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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 12/27/2008 : 18:35:55
(1) Post your eleventh highest 100 unless
(a) you have fewer than 1,100 reviews, in which case it can be your lowest 100, or
(b) you have fewer than 100 reviews, in which case it can be all of them.

(2) It has to be your actual eleventh highest 100, not the eleventh highest 100 unvoted by me.

(3) Only post your own page.

(4) Warn of any hardcore spoilers that are present at the time of posting, and try to notice any others entering your selection.

(5) Visit every valid link posted.

(6) Please do not post just to say that you have viewed and/or voted (that can be taken as read). If you still really feel the need to prove that you have visited a page (or you just want to for its own sake), you are welcome to highlight specific reviews -- that's a lot more interesting for everyone.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2008 : 17:06:10
Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f

I'll play.

Bunch of loverly stuff including your fwfr for The Luck Of Ginger Coffey - maybe a tad cheesy, but it made me smile very loudly!

BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2008 : 16:58:43
Originally posted by thefoxboy

thefoxboy's 11th

Your fwfr for The Goat Man proves that everything isn't contained in the spoken word Nice!

BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2008 : 16:53:28
Originally posted by wildheartlivie

My sometimes less than stellar eleven.

Although I think there are some decent reviews in there.

Me too! I like the incongruity of your Lifeboat fwfr!

BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2008 : 16:42:54
Originally posted by dem9nic

Starting to scrape the bottom of the barrell... Eleventh

Already voted for lots n lots, but found a few more, including one for Sympathy For Lady Vengeance.

lemmycaution Posted - 12/30/2008 : 16:27:19
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by lemmycaution

Lem's 'leven.

Your witty Lady In Cement fwfr was just one of the handful I hadn't already voted for!

I thank you.
Salopian Posted - 12/30/2008 : 14:52:53
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Salopian

Here are mine.

Especially liked your fwfr for Monkeyshines, No. 2.

Thanks. That was one of my favourites when I read through the page myself.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2008 : 14:36:57
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Lem's 'leven.

Your witty Lady In Cement fwfr was just one of the handful I hadn't already voted for!

BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2008 : 14:32:17
Originally posted by Salopian

Here are mine.

Especially liked your fwfr for Monkeyshines, No. 2.

Josh the cat Posted - 12/30/2008 : 01:15:55
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Here is my 11th highest voted by anyone

hope this meets your criteria

Josh the cat

Especially liked your AliG fwfr!

Cheers Baffy
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/30/2008 : 01:13:08
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Here is my 11th highest voted by anyone

hope this meets your criteria

Josh the cat

Especially liked your AliG fwfr!

RockGolf Posted - 12/28/2008 : 22:05:25
I'll play.
thefoxboy Posted - 12/28/2008 : 20:50:39
thefoxboy's 11th
w22dheartlivie Posted - 12/28/2008 : 15:08:02
My sometimes less than stellar eleven.

Although I think there are some decent reviews in there.
demonic Posted - 12/28/2008 : 13:20:13
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by dem9nic

Starting to scrape the bottom of the barrell... Eleventh

Wow, your 'dregs' are amazingly strong, given that you only have a handful of reviews below those. They are about the same level as mine linked above and I have hundreds of lower reviews. (N.B. I haven't voted on anyone's yet -- I was just drawn in to check by your comment.)

Kind of you to say so. I do tend to throw out reviews that I'm not so sure of and don't do well in voting. I take it as a sign that the muse passed me by on such occasions! If there's a seed of a better idea there I edit and improve too to push them up a bit... and that tends to be around about this page... my 4s and 5s.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/28/2008 : 11:33:01
Anyone for elevenses?

Thanks for the thread, Sal.
Will eventually get around to voting - next week should have a bit more room for me.

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