please let me know - I have friends in high places and you've always been so charming and open minded that it seems a shame that anyone should try to stifle your brilliance.

Certainly not a campaign against me, but another reviewer has previously noted that the standards do seem to be different for different people, and I do think that that's the case. (Indeed, a similar review to the one I mentioned has since been approved.) However, that's not why I asked about B.B.'s review, and my wording was very measured and can hardly be called a "slur". In contrast, B.B. became scathingly personal against me for no good reason.

sally, have you ever considered just how many fwfrers have "taken up against you" over the years; and how it seems to be only you? this is hardly a vitriol-filled site and fwfrers in general do not pick fights with each other ... only with you.

But they were all wrong, and you have every right to repeatedly demonstrate the error of their ways. The site really is much more pleasurable as a result of your constant vigilience against unfairness and inconsistency.

demonic Posted - 02/27/2010 : 01:44:06
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by demonic

Not at all

Isn't it kept intentionally ambiguous about whether that is genuine, and we don't actually find out for sure till towards the end?

No, not really. It's pretty clear from 15 minutes in that she hasn't died at all, the initial email Alex recieves shows a live surveillance camera with her on it, and you see her several times after that attempting to contact/meet him. It's clear she didn't die, you just don't know what actually happened till the end.
Salopian Posted - 02/26/2010 : 22:05:41
Originally posted by demonic

Not at all

Isn't it kept intentionally ambiguous about whether that is genuine, and we don't actually find out for sure till towards the end?
Salopian Posted - 02/26/2010 : 22:04:30
Originally posted by BiggerBoat

Oh, I see. It's a conspiracy against you. No, fair enough - if 'the man' is keeping you down you've got every right to be critical about any review that you feel isn't acceptable. I just wish you'd pointed that out earlier before we were so harsh about what seemed to me to be a mean and uncalled for slur against a fellow reviewer's work.

If there's anything I can do to try and overturn this malicious campaign against you, please let me know - I have friends in high places and you've always been so charming and open minded that it seems a shame that anyone should try to stifle your brilliance.

Certainly not a campaign against me, but another reviewer has previously noted that the standards do seem to be different for different people, and I do think that that's the case. (Indeed, a similar review to the one I mentioned has since been approved.) However, that's not why I asked about B.B.'s review, and my wording was very measured and can hardly be called a "slur". In contrast, B.B. became scathingly personal against me for no good reason.
clay Posted - 02/25/2010 : 14:41:23
Originally posted by lemmycaution


A toast to clay's review for The Right Stuff.

RIP BiggerBoat's computer.

Thanks, lemmy! Let's have another round!

vv early, noted late.
[matt] Posted - 02/25/2010 : 09:22:27

Forgot to mention: V + V
demonic Posted - 02/25/2010 : 00:50:02
V for Votes.

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by demonic

Fran�ois Cluzet stars in "Tell No One" as a husband investigating the murder and then...

Isn't the next bit a big old spoiler?

Not at all; they sold the film in the trailer on the fact that his wife, dead for eight years, sends him an email with a live video link of herself. Nice thriller, although it does lose its momentum in the final reel.

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