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 Sean's FYCTH #461

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/27/2008 : 07:56:12
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: An apple a day starts to add up to an orchard!
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 12/02/2008 : 01:41:38
Originally posted by r9ckfsh

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by r9ckfsh

Burn After Reading spoilers

I don't get the -ad rhyme one. Is the first one describing the second (which I don't think is accurate) or are they separate people with the verb in an odd place?

The second.

O.K., at least it makes sense, so I've voted for it now. However, I'd suggest giving it a normal word order. Maybe you wanted to have the c and h either side of the ch, but I think it's just as satisfying to have the order c, h, ch as if the ch is the product of the preceding elements.
rockfsh Posted - 12/01/2008 : 15:31:34
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by r9ckfsh

Burn After Reading spoilers

I don't get the -ad rhyme one. Is the first one describing the second (which I don't think is accurate) or are they separate people with the verb in an odd place?

The second. Harry Pfarrer is the cad.
LadyMeerkat Posted - 12/01/2008 : 06:00:19
I'm back!

Hmm I just realised I've posted this on the old thread. Will have to repost it on new one when it pops up I guess :P
lemmycaution Posted - 12/01/2008 : 02:48:22
This idiot, generally known as a humourless bastard, voted (sparingly).
Whippersnapper. Posted - 12/01/2008 : 02:43:09
Originally posted by dem9nic

What a depressing voting round. What's going on?

I've given everyone at least two votes to wake things up a bit. Whipper got a well deserved 5/5 from me and I'm amazed that I was the first to vote on two of them.

Thanks Dem.

I was pretty astounded too by the lack of votes for those reviews - still, I put it down to my fellow fwfrs being a miserable bunch of humourless bastards.

Salopian Posted - 12/01/2008 : 01:40:03
Originally posted by dem9nic

What a depressing voting round. What's going on?

I've given everyone at least two votes to wake things up a bit.

I just think it was quite a weak round, myself certainly included. The best sets were from RockGolf and Sludge.

I gave you more than two and less than five. And it wasn't three.
Salopian Posted - 12/01/2008 : 01:38:02
Originally posted by Slud9e

Originally posted by CankleFetish

Gobble, Gobble...

Just voting now. Hope you get more for The Warriors - "Goin' Back to Coney".

Feel free to explain it and maybe that will happen.
Salopian Posted - 12/01/2008 : 01:35:36
Originally posted by Yukon

Warning: One of these reviews contains coarse language.

I cannot tell whether you mean casualities or not. It could be an extra piece of wordplay in reference to casual sex, but I think it would be neater as just casualties.
Salopian Posted - 12/01/2008 : 01:26:59
Originally posted by r9ckfsh

Burn After Reading spoilers

I don't get the -ad rhyme one. Is the first one describing the second (which I don't think is accurate) or are they separate people with the verb in an odd place?
demonic Posted - 12/01/2008 : 00:47:47
What a depressing voting round. What's going on?

I've given everyone at least two votes to wake things up a bit. Whipper got a well deserved 5/5 from me and I'm amazed that I was the first to vote on two of them.
Sludge Posted - 11/30/2008 : 23:22:36
Originally posted by CankleFetish

Gobble, Gobble...

Just voting now. Hope you get more for The Warriors - "Goin' Back to Coney".
Whippersnapper. Posted - 11/30/2008 : 22:49:13

BaftaBaby Posted - 11/30/2008 : 22:34:30

randall Posted - 11/30/2008 : 21:01:30
chazbo Posted - 11/30/2008 : 17:37:17

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