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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 09/15/2008 : 06:00:04
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.

Do not use reviews from the previous round: you must change them every round.

Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.

Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.

You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.

The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. F.W.F.R. time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thefoxboy Posted - 09/19/2008 : 01:33:56
Originally posted by [matt]

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

So far so good!

(Foxy, demonic and [matt] got 5/5 from me!)


foxboy, I love your 1 Night In Paris review, it made me actually laugh out loud!

Although if I'm really fussy, it doesn't need a capital H does it?


Thanks CL and [matt]
I suppose it doesn't.

Larry Posted - 09/18/2008 : 13:02:11
Thanks for the "municipal" heads-up, Whippy. You are absolutely right. I've reported it.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/18/2008 : 01:14:46

I got a review refused the other day with the comment "this review is not sufficiently film-specific".

I said to myself "Well, at least it wasn't too generic!"

demonic Posted - 09/18/2008 : 01:00:23
Voted y'all.

Originally posted by MM0rkeleb

Another spoilery review for The Happening. Should be on the right again.

I was pretty surprised to see this review for "The Happening" to be honest. I submitted that identical review at the same time as my approved review for the film (passed June 18th) and got it declined on a first and second pass with a "too generic" reason. Sal complains about this sort of thing, but I've never personally seen it till now. No disrespect or complaint to Morkeleb - he thought of it independently and all, but should this sort of thing happen?
Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/17/2008 : 23:44:43


And shouldn't that have been "municipal"?

Just sayin'.
[matt] Posted - 09/17/2008 : 23:20:09
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

So far so good!

(Foxy, demonic and [matt] got 5/5 from me!)


foxboy, I love your 1 Night In Paris review, it made me actually laugh out loud!

Although if I'm really fussy, it doesn't need a capital H does it?

BaftaBaby Posted - 09/17/2008 : 22:58:08

Larry Posted - 09/17/2008 : 22:50:31

MM0rkeleb Posted - 09/17/2008 : 20:19:11

lemmycaution Posted - 09/17/2008 : 13:56:58
randall Posted - 09/17/2008 : 10:04:16
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/17/2008 : 06:45:04
So far so good!

(Foxy, demonic and [matt] got 5/5 from me!)
[matt] Posted - 09/17/2008 : 04:47:28

Hi all, I've missed the last couple of FYCs due to having no internet, but now I have it back!

So, who fancies some penis? (-related reviews)

Note: pathetic fallacy is the attribution of human feelings to inanimate things, a technique often used in literature.
hustleboy007 Posted - 09/16/2008 : 11:07:32
What do the stock market and my reviews have in common? Diminishing returns.
Salopian Posted - 09/16/2008 : 04:48:30
Originally posted by demonic

There's a pretty obvious trio of reviews here that didn't get approved at the same time... It'd be great if the kindly folk who bumped the first two could push the poor lagging third too!

Nice. I'd prefer them if the relevant number were asterisked/capitalised rather than unbracketed, but they're still very nice.

I see that, true to form, the one you submitted first was approved last.

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