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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Canklefish Posted - 10/10/2008 : 16:30:55
Nought for consideration #7

Do you have a few zero 'voted reviews' you'd like to submit for mass consideration? Well, most of us do... Getting some of our more obscure reviews a thorough viewing can be a daunting task, but with the help of this thread steps can be taken to remedy the situation.

Simply post one(Hell, post several) of your 'Zero' pages and I'll gladly take a look. Many of you already know me to peruse your pages casually, but if you submit here, then you're guaranteed a viewing. I hope you'll view mine also, but the one rule of this post is that you're not obligated to do so...

Some zeros need to remain zeros. I recognize that all too well by viewing my own bottom-dwellers, but if you've got some reviews you feel haven't been given proper attention, then this is your chance.

As it happens, I now work weekends, but rest assured I will get to all your submissions...

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Canklefish Posted - 10/16/2008 : 07:46:38
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by hustleboy007

These reviews aren't the bottom of the barrel.
These reviews aren't below the bottom of the barrel.
These reviews don't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as barrels.

I guess we'll have to cross these off since there are no more noughts left on your list!

I actually wiped the last 3 Noughts off Hustleboys' list. He consistently posts the top stuff in his repertoire on this thread, and I consistently scroll down to get to the meat of the noughts/1 voted reviews. If I went by his top stuff, I'd have nothing to vote upon, 'cuz I've 'touched' upon most of his greater contributions.....
ChocolateLady Posted - 10/16/2008 : 07:39:06
Originally posted by hustleboy007

These reviews aren't the bottom of the barrel.
These reviews aren't below the bottom of the barrel.
These reviews don't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as barrels.

I guess we'll have to cross these off since there are no more noughts left on your list!

lemmycaution Posted - 10/15/2008 : 23:58:59
All noughts reviewed.
Larry Posted - 10/13/2008 : 17:32:07

Voted through HustleBoy
hustleboy007 Posted - 10/13/2008 : 02:49:39
These reviews aren't the bottom of the barrel.
These reviews aren't below the bottom of the barrel.
These reviews don't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as barrels.

Josh the cat Posted - 10/12/2008 : 23:40:13
I'll throw my hat in the ring

Josh the cat
randall Posted - 10/12/2008 : 20:56:52
Yukon Posted - 10/12/2008 : 13:35:20
Here are my zeros.
Canklefish Posted - 10/12/2008 : 06:37:29
Current again, thru Hustleboy that is.
randall Posted - 10/11/2008 : 12:50:12
Some of my 0-voters.
thefoxboy Posted - 10/11/2008 : 09:56:42
100 accolade fillers.
Canklefish Posted - 10/11/2008 : 06:34:52
So far, so good(V&V to here)... I fully expect 4-5 more participants as the weekend unfurls. Looking forward to viewing all the reviews as they come.

As per usual, I've uncovered many gems that make this post worthwhile on a monthly basis(Really doesn't warrant a weekly attempt). The MERPs have been very busy, as I've seen my 'pending' list drop to the shortest it's been since I joined the site(Dammit, had grown quite attached to my long list).

Much appreciation goes out to them... Love to see accepted reviews littering my inbox
Salopian Posted - 10/11/2008 : 03:31:22
Thanks, C.F. I'll visit you later, plus anyone who doesn't say V&V.
ChocolateLady Posted - 10/10/2008 : 22:38:15
Since the MERPs have been busy lately, I've got lots of these to push.

All My Zeros!

Lots of great reviews here - I've gone through everyone so far!

(That's through Randall's list.)
BaftaBaby Posted - 10/10/2008 : 22:29:34
Such a cutie-pie!

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