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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Canklefish Posted - 09/12/2008 : 23:03:46
Nought for consideration #6

Do you have a few zero 'voted reviews' you'd like to submit for mass consideration? Well, many of us do... It can be tough getting some of our more obscure reviews a thorough viewing, but with the help of this thread, steps can be taken to remedy the situation.

Simply post one(Hell, post several) of your 'Zero' pages and I'll gladly take a look. Many of you already know me to peruse your pages casually, but if you submit here, then you're guaranteed a viewing. I hope you'll view mine also, but the one rule of this post is that you're not obligated to do so; I've simply found this to be a proactive way to fill an occasional Fwiffering weekend.

Some zeros need to remain zeros, I recognize that all too well by viewing my own bottom-dwellers, but if you've got some reviews you feel haven't been given proper attention, then feel free to submit them here.

This post(formerly known as 'Zero to Hero') is currently slotted for the 2nd Friday of every month.

Let's get those zeros some attention!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 09/19/2008 : 15:25:04
Done. Bye.
lemmycaution Posted - 09/19/2008 : 14:47:25
September's goose eggs hatched.
Salopian Posted - 09/19/2008 : 09:25:57
I'm in.
Canklefish Posted - 09/15/2008 : 12:48:39
You've all been touched officially by a Cankle... Thru Sal

Anybody else want some sugar?
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 09/15/2008 : 07:35:49
My zeroes have entered teenage and need some taming!
Larry Posted - 09/14/2008 : 20:35:32

Voted for all. Lotsa' stuff that needed to move up from zero.
randall Posted - 09/14/2008 : 15:40:08
Originally posted by CankleFetish

Originally posted by Randall

0-Vote Mania redux.

EDIT: Hey Cankie: I tagged you too, but why don't you go ahead and post a link yourself?

Am I missing something?

Oops, I hit you TWICE! Didn't register the first link was yours, so I went back in and DIY dug one out!
Canklefish Posted - 09/14/2008 : 15:15:05
Originally posted by Randall

0-Vote Mania redux.

EDIT: Hey Cankie: I tagged you too, but why don't you go ahead and post a link yourself?

Am I missing something?

No prob, thought perhaps I truly was missing something... Plus, deception is my key to securing maximum votes.

lemmycaution Posted - 09/13/2008 : 21:42:29
Lemmy's in for September.
Canklefish Posted - 09/13/2008 : 14:11:22
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

I have hit the Cankle!

You are NO martyr!

No, seriously, you don't have enough to do on the w/e? -- OK - lemme just ask - do you do housework? - because if you're at a loose end, I got plenty

Well, since you asked... I actually have plenty to do on the weekends these days, what with the new job and the night classes I've been taking for the past 5 months to help guide me in a different career direction, but when I first started this post 9-10 months ago, I really did have nothing to do on the weekends but watch TV and check the Fwiffering boards to see what was up.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the weekends around here can seem pretty slow/uneventful/boring(FYCTH for example yields me many votes on Thursdays and Sundays, but nary a vote in between), so many months ago I created a thread to see just how many people hang around here on the weekend. It went by a different name then, but it happened to catch on a bit, to the point anyway that it became prudent to rename it and fit it into a reasonable scheduled timeslot.

Now, while I actually have a 'full plate' each and every weekend, NFC is still a way to guarantee myself some quality 'Fwiffering time' in order to fill my 'Fwiffering weekend', cuz sometimes I just need a 'Fwiffering fix' so to speak.

That is the long and the short of it. I certainly don't think of myself as a martyr, as I've never taken a bullet for any of you in order to further myself in the Fwiffering realm, and as far as housework goes... I do just enough to make things liveable, tho I could be considered a bit of a neat freak...

I've only had the opportunity to visit a couple pages, but rest assured I will visit all who attend & post
BaftaBaby Posted - 09/13/2008 : 12:11:09
I have hit the Cankle!

You are NO martyr!

No, seriously, you don't have enough to do on the w/e? -- OK - lemme just ask - do you do housework? - because if you're at a loose end, I got plenty

randall Posted - 09/13/2008 : 11:45:59
0-Vote Mania redux.

EDIT: Slapped everybody through lemmy. Hey Cankie: I tagged you too, but why don't you go ahead and post a link yourself?
thefoxboy Posted - 09/13/2008 : 05:35:54
Here's a random page of 0s
Larry Posted - 09/13/2008 : 02:14:21

I wanna play, I wanna play!
Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/12/2008 : 23:42:08

I'm only doing this to humour you...

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