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 F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 15: zeugma

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 01/09/2009 : 01:09:05
The challenge this time is to review using zeugma. The O.E.D. definition is: a figure of speech in which a word applies to two others in different senses (e.g. John and his driving licence expired last week). Alternatively, you may go with anything that fits the wider Wikipedia description (which includes numerous reviews here, as it is a word-saving device), within which this type of syllepsis is pretty much synonymous with the dictionary definition.

I have chosen this theme because it should be quite a challenge in contrast to the last one but everyone will be able to come up with some reviews if they put their mind to it. ([matt], I still have in mind that theme we were talking about, but I have gone with this one first so that I don't forget about it.)

Please post a specific link to each review and give clear spoiler warnings where appropriate.

You are welcome to post existing reviews, but you are particularly encouraged to write new ones fitting the requirement. Indeed, people being less likely to already have sylleptic examples than reviews fitting many preceding themes was another reason for my selecting this one.

Like all challenges, this will be completely open-ended, due to the variable speed of approvals and the fact that inspiration does not come at will. Good luck!

Other challenges:
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 1: alliteration
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 2: puns on film titles
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 3: turn a phrase
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 4: The Man Who Knew Infinity
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 5: uniqueness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 6: lengthiness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 7: matching reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 8: find the hidden message
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 9: going for a song
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 10: responses
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 11: rhyme
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 12: anagrams
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 13: four-letter film reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 14: weddings
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 01/28/2009 : 13:56:03
Another of mine I missed
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/28/2009 : 10:44:00
Found some more:

Bande � Part

The Bank Job

A Bank Robbery

lemmycaution Posted - 01/15/2009 : 16:02:05
Late to the party, challenge.

Curse of the Jade Scorpion.

The Exorcist.




Seven Sweethearts.

All This and World War II.
demonic Posted - 01/15/2009 : 00:49:46
Another newbie...

and spoiler for "Seven Pounds"
Larry Posted - 01/10/2009 : 23:25:39

I think these qualify. (The first and last reviews are pretty much the same joke.)

The Guru


Jimmy Carter: Man from Plains

Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York
lemmycaution Posted - 01/10/2009 : 21:24:56
Here is one that just passed today:

Owning Mahowny.
Salopian Posted - 01/10/2009 : 18:52:31
Lots of good reviews so far (although many I'd already voted on). Some are indeed not zeugma (in some cases perhaps because of unfixed links), but by the way in all these challenges I vote on each review's own basis regardless of whether I think it fits the theme.
[matt] Posted - 01/10/2009 : 01:38:12

Oh ok, I guess I thought it could also be when a word has two different potential meanings that both make sense in the context. Ah well!
demonic Posted - 01/09/2009 : 23:58:22
Unless I've missed the point I'm not sure your reviews are right [matt]. If I understand it it's using one central word (verb or noun) that has a different (potentially comic) meaning when placed alongside two other words. I've found another one of mine...

The Mother

For example for your "Ghost Train" review to contain a zeugma it would be need to be something like "Train, passengers are late."

And here's one newly approved....

French Connection 2
[matt] Posted - 01/09/2009 : 19:08:22
Here are some I think fit the description.

Aileen: Life & Death of a Serial Killer

Dunston Checks In

Lemmy (documentary about the famously warty rocker)

The Ghost Train

The Great Train Robbery

A History of British Art

Dancer In The Dark (this actually contains two)

Disco Sex Party (as does this one)

Naked Lawyers
rockfsh Posted - 01/09/2009 : 15:50:18
I think this qualifies
Changeling (spoiler)
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/09/2009 : 15:03:04

The Connection

Frankie and Johnny

Night at the Museum

Winning London

The Man in the Chair

Beanmimo Posted - 01/09/2009 : 13:28:10

Is this what you mean ?
demonic Posted - 01/09/2009 : 03:12:12
Think I've got the right idea, though I wasn't 100% sure as I searched through...

Barton Fink

Candyman 2

Ghostbusters 2


Pet Sematary


The Vanishing - this would be a spoiler.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 01/09/2009 : 02:15:14

Is this one, oh high and mighty High Priest of Grammar? (bows very low)

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