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 Se�n's FYCTH - #500

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 04/27/2009 : 04:23:44
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: 500! Yippee ki yay!
- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
- The initiator of the next round will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean's FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greater than the number of the current round. The initiator of the next round will copy this post verbatim and it will appear as the opening post of the next round, the only things that may be changed are fonts/colours and smileys (which may be removed altogether if desired) and the inviso comment after "Sean Says:".

I'm not in this round, by the way. I just felt like starting #500.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
silly Posted - 04/30/2009 : 16:50:02
Thanks for all the votes, y'all! Especially for the John Malkovich review; makes me sad that my Eragon review ("Fleeing John Malkovich") wsa rejected as too generic.

I had high hopes for the Woody Allen review ("Cruz in" = "Cruisin") but whatever. It was funnier in my head. They usually are.
[matt] Posted - 04/30/2009 : 10:22:48
Originally posted by demonic

Voted! And gave everyone an extra random 5 votes as promised. Even Salopian. Happy 500!

Very kind of you good sir, have another 5 yourself

ChocolateLady Posted - 04/30/2009 : 06:47:17
Originally posted by Salopian
It's not that Rock Golf's works better. It's that both use exactly the same idea and so there is no value in having both of them on the site. I don't mean that thefoxboy's should not have been allowed, as there is no such rule, but it's only Rock Golf who deserves the credit.

See, now - I've never understood this. I can see why having very similar reviews for the same movie doesn't do the site much good. MERPs often decline reviews for being too similar to previously approved review for that movie - and rightly so.

But the exact same review for totally different movies? Why aren't they equally valueable to the site, if they work equally as well for the different movies? Where's the harm? And why should only Rocky "deserve the credit"? Isn't it the luck of the draw which one gets through the MERPs first? The thing is, I doubt that Rocky contacted foxy and said "I have this great idea for a review that I'm gonna submit for X movie" and then foxy went out and found another film to use that same review for. If that had actually happened, then yes, foxy shouldn't get the credit as it would have been outright stealing of Rocky's idea. As it is, they're both equally valueable to the site and both should stay.

(That isn't what happened, is it Rocky?)

demonic Posted - 04/30/2009 : 04:11:48
Voted! And gave everyone an extra random 5 votes as promised. Even Salopian. Happy 500!

Now then...

Originally posted by Salopian
It's not that Rock Golf's works better. It's that both use exactly the same idea and so there is no value in having both of them on the site. I don't mean that thefoxboy's should not have been allowed, as there is no such rule, but it's only Rock Golf who deserves the credit.

As Foxboy's came only 50 approved reviews after Rockgolf's isn't it entirely likely that they had the idea at pretty much the same time? As it happens I went to submit the exact review for "Porco Rosso" myself a couple of days ago and saw Foxboy had got there first. If he hadn't I'd have been in like a shot, regardless of Rockgolf's review, and he wouldn't "deserve the credit" for it at all. He'd get my vote for having the same excellent idea as me.

Originally posted by Salopian
I doubt very much that you can only gain pleasure by repeating lazy statements, but if so you have my sympathy.

As for pedantry, I only noted my simple disagreement. It's BiggerBoat who went overboard with all the faulty statistics.

The pleasure I'm referring to is taking part in FYC and interacting on this forum without your endless refutations, corrections, unassailable opinions and superiority. I wish you'd stop being such a monumental bore. By the way, next time you visit Brighton the gay mafia have vowed to knife you and throw you off the pier. Have a nice trip.
Salopian Posted - 04/30/2009 : 02:12:51
Originally posted by demonic

As usual I'm astounded... watch as all the pleasure of the round is leeched away by the "dullest pedant in the UK" (BBC News - Southern Counties).

I doubt very much that you can only gain pleasure by repeating lazy statements, but if so you have my sympathy.

As for pedantry, I only noted my simple disagreement. It's BiggerBoat who went overboard with all the faulty statistics.
Salopian Posted - 04/30/2009 : 02:06:35
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by Salopian

It's a shame that we cannot retract votes. I had unfortunately already voted on thefoxboy's topical pun by the time I saw Rock Golf's older one.

Why? They both work, if you ask me. I voted for both of them (and I worked my way backwards through the posts this time).

But yes, because of the more obvious film title, Rocky's does work a bit better.

It's not that Rock Golf's works better. It's that both use exactly the same idea and so there is no value in having both of them on the site. I don't mean that thefoxboy's should not have been allowed, as there is no such rule, but it's only Rock Golf who deserves the credit.
Salopian Posted - 04/30/2009 : 02:01:18
Originally posted by BiggerBoat

I don't think a borough is an 'arbitrarily small unit'. Besides which even if you put all the boroughs together, it's done by percentage so London would still be second.

I think you have to put it in inverted commas because it's hardly an official title.

Type 'gay capital of Britain' into Google and all you get is results that refer to Brighton. I would say that's pretty clear cut, although I'm looking forward to the more definitive results that Salopoogle throws up.

My objections are based on such a statement having a horrible tweeness, and that casually saying that sort of thing when its parameters are so vague creates an otherness that has a negative effect. It's like when women make that appalling, banal comment that all the best-looking men are gay. And it would be like me as a white person going around saying that such and such a place is the black capital of Britain. If I just said that that place has a relatively high black population (in a context where there is some valid point in noting that), then that would be fine.

Boroughs are arbitrarily small units for the point at hand, just not an arbitrary units in general. They play essentially no part in people's cultural lives: it's only the whole city that means anything to this issue. Yes, it's done by percentage but that doesn't make that reasonable. It's the total population that matters. Similarly, London is the de facto general capital of this country because it has the largest number of institutions, not the highest density of them per capita.

If it has been put in inverted commas here, then it wouldn't have been too bad as it would have acknowledged that it is a silly thing to say.

The number of hits only measures how frequently this lazy statement is repeated: it doesn't make it true. However, "gay capital of the uk" brighton even so brings in only a few more results than "gay capital of the uk" london.
Salopian Posted - 04/30/2009 : 01:47:03
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Does it seem like 500 to you?
Well, actually...

I thought of the pun first but you have managed to find a better film on the I.M.D.B.
[matt] Posted - 04/30/2009 : 00:09:24


Loads of 5/5s from me:

thefoxboy, ahaa, RockG01f, BiggerBoat, demonic and Yukon!

thefoxboy Posted - 04/30/2009 : 00:08:22

BiggerBoat Posted - 04/30/2009 : 00:03:46
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/29/2009 : 23:10:21
Josh the cat Posted - 04/29/2009 : 22:12:58

I first posted in the fourum 3/12/2004

I was reading the fourum for ages before I plucked up the courage to post.

My first FYCTH was #47 9/12/2004

been hooked ever since!

Josh the cat
Sean Posted - 04/29/2009 : 21:26:26
FYCTH #001 without the highlighting.

It's interesting to see how many of those in round one are still here.
Conan The Westy Posted - 04/29/2009 : 20:43:40

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