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 Sean's FYCTH - #481

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 02/19/2009 : 07:30:00
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: We're BACK!
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 02/24/2009 : 04:56:48
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by lemmycaution

Don't we all look back to Rocky as best picture and say "What were they thinking?"(check the films that it beat).In 20 years that's what they will be saying about this year's winner.

Of the films I've seen from 1976, I'm happy enough for Rocky to have won.

Really?? Which films of the four haven't you seen? "Taxi Driver" is one of the greatest films of the 70s. "All The Presidents Men" and "Network" are classic movies. It's a good comparison by Lemmy. Feel good does not equate to classic. See also: Chicago (beating The Hours, The Pianist, Gangs of New York, LOTR: TT)
Larry Posted - 02/23/2009 : 13:51:01
Originally posted by [matt]


Several 4s from me this round, and Larry got 5

Thanks [matt] -- a man of unquestionable taste!
[matt] Posted - 02/23/2009 : 07:30:06


Several 4s from me this round, and Larry got 5
Salopian Posted - 02/23/2009 : 05:24:36
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Don't we all look back to Rocky as best picture and say "What were they thinking?"(check the films that it beat).In 20 years that's what they will be saying about this year's winner.

Of the films I've seen from 1976, I'm happy enough for Rocky to have won.

Which of the nominees do you think are better films this time? I agree that Slumdog is not great, but of the others I only prefer Milk. The Reader and Button both have huge flaws and Frost/Nixon is mainly interesting for the interviews, which can just be watched directly.
Salopian Posted - 02/23/2009 : 02:11:35
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Prediction: upset win for Frost/Nixon.

I'd be upset for one!
Whippersnapper. Posted - 02/23/2009 : 01:58:15


I'll be giving my predictions for the Oscars immediately after the ceremony has finished.

lemmycaution Posted - 02/23/2009 : 01:09:44

Yes I am going to watch and I will probably hate myself in the morning. Prediction: upset win for Frost/Nixon.

Don't we all look back to Rocky as best picture and say "What were they thinking?"(check the films that it beat).In 20 years that's what they will be saying about this year's winner.
Josh the cat Posted - 02/23/2009 : 00:08:05

Josh the cat
Airbolt Posted - 02/22/2009 : 23:33:28

BaftaBaby Posted - 02/22/2009 : 20:59:22

demonic Posted - 02/22/2009 : 19:52:01
Good round folks. Off to my Oscar party now...
Salopian Posted - 02/22/2009 : 18:55:19
Originally posted by chazbo
Same for your Lakeview Terrace one.

Probably too late now, though.

Possibly not.
randall Posted - 02/22/2009 : 17:50:10
chazbo Posted - 02/22/2009 : 17:00:35
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by chazbo

Le poulpe est un c�phalopode qui a huit bras ou tentacules. Jules Verne �tait un Fran�ais, mais pas d'un c�phalopode.

Very nice GoodFellas one.

Thanks, Salopian. Same for your Lakeview Terrace one.


PS. I guess I should have provided notes for The Third Man, which follows Harry Lime's longtime friend Holly as he tries to solve the mystery of Lime's death, and for White Dog, which is about a dog that is trained to attack black people. Probably too late now, though.

ChocolateLady Posted - 02/22/2009 : 09:22:39
Got everyone and Yukon got 5/5 from me.

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