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 Sean's FYCTH - #495

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Josh the cat Posted - 04/09/2009 : 04:49:59
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: Thank you
- Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
- Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
- Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
- Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
- You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
- The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
- The initiator of the next round will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean's FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greater than the number of the current round. The initiator of the next round will copy this post verbatim and it will appear as the opening post of the next round, the only things that may be changed are fonts/colours and smileys (which may be removed altogether if desired) and the inviso comment after "Sean Says:".
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 04/13/2009 : 15:30:48
Originally posted by Ro�k G01f

Way to piss off E.e. cummings and K.d. lang.

Quite. Stupid affectations in both cases. No better than dotting an i with a heart or smiley face.
[matt] Posted - 04/13/2009 : 12:41:21
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by [matt]

I've got another confession to make... I'm your fool.

The Boat That Rocked is the one about the boat that broadcasts radio.

Excellent one for that.


RockGolf Posted - 04/13/2009 : 12:11:07
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Ro�k G01f

One Night In the Tropics was the first Abbott & Costello film, wherein the two travel to the island of San Marino.

San Marcos, I believe.

I always get my Sans mixed up. In one early comic book I read, some hero visited the island of San Diablo. Not sure how that got past the editors.

And even the username, like any word, should still be capitalised at the beginning of a sentence.

Way to piss off E.e. cummings and K.d. lang.
lemmycaution Posted - 04/13/2009 : 02:04:43
demonic Posted - 04/13/2009 : 01:00:02
Salopian Posted - 04/13/2009 : 00:58:43
And even the username, like any word, should still be capitalised at the beginning of a sentence.
Salopian Posted - 04/13/2009 : 00:55:52
Originally posted by thefoxboy

benj clearly uses benj not Benj.

I've talked to him about that before. The lower case is fine in a username, but in real names is not possible. (I don't know whether it's a legal requirement, but I know that Benj - like all normal people - capitalises his name in a non-username, non-informal context so he does not claim that his real name is lower case, which is the important thing here.) I scrupulously follow the capitalisation that people choose for their usernames (except for Conan the Westy because when he changed it to Conan The Westy, via other things, he expressed indifference on the matter), but as I dislike lower-cased names I opt to refer to Benj by his real name rather than his username as a way to avoid one instance of that. You won't see me ever write Benj_Clews.
Salopian Posted - 04/13/2009 : 00:46:54
Originally posted by Josh the cat

It has nothing to do with Benj's choice, I was just following the rules of the game

It has nothing to do with any of the rules, even the silly new one.

It certainly does have to do with Benj's choice, though. This game centres on a feature of the site which he called and still calls For Your Consideration (choosing not to go for the Four pun as he did in Fourum). For anyone to spell the feature's name differently in this game to how he spells it on the main site is even more bizarre than legislating that the original title of the game is not allowed.
Salopian Posted - 04/12/2009 : 23:43:23
Originally posted by Ro�k G01f

One Night In the Tropics was the first Abbott & Costello film, wherein the two travel to the island of San Marino.

San Marcos, I believe.
Salopian Posted - 04/12/2009 : 23:23:33
Originally posted by [matt]

I've got another confession to make... I'm your fool.

The Boat That Rocked is the one about the boat that broadcasts radio.

Excellent one for that.
randall Posted - 04/12/2009 : 22:50:02
[matt] Posted - 04/12/2009 : 22:26:28


Good round everyone

Josh the cat Posted - 04/12/2009 : 20:38:43


Josh the cat
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/12/2009 : 20:02:40

Sludge Posted - 04/12/2009 : 18:07:22

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