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 Sean's FYCTH - #492

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/30/2009 : 07:30:35
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: The rain in Spain better not screw up my vacation!
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
The initiator of the next round will name the thread "FYCTH - #***" or "Sean's FYCTH - #***", "***" is one integer greater than the number of the current round. The initiator of the next round will copy this post verbatim and it will appear as the opening post of the next round, the only things that may be changed are fonts/colours and smileys (which may be removed altogether if desired) and the inviso comment after "Sean Says:".

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Larry Posted - 04/02/2009 : 11:06:32
Originally posted by demonic

No cats, just votes... including 4s and 5s for Airbolt, Whipper, Larry and BiggerBoat. Top work gentlemen.

Thanks, demonic. All votes gratefully accepted as delayed birthday presents.
Salopian Posted - 04/02/2009 : 02:56:19
The next round is going to have to start about two hours later than expected, since it's defined by the site's clock and not any national time.

Benj, did you by any chance manually change it in the wrong direction?
lemmycaution Posted - 04/02/2009 : 02:29:06
V&V and that's no joke.
demonic Posted - 04/02/2009 : 01:00:17
No cats, just votes... including 4s and 5s for Airbolt, Whipper, Larry and BiggerBoat. Top work gentlemen.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/01/2009 : 22:42:27

Bathed the cat too.

chazbo Posted - 04/01/2009 : 19:45:47
All done except the cat's bath.

BaftaBaby Posted - 04/01/2009 : 18:55:51

Uhm ... wuzzup with the time? Here in the UK it's now a couple of minutes to 9PM, and silly's post and mine are showing 6 something.

silly Posted - 04/01/2009 : 18:53:22
What's the Vector Victor?
randall Posted - 04/01/2009 : 18:10:04
Canklefish Posted - 04/01/2009 : 09:12:15
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

All done!

Thanks for the votes, Chocky!
ChocolateLady Posted - 04/01/2009 : 09:06:50
All done!
Canklefish Posted - 04/01/2009 : 08:40:34

I'll submit late, what the hell...

VV to here
Beanmimo Posted - 03/31/2009 : 13:48:09

Jimmy Choo's Tuesday Grooves.
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/31/2009 : 06:42:46
So far, so good!
chazbo Posted - 03/30/2009 : 22:31:33
Today's To-Do List:

1. Assemble a coterie of socialist pilots to carry a war-torn world into the future.

2. Escort St. Simeon Stylites from atop a pillar in the 5th century to a sixties New York club.

3. Persuade a nuclear warhead to disarm using phenomenology.

4. Talk to Samantha Eggar about these oddly deformed children who keep materializing from her pent-up anger.

5. Dispense magic sunglasses so everyone can see that the wealthy are really aliens controlling us puny humans.

6. Give the cat a bath.

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