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 Sean's FYCTH - #508

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/25/2009 : 09:31:25

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: I'm only dancing, it turns me on.

- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.

- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.

- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.

- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.

- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.

- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

- The initiator of the next round will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean's FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greater than the number of the current round. The initiator of the next round will copy this post verbatim and it will appear as the opening post of the next round, the only things that may be changed are fonts/colours and smileys (which may be removed altogether if desired ) and the inviso comment after "Sean Says:".

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/28/2009 : 10:02:58

As if I would ever bear a grudge! Me!

We square bro'.

rabid kazook Posted - 05/28/2009 : 03:32:09
To Whippersnapper:
Sorry sir for that, I apparently didn't do an extensive enough searchkill. Well, it's off to the bin.
I hope there are no grudges beared.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/28/2009 : 01:03:59


Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/28/2009 : 00:51:23
Originally posted by rabid kazook

Glad to be back to do some sfycthin' (?!)

My salutes and nods to all!

Your "Shanghai Noon" review put me rather in mind of this one of mine...

demonic Posted - 05/28/2009 : 00:20:06
Originally posted by [matt]

5 for demonic

What a gent.

VV - loads of great reviews this round. Bravi! And welcome Clay - great to see a new face on the fourum.
Kruegerbait Posted - 05/27/2009 : 23:05:21
Viewed and voted.
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/27/2009 : 22:34:04

lemmycaution Posted - 05/27/2009 : 20:45:33
[matt] Posted - 05/27/2009 : 19:44:35


5 for demonic

[matt] Posted - 05/27/2009 : 19:37:43

Yeah it's a great review. You beat me to it actually, although my version was nowhere near as good.
I had "Jack. Off!" declined a few days ago because apparently it could apply to dozens of movies.

Originally posted by Kruegerbait
Originally posted by [matt]
Hey Kruegerbait, one of yours is similar to one of mine.

I'll give it a vote since it's so damn good.

I don't know how I missed that one, I've now voted. Thanks for the vote and hopefully yours gains some more now it's been highlighted. If however you do feel mine is too similar to yours I will happily delete with no hard feelings.

No don't delete it, it got me a couple of votes anyway!
thefoxboy Posted - 05/27/2009 : 11:05:31
Originally posted by CankleFetish

VV to here, of course I'll check for stragglers...

My favorite review of the round(which I rarely post), is foxboy's 'Strip poker' review...

If this doesn't hit 20 votes, eventually of course, then I'll be surprised/upset.

My endorsement means nothing, but that review resounded with me, it may have reached my soul... In other words, it's good stuff!

Thanks mate, poker is full of rude terms.
"Jack King off" works so well as a review for Strip Poker.

randall Posted - 05/27/2009 : 10:25:57
Originally posted by CankleFetish

Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by clay

First-timer FYCer here. To Sludge: I FINALLY took your suggestion! Tried to reply to your message but I got Try-Again-Latered to Infinity and Beyond.

Welcome to FYCTH. Hope that you are in four the long haul. I must be psychic 'cause one of my reviews this week is a good welcome to you. Click at lemmy above to see why.

Damn Lemmy, you truly are the master... Even when you don't set out to intentionally pimp a review, you end up pimping a review. It got my vote.

Sensei's vote fu skills are indeed strong. That is why I have made them my lifelong study. But I am not yet worthy.

Welcome in, clay, and keep 'em coming!

Canklefish Posted - 05/27/2009 : 06:47:47
VV to here, of course I'll check for stragglers...

My favorite review of the round(which I rarely post), is foxboy's 'Strip poker' review...

If this doesn't hit 20 votes, eventually of course, then I'll be surprised/upset.

My endorsement means nothing, but that review resounded with me, it may have reached my soul... In other words, it's good stuff!
Kruegerbait Posted - 05/27/2009 : 02:06:48
Originally posted by [matt]

Hey Kruegerbait, one of yours is similar to one of mine.

I'll give it a vote since it's so damn good.

I don't know how I missed that one, I've now voted. Thanks for the vote and hopefully yours gains some more now it's been highlighted. If however you do feel mine is too similar to yours I will happily delete with no hard feelings.
Sludge Posted - 05/26/2009 : 19:02:00
Welcome aboard, Clay!

Here's my very late entry.

These are pretty fresh thanks to the MERPs.

"Caught in the Net" features an actress named Zillah Bateman.

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