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 Sean's FYCTH #459

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
w22dheartlivie Posted - 11/20/2008 : 07:01:43
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: Life could be a dream!
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Canklefish Posted - 11/24/2008 : 05:16:49
I've done my doody
Whippersnapper. Posted - 11/24/2008 : 02:13:43

Voted like a good boy.

demonic Posted - 11/24/2008 : 02:10:24
Originally posted by Salopixn

Originally posted by dem9nic

Originally posted by Salopixn

I'd appreciate suggestions for improving my pair of Eckhart reviews. I'm not happy with the second one.

You might need to provide some context; I don't know either film, or what you're aiming for.

I'm just highlighting the fact that he has twice played a character referred to only as Man.

I might have gone for "Eckhart's a man's Man", or "a real Man" in the first instance.
demonic Posted - 11/24/2008 : 02:07:39
Heaps of good stuff this round...

Bean got 1/1.

Really liked Randall's "Century of Cinema", [Matt]'s "Space Nuns", and strong rounds from Yukon, Airbolt and Larry. Thanks fellas.
[matt] Posted - 11/24/2008 : 01:43:30


Randall, great review for the Rufus Wainwright documentary! Really clever one that, and undervoted in my opinion.

BaftaBaby Posted - 11/23/2008 : 20:38:07

Salopian Posted - 11/23/2008 : 19:06:19
Originally posted by dem9nic

Originally posted by Salopixn

I'd appreciate suggestions for improving my pair of Eckhart reviews. I'm not happy with the second one.

You might need to provide some context; I don't know either film, or what you're aiming for.

I'm just highlighting the fact that he has twice played a character referred to only as Man.
ChocolateLady Posted - 11/23/2008 : 13:53:07
Got everyone. See y'all tomorrow!
lemmycaution Posted - 11/22/2008 : 15:58:57
chazbo Posted - 11/22/2008 : 15:15:39
Voted to here.

Yukon Posted - 11/21/2008 : 22:59:11
Originally posted by Salopixn

Originally posted by Yukon


Big old spoiler (in the hint and in the review). The identity of those people is kept hidden to start with.

It's actually given away about 20 minutes into the movie, plus it's was mentioned in all the reviews when the film came out.
So I'd say it's a little spoiler.
Still, sorry to all people out there who have never heard of the movie and didn't know this fact.
demonic Posted - 11/21/2008 : 15:49:59
Originally posted by Salopixn

I'd appreciate suggestions for improving my pair of Eckhart reviews. I'm not happy with the second one.

You might need to provide some context; I don't know either film, or what you're aiming for.
Sludge Posted - 11/21/2008 : 14:12:17
Late. Seriously.

VV to here. What an inspiring round!
Salopian Posted - 11/21/2008 : 01:33:17
I'd appreciate suggestions for improving my pair of Eckhart reviews. I'm not happy with the second one.
randall Posted - 11/20/2008 : 21:18:36
V&V to here.

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