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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Canklefish Posted - 03/14/2009 : 19:05:00
Nought for consideration #10

Do you have a few 'zero voted reviews' lyin' around you'd like to submit for mass consideration? Well, most of us do... Getting some of our more obscure reviews a thorough viewing can be a daunting task, but with the help of this thread steps can be taken to remedy the situation.

Simply post one(Hell, post several) of your 'Zero' pages and I'll gladly take a look. Many of you already know me to peruse your pages casually, but if you submit here, then you're guaranteed a viewing. I hope you'll view mine also, but the ONE rule of this post is that you're not obligated to do so...

Some zeros need to remain zeros. I recognize that all too well when viewing my own bottom-dwellers, but if you've got some reviews you feel haven't been given proper attention, then this is your chance to showcase 'em.

Though I now work weekends, as 'The Man' does his damnedest to keep the Cank from satisfyin' his College Basketball fix, rest assured I'll get to all submissions most ricky tick...

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hustleboy007 Posted - 03/19/2009 : 16:42:39
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by hustleboy007

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by hustleboy007

Only three, but here you go!

Bad link.

Really? Seems to work okay for me. I remembered the "http://www." heading on it for all browsers excepting Firefox...?

...of course, there's no "0" votes there now, so maybe it's that?

No, as I viewed it it displayed your highest reviews. This will be because of your own settings. When one wants to post a certain page, if it starts off the right way round due to one's settings one needs to click the button twice so that it displays that way round to everyone. If you compare this link to yours you can see that yours does not have a dir number, i.e. a direction. No www. would not have made it a bad link.

All right - I really need to get a handle on this linkage thing for specialty sections like this. Compared to the rest of you, I'm still a noob.
Salopian Posted - 03/19/2009 : 15:33:07
Originally posted by hustleboy007

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by hustleboy007

Only three, but here you go!

Bad link.

Really? Seems to work okay for me. I remembered the "http://www." heading on it for all browsers excepting Firefox...?

...of course, there's no "0" votes there now, so maybe it's that?

No, as I viewed it it displayed your highest reviews. This will be because of your own settings. When one wants to post a certain page, if it starts off the right way round due to one's settings one needs to click the button twice so that it displays that way round to everyone. If you compare this link to yours you can see that yours does not have a dir number, i.e. a direction. No www. would not have made it a bad link.
hustleboy007 Posted - 03/19/2009 : 14:50:22
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by hustleboy007

Only three, but here you go!

Bad link.

Really? Seems to work okay for me. I remembered the "http://www." heading on it for all browsers excepting Firefox...?

...of course, there's no "0" votes there now, so maybe it's that?
Salopian Posted - 03/19/2009 : 13:54:28
Originally posted by hustleboy007

Only three, but here you go!

Bad link.
Salopian Posted - 03/19/2009 : 12:48:02
Originally posted by thefoxboy

I was a couple of hundred under 40k.

Oh, O.K. I hadn't specifically looked at your total -- just remembered it roughly from the corner of my eye.
randall Posted - 03/17/2009 : 22:50:41
thefoxboy Posted - 03/17/2009 : 21:23:43
I was a couple of hundred under 40k.
Canklefish Posted - 03/17/2009 : 14:24:39
I'd grown rather proud/fond of my zero-voted reviews, 'cuz they were what they were... crappy-ass 'filler' reviews with an occasional gem thrown in. This thread allowed other reviewers the chance to dig around for those gems, if they felt like participating, while I would return the favor.

I was excited to see the votes pouring in, until I realized about 100+ into the process what was happening... This thread is officially dead for the foreseeable future. I thank everybody who participated over the past year, but it'll be many months before this post would be relevant again.

I will continue to monitor the arrival of any new participants, should anybody straggle in as a latecomer.
Salopian Posted - 03/17/2009 : 12:03:03
You are right though that some people have had masses of votes: thefoxboy was still in the 30,000s (maybe even below 39,000) not many days ago but now is over 41,000. (I just roughly remember seeing his because he is at the top.)

I tried to calculate the total number of votes from Saturday to Monday, but this stat {vr,,,,03/14/2009,03/16/2009} didn't work even though I modelled it on one in the original stats thread.
Salopian Posted - 03/17/2009 : 11:43:10
Originally posted by Se�n

Well, I've just checked everyone in this thread, and there are only 3 people remaining with zeroes. I'm guessing 3000-4000 votes cast so far.

How thorough of you.
Sean Posted - 03/17/2009 : 11:15:29
Well, I've just checked everyone in this thread, and there are only 3 people remaining with zeroes. I'm guessing 3000-4000 votes cast so far.
Salopian Posted - 03/17/2009 : 10:42:29
Originally posted by Se�n

That's quite a few thousand zeroes that this mystery person has voted on now. How pointless.

I don't think it's quite that many, unless several people have had a similar number to C.F. - Larry, hustleboy and I didn't have many 0s to start with, and also quite a few of C.F.'s votes will have come from other people since everyone will obviously visit him first.

However, I do agree that as much as I'm happy to get votes, I want them to be deserved, i.e. that the voter has understood and enjoyed the reviews. Sometimes I get votes on reviews that are so obscure (e.g. for a film that I doubt anyone else here has seen) and it can make me doubt the meaningfulness of other votes that come at the same time. Neverthless, in the absence of evidence I'll have to assume that all my reviews were appreciated this time and be grateful.
Sean Posted - 03/17/2009 : 06:54:31
Originally posted by CankleFetish

Well, all my zeroes are almost gone also, and I started the round with 800+, so I figure somebody either LOVES to vote or hates my post/wants it put to sleep, probably the latter.

It's gotten kinda ridiculous with the voting, so somebody out there has a monumental agenda
That's quite a few thousand zeroes that this mystery person has voted on now. How pointless.
Canklefish Posted - 03/17/2009 : 00:46:50
Well, all my zeroes are almost gone also, and I started the round with 800+, so I figure somebody either LOVES to vote or hates my post/wants it put to sleep, probably the latter.

It's gotten kinda ridiculous with the voting, so somebody out there has a monumental agenda
hustleboy007 Posted - 03/16/2009 : 22:29:29
All my zeros are gone, as well! Thank you, mysterious benefactor(s)!

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