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 Sean's FYCTH - #570

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/28/2009 : 09:16:21
Sean Says:
The end [of 2009] is nigh!

- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
- The initiator of the next round will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean's FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greater than the number of the current round. The initiator of the next round will copy this post verbatim and it will appear as the opening post of the next round, the only things that may be changed are fonts/colours and smileys (which may be removed altogether if desired).

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
clay Posted - 12/31/2009 : 12:22:51
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/31/2009 : 06:51:08

This fycth has been sad for me.
ChocolateLady Posted - 12/31/2009 : 03:59:45
Well, old "Sleepless in Jerusalem" has voted this round.

(Maybe its because today is going to be my last day at the job I've held for the past 22 years. Or maybe I'm getting my body ready for earlier wake-ups that I'll need when I start my new job that's on the other side of the country!)
chazbo Posted - 12/31/2009 : 01:43:23

[matt] Posted - 12/31/2009 : 00:51:58


Originally posted by hustleboy007

I'm really proud of the one for Slaughtered Vomit Dolls - it just came to me, really.

You should be! It's my favourite of the round.

Hello to AC.
Josh the cat Posted - 12/30/2009 : 23:52:43

Josh the cat
demonic Posted - 12/30/2009 : 22:23:34
randall Posted - 12/30/2009 : 22:10:29
AC Posted - 12/30/2009 : 22:08:29
Nice to be back, have visited and spread the love. Will drop in every few rounds - it should be clear from my accolade hunting approach to FWFR that votes are about my lowest priority around here. Just glad to get involved and read some quality work!
Larry Posted - 12/30/2009 : 21:30:06

Viewted. A good round.

Thanks to all for the kind comments.
lemmycaution Posted - 12/30/2009 : 21:17:17

Welcome back, cobber.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2009 : 20:56:27

C U next year [oh, how they laffed!]

demonic Posted - 12/30/2009 : 01:45:43
Ah, you see [matt] understands... 'tis better to give than to receive... thanks back to you.
[matt] Posted - 12/30/2009 : 01:08:43

Sam Worthington's character in Avatar is called Jake Sully.

Late entry as I haven't had time to get online for the last few days. Luckily I already did most of my voting for the last round.
Demonic, cheers for the Christmas 5! Just returned you some vote presents

Salopian Posted - 12/30/2009 : 00:28:47
Originally posted by AussieCanuck

Why, I thought, should I not celebrate the end of 2009 by participating in FYCTH for the first time since 2005?

"... Hobbit forming" for the same film and "... hobbit forming" for another one

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